What are the odds trump takes us to war with Iran? I say 90% right now.
What are the odds trump takes us to war with Iran? I say 90% right now
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I'm going with 0. Check back later.
>invades North Korea
>oy vey guys look, (((Iranian))) arms were found in an abandoned nork base
>invades Iran
This is going to happen
Trump and the Sauds have the same goal of ridding the ME of Iran. He gave MbS $110B in arms to do so and tacit approval to use Blackwater to train his soldiers to destroy hamas and the houthis in Yemen
he wont need to go to war
Hopefully 100% you Irani shills are obnoxious.
0 - Besides, Iran is about to tear itself apart from the inside out.
Post update thread in 4 weeks from now and post a screen cap of this comment.
We're not going to war. There is 0 public support for it, and they still pretend at least a little bit to care what the public want. They might do a false flag to blame on iran, but people are pretty much on to false flags now.
Thanks to Dubya doing such a great job of bungling the Iraq War, Americans no longer have any appetite for more wars in the middle east. Trump would sooner bomb Venezuela than Iran.
I give it a 98.1% hillary wins
>What are the odds trump takes us to war with North Korea? I say 90% right now.
>What are the odds trump takes us to war with Russia? I say 90% right now.
Seriously though, we can't let him near the nuclear codes.
Oh enough politics. Just enjoy some tits will ya?
Those tits are fucking disgusting
De-Jewify your brain idiot
How many threads are you going to shill on?
The only pirate you are is a faggot butt pirate.
Go back to whatever fucking liberal wasteland you came from, you fucking queer bitch.
Time to dust off that uniform greatest ally
Won’t happen for a lot of reasons.
Trump knows he has no chance of being reelected if he starts another ground war in the middle east.
He also knows Iran could really fuck up its neighbors quickly if they really went all out, which they would likely do to Saudia Arabia and Israel.
>"Iran Spends Billions on Proxy Wars Throughout the Mideast"
>"The Three Decisions Trump Must Make on Iran in 2018">
>"Report: U.S. Gives Israel Green Light to Assassinate Iranian General Soleimani
read more: haaretz.com
check out this based goyim in a kippah,
>Trump knows he has no chance of being reelected if he starts another ground war in the middle east.
Like he has any chance of getting re-elected right now. He will do whatever the kikes want.
If it was 90 percent we'd see actual massive scale mobilization you dumb retard
ayyyyeeee this is my pic thx OP
>Shillfag thinks Hillary is president
>mexico posting
He's in his own country? I don't see what the problem is.
Fuck me dude, seems (((Trump))) truly does want regime change. Fucking hell, just nuke the ME already, that's some good regime change.
Well if Iran finally overthrows their own government why does he need to?
Trump is our Goy, Goy.