Say hello to your next Massachusetts senator!
Say hello to your next Massachusetts senator!
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I'm hoping Shiva wins. He used to fuck The Nanny.
Wait. Isn't Warren the incumbent? You're be replacing one progressive for another.
Who's this cum mop? She's ok, those glasses turn me on.
If he's a millionare trust fund kid why doesnt he spend some of daddys money on fixing that hideous face of his?
Somebody post it, the stuff about him being a fucking nut on
>any republicans
Im voting for it and no one can stop me! I want the world to burn!
he's running for house you sperg
it's a trap, you fucking leaf
Bad news, user
that a guy, stupid fucking leaf.
The power of money
Is that Brianna Wu?
I know she's below average, but she's clearly not a man. Honestly how shallow are you people that you would judge a politicians performance based on how they look? She could be a lovely, well qualified woman.
This guy is so fucking ugly
His name is literally John
Dude looks like a lady.
The one on the left is a man, and the one on the right is the woman i've been looking at. They look nothing alike, fucking retard.
vote for this monster. let the public see.
Bad bait
Hopefully someone kills it
i revealed her true identity
a swamp monster
Sexc af
I like the adams apple scarv if you b zoom in and enhance
This is the trans person running for Congress from my district (3rd Massachusetts):
After 9/11, she answered the call to serve our country.
While in law school, Alexandra and her wife Catherine lived in New York City. During the 9/11 attacks Catherine was on a subway train under lower Manhattan when the towers fell. Alexandra spent hours not knowing if she survived.
That day, Alexandra made the decision to join the intelligence community, where she served for 12 years in Naval Intelligence preventing the spread of weapons of mass destruction from countries like North Korea and Iran and targeting arms smuggling to war zones and terrorist groups. She was also assigned to the Pentagon to enforce the same high standards of excellence and professional ethics across all military intelligence agencies that she set in leading her own division of analysts.
im not really seeing a difference
did you use a filter?
She'll be elected when I swipe right on attached.
>if it doesn't win it's gonna blame gamer gate
Kill yourself, faggot
just a tint filter
G'day, based AussieBro! Look out for those sneaky cunt drop bears, m8
I enhanced x200 percent
>evangelion necklace
Are traps gay?
Yes, Yes they are.
unibrow you fuckin homo?
koala's are too high on gum leaves to bother.
She's running for the House Seat in my district which is a conservative democratic district. The sitting Congressman is Stephen Lynch, a blue dog dem.
He has no chance of winning. Nothing to see here.
That's not a trap, it's a fucking ambush.
did someone say unibrow?
Declare Your Independence
Defeat Warren in 18
Read my mind bro. That zombie really needs to have surgery on that face.
it vaguely resembles the family guy antichrist
We live in an age where professionals are being phased out of heir own fields for ideological fuckwits to take their place and ruin everything.
Both are men, that's the joke.
kys newfag
shiva for senate.
you see him at the boston rally?
balls of steel.
40k people that were ready to mob him.
over this.
this is how deluded a fuckton of people are.
it's fucking dangerous.
just because that happened....
the way the news spun it, the way thousands of people were misled and twisted the whole thing into something else entirely...
fuck them.
i've gonna vote shiva because of that expensive psyop shitshow.
those fuckers tried to kill bostonians with psyops. fuck them they're done.
>Greater Boston is over half of the state's population
>ever voting Republican
This state is cucked.
oh yeah well this woman took on the alt-right and won with lip twitching
who votes for that? why is it possible that such people get elected? Obviously no normal person would vote for them
Fuck. Massachusetts will be extremely fucked if that that zombie Wu makes it in.
I need to know where.
I'd super like that bitch.
She's just out there to draw the flak. Chandler, on the other hand, is running for an empty seat (Tsongas is retiring) and could easily win the third, and then everyone can say "See? We aren't opposed to the TGs. We just don't like Brianna." Because really, no one does.
Massachusetts politics.
Fucking stop already faggit
It was this or a Triforce tattoo. Which she probably has as well, in fact.
> she
Greater Boston and City of Boston are two completely different things. Even though surrounding towns went HRC over Trump, the margins were much closer and in some key cities like the 128 belt Trump almost won.
Boston is a shit hole, cesspool full of transplants but the city is in a rapid death spiral.It's not nearly as much of an uphill battle as people think.
Also, there are more voters registered as Independents than there are D+R combined
shit not family guy, american dad
This is the state that has an entire town more-or-less dedicated to gay people.
>Boston is a shit hole, cesspool full of transplants but the city is in a rapid death spiral.It's not nearly as much of an uphill battle as people think.
The only thing in a death spiral in Boston is the MBTA. Otherwise, it's basically San Francisco meets Seattle on the East Coast. Too many "cosmopolitan" types with some money moving in and spending their trust funds for it to truly die.
West Los Angeles
Damn, no wonder I haven't gotten her.
When did you see the profile? Recent?
Seriously though why is everyone in Boston so fucking dumb?
That from today. 9 pm PST.
Too much education.
Boston is basically turning to South Africa. Super rich people are buying choice properties for party houses so the middle class have fled. There are very few non student, whites living in the city and it decreases every year.
Businesses are fleeing Boston every day. For all of the hoopla about how we paid GE a couple 100k per employee to move their office to the Seaport, more and more companies are packing up and moving a few miles outside of the city.
Waltham, Burlington, and Woburn are blowing up from it.
Wish me luck.
Not sure the state is ready to elect degenerates to be senator.
They've been prepped.
Rollin for luck
I unironically want him to win. Just imagining the shitshow that he would make every fucking meeting is tantalizing.
Why is a white woman culturally appropriating asian names like wu, is she some kind of bigot.
You just reminded me that Fran Dresher got home invaded and they raped her in front of her husband.
I totally forgot about that.
Her husband is asian.
>This is what happens when you're raised by Larry Flint.
Honestly she should keep that hair style, she just went from a 5 to a 6/10 for me.
Wu is a raving lunatic who couldn't take her dying dog to the vet because gamergate was tweeting xirself.
You're seen too many stupid movies. Mass has the highest IQ of any state.
Nigga, get some corneal replacements ASAP.
Hot, I didn't know
Looks like Weird Al.