How many normies can we redpill in spy mode?
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Omegle thread
bump, keep getting disconnected on tbqh famalamalam
Why are people so thirsty on omegle? The majority of these people are trying to get nudes.
m8 people are fucking garbajo
Never tried this before. I didn't get very far.
This sucks
Which one of you did this
wtf is wrong with people?
This is the crossroad of cringing at normies and autists at once
Only one more than two lines
that was me
This one didn't even let me get a word in.
Any anons answering questions?
Another one.
Yea seen a few
Which one of you is the diaperfag?
I just yelled at him
forgot to add photo
my ribs genuinely hurt from that
>Wow this might be true but that's racist!
Brainlets are the real problem with society
I was hoping for a liberal
>dumb ass Americans
>your society will die once religion dies
European fedoras are the real cancer
I was #2 in that one. flattered you saved it.
Does it strike anyone else as funny that before the internet became widespread the primary criticisms of niggers revolved around them being ugly and loud and people dismissed them as racist, but now the criticism is that they statistically ruin fucking everything and it can be proven with data and people still dismiss it as racist? It's like people are retarded or something.
bump for lulz
Ha, fuckin spic
Once again, not a word in edgewise.
No people are sheep, and white men have been emasculated for generations. What did you expect user?
>defend gays
>use homosexuality as an insult
Depths of insanity.
Fags keep trying to flirt.
user, I thought you wanted to redpill them. You could have brought up the colon issues that come with prolonged gay sex. Or the fact that most gay men die alone without partners because their "culture" revolves around fucking and not relationships.
You talking about stranger 1 or 2?
user, you can't talk to the people in spy mode. I'm the one putting up the questions.
Ahh, never used omegle. Funny shit though.
I can put up a statistic if you want me to. Don't have any on hand.
They are these to cyber
This made me kek
I’m sorry, I’ve made it full fucking circle.
hi user
Which one of you was this?
Made me laugh my heart out.
This had to be one of you.
Like my bait and switch?
perfect tactic user
...he's technically correct
Nice work, paco. I'll visit Home Depot when I need your help again.
Top kek. You're welcome my WASP amigo
kek this one had me convinced until the end
half the people on there are retard thirsty indians that don't even understand how it works
the other half are retard thirsty americans
it's just gonna be Sup Forumsacks larping on there
hey bby show bobs fuk u dum basterd bitc
Stop being a faggot. If it has a y chromosome its gay. Faggot.
filthy r/dramatard
Hahhahaha goteem
Okay, I'm going to post 2 actual funny Omegle screens I did. I'll resurrect this thread from the ashes of faggotry. Jews bout to get BTFO
THIS is how you Omegle properly.
These threads just ruin it. After about 10 minutes of an omegle thread taking off on here, the majority of omegle interactions are just from you faggots
sheeeeit they gone 100emoji
2 of 2
I noticed that too.
Hey pretend faggotry is normal thing and nothing is wrong with it.
Yet they will use it as an inst, as if it wasnt normal and was something bad, and deep down they know it.
Why else would they use it as an insult. They may say uh duuuh cuz you dun liek it.
But then, we dont call them things we see as good, like a patriot for example.
Because why would we call them something thats good or neutral as an insult, doesnt make f... sense
Omegle is filled with Sup Forumstards.
Just a bot
kek, that ending.
pic related was his face when he read the last line.
lol 2 cute
Put some effort into it, bitches.
>It's like people are retarded or something.
welcome to the blackpill, kiddo
You guys are gay as fuck and have nothing interesting to say. Kill yourselves.
Ah the pic has pulled me in.
They never ever address the question just say "racist".
They know they are as well they are just so desperate to be a good person its better to shout other people down than face reality. Your life must be pretty unfulfilled in life to deny reality just for a chance at faux virtue.
Hahahahah Fuckin love it KEK
thanks, fellow mutt.
Meta 1/2
Meta 2/2
hey that's me again.
Which one, red or blue? I'm guessing red.