Britain YES!

Movies won't be eligible for BAFTA unless diverse cast

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>0 actors from Liberia

lul how about that white boi? you mad in yo pants? lolololololol... be mad as hell white boi. you dun have much time left xdxdxdxdxdxdxdxdxd black bois are takin over lmao

I would make a zombie movie

Only niggers get infected

Must wipe out niggers

Movie is called Nigger Zombie

People like you are fucking up this world

What is it with the British and having to cuck up everything? Even Sweden isn't doing this

the Niggerpocalypse

ayayayayayayayay xdxdxdxdxdxsxs look at the ooga booga aussie lololololololololol have some bad dimsum ei white m8? go drive yo honda jazz back to momma whitey jajajjajajajajaja

what is bafta?

would watch

Link the article or fuck off.

I call bullshit.

>yfw somebody makes a movie with a citizen of every single country in the world and automatically wins

Bitch Ass Film Thot Association

Would an all-black cast be considered "diverse" ???
>That would be HELLA diverse

It means you have to put John Boyega in your movie, no matter what it is or what part he's playing.

brits created israel bro. They call their national broadcaster the "BBC". It's in their nature to be cucked.

Checked and keked

Here ya go nigger. Enjoy your pointless award.

That is outright deranged.

What happened to the old shibboleth about artists being free to peruse their own vision?

They are doing stuff now that can’t be justified in terms that make sense to the western sane mind.

In a way, it’s good.. bring about the pushback while the situation may be salvageable...keep the bullshit coming.

No the winning Oscar formula would be to make a movie about a Jewish black retard who loves sucking dick. Then during your acceptance speech call out all the sick Hollywood pedos.

>Jewish black retard who loves sucking dick
And he's fighting the Nazis.

This world will burn. We will salt the earth on our way out.

I've never heard of BAFTA.

probably some trade agreement

10/10 would watch again

the people of the UK have no power to push back.

if they had a second amendment then the kikes wouldn't be so blatant with this shit.

UK is completely powerless.

Will we soon reach a point where we can crowd fund alternative film that can rival big budget studios? Kind of like how anyone can make music using software from home nowadays. How long before you can shoot a feature film using your smartphone?

that would be great to see actually

where's all the britbongs at?

their spirits have been broken

Does diversity count as being accurate to the population percentages or more more minorities than white people.

Obvious fake news.

Apathy is pretty high in general in Britain, we just don't really care anymore.

They’re watching the corrie

Where are the fucking bongs when we want to laugh at them^

Isn't "Black Mirror" a British production? Its diversity is so contrived, I can hardly sit through one episode.

>Aisha Harris
most generic negroid names.

The homeland is always the testing ground. You're next, commonweath. Of course the cucks in Hollywood will go along too.

Shit skin women can't compete, its only natural they need outside interference for them to get into movies

What if it featured no humans, just a bunch of animals doing fuck all. Would that win a BAFTA?

hmmm, so if there is a movie about sayyyyy, MLK - with an all black cast, it can't be nominated because there are no whites? Or....does it not work that way?

Pic related is from an interview with BAFTA chief exec Amanda Berry.

Irish need not apply.

come on now..

Why are the bongs so bonkers for the BBC?

Rubber did pretty well.
To be fair there where some humans but you could have basically deleted them and it would have been the same

women are almost as bad as the kikes

The Indian version is called POOFTA

I like the one eye symbolism in the trophy. Seriously, just litter more illumanity symbolism shit all over the place.

Just when you thought Britannia could not be more cucked.


Are movie theaters accepting EBT now?

They literally cannot stop sucking nigger dick. It has always been in their blood.

das rite, guv.

What the fuck is a BAFTA, is what everyone will say in a decade.

It's something like British Award for film and television arts or some nondescript shut. I guess it's like a Grammy except with poor dentition.

The UK is cultural Marxism central. The BBC is run by Jews.

Fuck these gay ass inner industry circle jerks

Lol that's a funny was to de-legitimize your faggy awards show. Oh well!

A movie that came out recently did just that. 90% of the cast was black and it was universally praised for its "diversity"
Hopefully someone has the screen shot
I think it was a black panthers movie or something like that

This is literally fake news.

Now I want to see that movie.

The twist at the end is that there never really was a infection.

Pipe down expat

that award statue isint very diverse

Remember, "diverse" means "less whites", with the "most diverse" meaning "no whites".

It's like a competition on who is the bigger cuck between UK and Sweden. Canada is trying to keep up too.

>make a character that can shapeshift
>briefly turns into a nigger, a spic, a chink, a poo-in-the-loo and a sandnigger when showcasing his ability to his companions
>rest of the movie is all white

If I were to quantify the contest, I would say Sweden is at a 97/100 UK 95/100 Canada probably around 85/100
Its a tight race, and the finish line is gunna be exciting, im rooting for the Dark Horse Canada to pull ahead.

>end scene
>society is shown flourishing
>white people all smiling
>"breaking news, it was just a niggerflu"
>everyone shrugs it off

Just make a series of dirty harry/bronson style films about vigilantes dealing with crime out of control. Give it a nitty true to life feel and the various people the lead shoots will be very diverse. Hell, half the third world will get an appearance if you set it in London.



british academy of film and television awards

in other words, their oscars

>how the quads were summoned

>Obvious fake news.


twist addendum: the chimpout scenes were recorded from unacted, real life scenarios

It's a prequel to Avengers III

How many women have you raped today soldier?

checkerino and kekerino

There's a video game franchise about zombies and one game took place in Africa. Basically meant a white dude gunning down hoards of blackies

>undermining and restricting creative freedom and choice

the left and their utter shitbag behavior, everybody...

I hope they make a film about African tribal people, including 50% ginger haired Irish men in the cast because diversity.

Is this chimp even a good actor? Is he the next Denzel Washington or something?

Guess Nigerian cinema doesn't deserve any recognition.

John Boyega is such a pathetic little anti-White.
>Pic related.

You know that's not the definition of diversity they are using.

This actually sounds great. Jamal in Detroit is patient zero after eating some chicken next to the toxic waste plant.

It's real.

was it worth it?

Black African Faggot Tranny Award

No, the coons around here are slowly but surely moving out.
Make it in Cleveland or Chicago.

There would be too many white people.

Resident Evil 5. I remember SJWs at the time got upset about how racist it was and bitched about fucking white males making a game like this, even though Resident Evil is made entirely by Japs.

Actually a good idea. Make a very diverse movie, sell it as such. But also make it very racist.

Just to fuck with these genocidal cultural Marxists

>Pryde n' Prejudize

The story of Elshiquanda Beniquatay, one of five unmarried daughters of a poor muslim taxi driver from London, and Mr Darcy, her white, privileged land-owning suitor. Will Elshiquanda find true love? Will Mr Darcy recognise his role as a white, heterosexual british man in continuing oppressive, systemic racism in british society? Will handsome indian suitor Prakesh Jidabi steal Elshiquanda's heart? Will the local skinhead nazi gang get its just deserts? Coming soon to a theatre near you!

That was right around the time Capcom entered their latest "fuck everybody" period. I remember reading a press release that stated the team never considered the racial aspect, and they never said another word about it. Went on to be one of their all time best sellers, even as an ugly piece of shit.

Yeah it's the (((bongs))) that are doing this.

not really..

he's just there to fill the diversity quota