How retarded do you have to be to become Mormon?
How retarded do you have to be to become Mormon?
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a religion that says you have as a white man the duty to have children, says blacks are traitors and don't deserve to live among whites, the most live very happy, have big families and good values.
maybe it's a lie made up by smith but still the best option as religion watching the recent situation of western civilitation
It's literally freemasonry by another name
yes, it's basically, i am personally friend with a lot of them, it's not a religion it's just a lodge, remember washington was mason, franklin too, tesla, bolivar, etc... i think there's a power behind of what's happening to western civilitation but i have my doubts about them since the people i know are from very high rank of them and they're trying to stop the refugees migration and the illegal inmigration of u.s. Btw all of them that i just mentioned were anti globalist, anti multiculturalism and ati interracial interaction further than negotiations and trade agreements.
how retarded do you have to be to believe any religion?
Mormons basically rule the country Idk what your on but being a Mormon is just like being a Mason you wield more power than the average citizen.
actually non, atheism is basically the new way to diagnostic autism, agnostic i think it's way better to know if someone it's smart or not. Or atleast open enough to accept they're not the center of the world
>How retarded do you have to be to become Mormon?
I wonder who could be behind this post. Surely not a Semite of the large nosed variety that's here to push and anti-Christian agenda. No, that can't possibly be what I'm looking at.
agnosticism is indifference. indifference isn't belief. agnosticism is atheism for pussies.
Mormons are nice people, I feel sorry that they got burdened with Joe and Brigham's lies. They could have been amazing Christians. And it would be amazing to have an institution like the Mormon church that wasn't a complete corruption and blasphemy of the Gospel. Come home Mormons, Jesus is waiting with open arms
As a freemason, I can agree that we are anti-multiculturalism and anti-globalist. We instill traditionalist and mature values such as filal love, reverence for sacred things, courtesy, comradeship, fidelity, cleanliness , reverence for sacred things, and patriotism.
Ask me anything.
you don't have to be radical to have an ideology or religion or whatever, athists claim that there's no god, while religious claim that there's a god, agnostic simply doesn't know it so he doesn't claim anything, hardcore athiests for me it's just for degenerates who are so affraid of a god that have to deny their existence in order to continue their stupid ways, why do you think antifa, blm, socialists, communists and every famous "scientist" claim there's no god.
The only real power you have is that it looks good on a resume, it is easier to be friends with your boss, and you get to work your ass off for good boi points.
>As a freemason
>Ask me anything.
Can I ask you to kill yourself? Please do that.
My mother was previously a mormon. From her stories, they are good people until you break their rules or leave. Then, they are fucking terrifying.
"looks like goyim' afraid of giving his shekles away to derr freemasons! Oh, you leafs sure do love to struggle! Don't worry, we already had you by the balls from the moment you were born. MUAHAHA!"
Do you need proof?
Do you keep the metric system out of the US?
I've heard they get paid, how true is this?
there is no evidence for God. There's also no evidence for there being unicorns, but that doesn't mean it deserves my attention, my money, my respect. or even my indifference. I meet someone who believes in unicorns so much they dedicate a large portion of their life to its culture, I'm going to call them a retard.
exactly, like i said one of them it's a very high rank and it's catholic, since you have to believe in god to belong there. And a lot practice a lot of religions including viking paganism that /pol like it so much.
Well despite what you think of the religion's claims, it doesn't appear to be marxist or damaging like others, such as Islam.
>it's a very high rank and it's catholic
Well, kind of.
You see, in order to be a mason, the basics is that you have to believe in a deity, so catholics and viking pagans are welcomed. Also, I can see why you think it is a high-ranking club since you need to have two people vouch for you and you need to have an ancestor who was a mason. However, 9 times out of 10 you will have a great-great grandfather who was a mason and you can smooch up a local lodge to prove yourself a worthy member.
The bare minimum you can do is lie that your grandpappy was a shriner, lie that you are religious, make friends with a few masons, and get a nice suit. Also, don't act like an autistic NEET.
i know it's not a club that has "ranking" but has obvoiusly like every organitation people who's good enough to teach, masters, apprentices and novices, now you told me something i didn't knew and was the mason ancestry for what i am thankful, but it's ok, i didn't claim to knew it all and i am not that interested to be part of it, i just like to study different things a lot. But it's good to have a source since it's pretty difficult to find good source online, the only thing that most comparate masonry is to illuminati and at this point idk if they really exist.
gnostics are the neutral faggots
I'm mormon, born and raised and you cucks can stay mad. Mormon land is high income with lots of white families with massive amounts of children. Mormons ar4 nationalists just not for the Jewnited States of America but the strong state of Utah. And Mormons form a true Volksgemeinschaft just as Adolf Hitler described. I literally do not care about the book of mormon or however crazy anything in it is. Because the Mormon church fosters healthy responsible white families.
The current leaders of the church may not be the best but they're certainly better then cucktholics, BBCtists, ZOGestants or a plethora of other degenerate churches. (Although eastern orthodox seem alright)
Every culture has rituals that look retarded to outsiders new to them.
Now who is happier, wealthier, and has bigger families - mormons or your particular denomination or ethnicity?
I've always wondered what requirements, if any, are needed for joining? i assume you need an invitation.
You don't need an invite but obviously born mormons get all the benefits naturally whereas a convert would have to work hard for them and be religious about religion.
you guys dont believe Jesus is divine right? how can you say Jesus is lucifer brother?