>Pizzagate isnt rea-
Ummmm guys
Bump on literal who's
john legend's ape GF, mention that shes a pedo on twitter and he might sue you LOL
-l. I do like pizza gate however because it makes people angry and celebrities now have to answer against the accusations publicly. I made my professor yell at me because he was using pizza gate as a way to show how fake news can hurt people and I kept trying to contradict him. It was pretty funny.
>literal who makes pizza joke
>hurrrrrrr pizzagate is real!
The boomer scent is strong in this thread.
Oh look another boomer pizza ping pong thread, way to go
>saged and reported btw
We're going to kill the pedos. (fyi)
Sup Forums's double digit IQ leddit style hivemind strikes again
Pedos will be captured and killed.
You can start by committing suicide.
The sweetest feeling in this world is fragmenting purity. Dissolving innocence is such a rush that floods the mind with the most intense high.
>Tfw I was born a pedophile
What the fuck do I do bros?
>boomerposting shills
so who is this Christine Teigen person and why does she keep tagging hashtag pedos in her posts?
Back to t_d leddit fag
Convert to Islam and move to Saudi Arabia. Or you can stop being determined by your sexual proclivities.
kys retard
she's john legends beard
Im not a pedo im just kidding tho
kys retard
No need for thinly veiled threats friend :)
You should embrace the decay. There is nothing sweeter in this fallen world than taking something pure and evaporating it’s innocence. Letting the flower wilt is a right of passage, you must understand..we are all fallen here.
If you were that worried about pedos (hint: you're not)you'd become a contributing member of society, join the military and BTFO the middle east instead of being a basement dwelling degen posting on Sup Forums with your tinfoil hat. Go back newfag
>literal who?
>literal who is another literal who’s girlfriend
>uh... thanks for the clarification user
>just die for israel, go- i mean, contributing member of society!
not even trying to be subtle anymore, huh?
>kys retard
>posting blatant photoshopped twitter posts
>thinking anyone will fall for this
You should log off for a bit and relax nigger
if you try to attack her from the right, everyone will defend her and call you a crazy conspiracy theorist. but if you attack her from a SJW leftie side, it can get a lot of attention.
just do it mate
>literal who
>girlfriend of another literal who who is also apparently a secret faggot?
Just how does deep does the literally who rabbit hole go?
I fell for it.
It’s photoshopped you retard
hi schlomo
>just do it mate
go on
These incels were ranting and raving about the podesta’s getting locked up lol
Now that they failed at accomplishing that goal they moved onto smaller fish trying to save face xD
Fucking pathetic
I would be investigating the professor user.
Repent to Christ illuminatii shitbot!
Also nice gets!
>no significant arrests
>no concrete evidence
>same three people make these threads and provide nothing noteworthy
>spam there own threads with walls of boring text and photoshopped pictures
Remember to sage and report all boomer shill threads!
yo, kikes, the boomer thing is obvious shilling.
yes, boomers -- by and large -- suck. but it's not going to divert our attention from pizzagate.
we are bringing your blackmail networks down. and (((you))) go down with them.
It's not shooped, there are fake tweet generators.
Gods wrath will get em leaf.
He's just some fat faggot that likes Game of Thrones. No real threat.
the clorox meme?
damn are you a CIA boomer that just found Sup Forums??
Bruh I’m telling you these boomers are literal cringe lol nothing but stale Facebook memes and severe mental illness.
not sure if jew or faggot. pls identify yourself foul beast
found the jew
kill your degenerate self before we get you
What do you larks suspect a trendline on this issue would look like?
yeah, i'm calling someone out for saying we should get BTFO in the Middle East but I'm the jew
it these are false why are the literal paid shills so uncomfortable?
also shills: picking up one "fracture" (in this case boomer bashing) in the community and exploiting it makes you look like obvious shills
you are a fucking retard
Dude you’re talking to boomers that love and support Israel. These are the very people that have sold our future out and fucked us royally. This is why you need to ignore their mental illness and report them.
>pedo shill
This is getting pathetic. I honestly don't know how you can live with yourself.