Fat people should be forced to lose weight in 3-4 months otherwise they should be put into forced labor camps until...

Fat people should be forced to lose weight in 3-4 months otherwise they should be put into forced labor camps until they have lost the weight and become 'human sized'.

Tell me why this isn't a good idea? These walking pieces of blubber are taking up too space and are a drain on society and the climate.

I'd be cheaper and more effective to limit their access to health services and other benefits.

The same should apply to smokers, drug addicts and foreigners from trash countries who haven't filed tax returns for the previous 10 years.

I must say Im no natsoc but our youth (and adults) are fat and getting fatter. Work these obesitys to the bone.

Why not put them into forced labour camps when they get above 26-27 BMI?

it's a good idea
why kill em when you can fix em?

It wouldn't be fair inho. Give them some time to lose it by themselves freely otherwise take their freedom and put them in a work camp until they do so.

This is a VERY good idea for multiple reasons
1.puts less pressure on hospital budgets
2.the date can save more money
3.depending on how intense the Labour is countries like Russia and the United States would have a lot more men ready for the armed forces
4.healthy people=longer life spans
also in my opinion it's fine to be thick until it's considered obesity


If they’re hitting those BMI levels, then they most likely won’t take reducing their weight seriously until they’re in a camp themselves.
Also, it also is a bit iffy in regards as to what would happens if this manages to shock people into not being fat.

I wonder how long it takes these morbidly obese to loose weight if they were limited to an intake of water and vitamin supplements?

The morbidly obese who sit around and eat all day, we can agree they’re a drain upon society, but what of the ones who work? I have a friend who is morbidly obese (300-500lbs at a guess, don’t know specifics), who works two jobs and is a productive member of society. Does he go into a fat labor camp even though it means removing a productive member from society? And what of Boogie2xxx, the fat fuck who got cucked by the chick who wanted his autism bucks? Technically he’s making a living off donations and not being a welfare sponge, but could one argue that makes him eligible to stay out of the fatty forced labor camps?

I'm sure the fatty would be twice as productive if he wasn't carrying around an extra 200-300 lbs of weight around.

Dude’s working two jobs while skinny people do one. How’s that not productive for society?

People who work two jobs are usually doing so because their first job is low skilled and isn't making enough money. Either way the guy is carrying 200-300 lbs of extra weight. That's not productive.

Most fat people just eat to much and the wrong things
Some fatties have hormone issues, but this is masqueraded by the fast food freaks

I have big gov, but if you're gonna socialize healthcare, you've got to put in the fat/sugar/salt tax too.
They go hand in hand.
Do both or do neither

On the short term, yes, I think forced labour camps would work.
But you don't even have to make them forced.
Just call it free weight loss camp and the first wave will come in hordes.
The laggers have to be dragged tho

Fair point, neither of those jobs is construction, one is tech industry/sitting-on-ass-behind-computer


how did this become your obsession?

pretty disgusting

This IS a good idea.

>put into forced labor camps
>Tell me why this isn't a good idea
The plumbing maintenance costs aside, you wouldn't even be able to hire pig farmers to work a day breathing in that stench.

If you get really fat and exercise then when your skinny youll be so used to carrying 300 lbs that you will be a fitness god because you can do stuff that would be considered impossible by people who were skinny forever

all weak genetics should be eliminated, fat people should be cut off from society, sterilized and left to die

We can't do it because the left and the msm would spin it as torture, and the fatties are so desensitized to work that minimal effort can be played up for suffer-points.

It would scare the normies away from this kind of idea. Patience, padawan. Use the force.

You're right, if we were to create forced work camps for fatties the lefties would go berserk, we would need to obtain control of a State first

Mate they're doing their bit for the economy. All those calories mean burger flippers stay employed.

I don't see the point in living long in a world without social security and a world where nursing homes are hell.

>tfw Fatty MC Fat doesn't want to the forced work camp

sad thing is she's somewhat cute
if she was fit and slim she could be a solid 6
sad seeing so many cuties who are ruined by all the fat

Nothing that some months into the work camps can't fix

Now on the surface this sounds edgy or some shit but..
Can they not be sacrificed for their fat as a new bio-fuel?
Can obesity be put to a positive for the rest of mankind?

Why use them as fuel when you can use them to work for free? When the "weight losing program" is finished, they'll be healthy members of the society again!


>I wonder how long it takes these morbidly obese to loose weight if they were limited to an intake of water and vitamin supplements?
In the 60's a man did just that for 382 days. He lost 276lbs starting from 456lbs

Not all fat = lazy.
I'm fat because physically disabled from an auto accident.
Constant pain from crushed leg, hip, spine.
Yet I still work 60-72hrs a week, refusing drugs and gimmedats.
So fuck all your blind judgement and fat hate. Hope you're hit by a drunk driver.

>I'm fat because physically disabled from an auto accident.
How? Did a tanker truck hauling lard inject you with fat during the crash?
Or did you eat too much after the accident without adjusting for your lessened physical activity?

Don't force them into camps. Just expose them to more of their own market costs.

>and the climate
Dangerous ground. Genocide stalks the path of recruiting murderous disgust into environmentalism. You should leave environmentalism for people who aren't infiltrators like yourself.

As a fatty working to lose weight and improve myself, I can tell you that the problem isn't always them, and it isn't genetics at all. It's sugar. Food companies are putting it everything. It has little nutritional value and gets stored as fat really quickly when you can't produce enough insulin to break it down, and when your pancreas is working at 110% all the goddamn time trying to process the sugar, it gets worn out and can't keep up and you get diabetes. The solution is not exercising like crazy or blaming genetics or any of the other stupid shit people suggest. The solution to the obesity problem is to stop fucking eating so much sugar. Eat as little sugar as you possibly can and drink a fuckton of water and the pounds come flying off. This can be incredibly difficult because sugar has been found to be many times more addictive than cocaine in studies done on rats.

Another thing I'll put out there is that starving yourself works. But don't be an anorexic faggot about it. You need to do it in a controlled and healthy manner. You should start fasting today if you aren't already. I've personally found that not eating for two days and then eating a lot on the third has helped me lose weight. When fasting I only drink water or plain tea or coffee and occasionally I'll protein bar in the early afternoon if I get too hungry. On the third day I eat around 4000-5000 calories worth of natural fats and proteans, which I get from nuts, fish, cheese, and a little bit of steak. Fasting will not only help you lose weight by speeding up your metabolism, it'll also help you to focus and improve your cognitive abilities overall. It also helps you to build muscle faster than you would otherwise.

It's completely natural to be in a constant state of hunger. Nature is one hell of a drug.

Then push to live long in a world with better technology than that, so living long means something better. Push to reform the FDA and expand support for biotech. There are promising drugs that already exist, to name a relatively non-disruptive angle, and there are definitely more invasive potentials with properly disruptive effects.

Hey, I want to give props to you for trying. Keep it up! But you are wrong about insulin. Insulin is what makes the weight gain occur. No insulin -> no weight gain. In fact, you will starve without insulin no matter how much you eat. One of the primary symptoms of untreated diabetes Mellitus (ie no insulin) is weight loss.

Agree on all other counts. It's very difficult to avoid "sugar added."

K this would definitely work.. but... what if i enjoy boning fat bitches once in awhile?? If you turn them all into stacys what am i gonna do? Stacies get boring, sometimes i need something ugly fat and gross to bang

>Insulin is what makes the weight gain occur
I'm a drunk retard on Sup Forums with a memeflag. Thank you for being patient with the mentally challenged.

It is a good idea. Have nutritionists with eye laser scan on the vault of food dose out the rations to the fatties. Also bring cattle prods.

Found the fat guy

I'm morbidly obese (163kg) and agree with you.

But this "they drain our society" is a bullshit argument. I never had a weight related medical problem in my life meanwhile keep paying the healthcare tax (taken from my wage) every month. Most likely i will die around age 40-50 and will never use more than i already paid.

Work driving garbage trucks
I think it's both fat people and gym junkies

The amount of wastage gymheads produce is staggering. good food, piles and piles of it just wolfed down for 'gainz'. Completely non functional, purely aesthetic gains. And dumb shit too, almond milk, soy products, mountains of whey powder

Also affluent families are extremely wasteful and throw out the most perfectly good food. Even full packets unopened because little johnny doesnt like the red ones!

I'd also argue that affluent families cause more sickness due to taking antibiotics every time they feel slightly under the weather and drenching their houses daily with antiseptic, weakening the immune system of their children and creating superbugs resistant to regular biotics. These mutated drug resistant strains then spread like wildfire putting strain on the health system.
Totally disagree with you OP, sure fat people are a drain on the system but singling them out as the cause is a bit naive and objectively incorrect.

It should be based off of body fat percentage, not bmi. It should literally be illegal to be over 19% bf, and if you are, off to the camps, Arbeit Macht Frei, you fat motherfuckers

good on you bro, the rest are just mad they haven't embraced the bariatric lifestyle already.
Engorging yourself with food is the best way to celebrate life in all of it's surfeit, in medieval times, being plus-sized meant a life of respect and dignity.

Not very long if you can actually keep the calorie intake around 1600