How do you destory this non-democratic terrorist nation?
How do you destory this non-democratic terrorist nation?
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Two nukes
Airdrop in millions of Black Muslims.
It is the most effective bioweapon ever devised.
>we need to bomb Iran until they accept a burgerland puppet "democracy"
Implement a Rothschild-controlled central bank
Agreed, bring in millions and millions of Niggers.
One in Israel, one in New York.
By destroying Israel, then it peacefully unravels itself.
Iran presently occupies the promised land of Southern Israel.
They will destroy themselves because Islam isn't a strong enough basis for govt.
The one country the Jews and their puppets fear
Mad respect to Iran, keep giving the kikes and their puppets (Trump) a good scare.
Fuck you, fuck your shilling and fuck (((democracy))).
Don't really care about them being non-democratic, but they're Muslim, so I'd say Nukes.
Yet it has kept them free and independent from the control of the Jews, the same Jews that control you and send you to fight their wars while giving you the illusion of "freedom".
Respect Iran for what it is. I've never in my life heard about terror attacks by Shiite Iranian Muslims in Canada, the US or in Western Europe, but I seem to hear about Sunni wahhabi terror attack each fucking day now. The same Sunni Wahhabi terror that the US loves funding and encouraging.
Fuck you for talking shit about Iran while your country is a slave for Saudi Arabia, pathetic cuck.
Nuke Israel
>implying we don't bring in black muslims to replace the infidels who immigrate to the west
I'll donate a shekel to this cause!
They have the same problem as the UDSSR had... their state is built on a military-industrial complex which gets its sole justification to exist out of pushing and financing Shiite rebels as well as from being an enemy of Israel. Nothing wrong about that per se but they are internationally isolated and their fight has simply become too costly for them. Reconsidering their position is out of the question due to fear of Israel as well as the current elites getting all their legitimization out of said fight. Sure sucks to be Iran.
You don't. You kill the Mullahs, and let the people free. Iran is a new first world country waiting to be released from the bondage of Islam.
you impose embargos and laugh on people suffering
Destroy their power grid/ water systems
The terrorists live next door lad
They're called jews and must be exterminated
Are you really this stupid or American?
This, but destroy Saudi Arabia too.
fuck israel you dumb kike. thats how
ITT : Kikes
>wanting to destroy one of that last countries on Earth that kikes don't control
jew york
American support.
Rothschild/World bank. The Lybian solution.
this leaf gets it
> I'm edgy cos im can hate america durr hur give me hate comments now please i'm so lonely
Iran is shia you filthy sunni pseudo arab hindu larping rape baby
thats not a picture of muttmerica
or a jew
States like these, and their terrorist allies, constitute an axis of evil.
Listen to me. They are everything wrong with the world. They are why your life and society is shit. Iran is the reason why you are a wageslave
Kill all of the muslims there and replace them with high-iq whites
That's how
Are you not confusing Iran with Saudi Arabia?
wait until they either run out of oil, or we lose the need for it
Get them to embrace feminism. As soon as women get a toe in the door they will destroy the civilization on their own. Just look at the Anglosphere.
Leave the country alone as it is.
There are secret conversions of Muslims becoming Christians and Zoroastrianism is making a comeback.
Let that process go unhindered.
>they're Muslim
This is what kike shills want us to believe. The fact of the matter is that the Iranian people are sick of the the pro-Israel stance that their government has recently adopted and other Weimar-ish mandates so they are rising up of their own volition and this is scaring the shit out of Israel and their lackeys, so they are painting the situation as actually the opposite of what it is. If you don't believe me just ask any Iranian. Oh wait the kikes cut off the internet, what a coincidence.
Same goes for Syria. We need to overthrow these guys.
>and their terrorist allies
but iran is not allies with usa, israel and SA
not enough. every inch of the middle east needs to be turned into glass.
Islam respects Jesus as a prophet. Basically on the same level as Mohammed.
Jews despise Jesus as a troll. They literally killed Christ.
You side with Jews
Who's the idiot here?
Open borders.
Mohammed prophesied the conquering of Rome and the killing of every Christian inside. Although you're right about their potential to appreciate us as a separate religion, I'd say you overestimate the ability of ethnicities to both appreciate a separate cultural group and destroy them at the same time.
>retard doesn't see the logo in the top right corner of the image
>retard doesn't see the shia clerics in the image
congrats you're a legit retard
we've been importing foreign muslims to replace non muslims for centuries
Democracy works wonders for destroying nations and making races go extinct, look at Japan for example.
Spain was a monarchy when it did the same thing to all of South America (aside from the area that is now Brazil). It's money and technology, not Democracy.
South Americans are not going extinct like Westerners and Asians are, but the birth rates are going down as the degeneracy from US imposed democracy kicks in.
Democracy is the destroyer of races.
Read history. I mean the destruction of the entirety of the Native American presence there. Smallpox, hard labor on farms and in mines, and warfare were all easy on Spaniards but annihilated native populations in the 17th-18th centuries. They barely exist as a race anymore. Look at the time when America, Britain, and France started messing with Asia and, surprise surprise, you find that money and technology allowed for the creation of steam ships, the Maxim Machine gun, and other conveniences worthy of manhandling a nation. $ and technology + nationalistic assholishness = genocide.
Even non islamic kebab wants to remove islamic kebab
>I mean the destruction of the entirety of the Native American presence there
South America is absolutely full of mestizos and castizos, they did not disappear, they just mixed with the Spaniards.
Europe was strong until democracy ruined it.
Guns, germs and steel is for faggots, by the way.
fuck off kike, don't you have yens to print and nikkei stock to buy
>has elections
Get the fuck out of my country english teacher
> Just mixed
You took one shitty history class. Smallpox death tolls were unrecorded but obviously devestating. If it weren't for the Spaniards there would barely be people on that continent for the next few decades after Hernan Cortes and men like him. In addition, democracy in America preceded its industrial boom in the 19th and 20th centuries and democratic policies were becoming more widespread during Europe's industrial booms. You have no correlation to work with.
90% pro Israel in this thread
if you import jews and have them interbreed with the Persians, they'll eventually develop weak traits and destroy themselves. See pic for reference
Nigger, it is fucking obvious as shit that South Americans are predominantly mixed with Indigenous peoples.
I don't give a fuck what your gringo soyboy faggot guns germs and steel loving eunuch teacher told you in your ultra expensive adult day care.
I'm cyberschooled, which means nobody built a classroom for tens of thousands of dollars. The books probably cost $60 each for the school to buy. The computers are returned and reused by other students after graduation. My schooling is about as cheap as it gets. Also, I'm white. Your opinions have no baseline, as you have never met an indigenous Chilean from the early 17th century. The fact that you have to resort to ad hominem shows how unfounded your opinions are.
You are an autistic fucking mutt who will never achieve anything in life.
JIDF is back and strong since recent times.
>How do you destory this non-democratic terrorist nation?
Apparently, they are right in the process of destroying themselves. You could accelerate the process by (1) more sanctions and (2) sending in Russians who teach Iranians how to cook their own krokodil out of petrol, cough medicine and eyedrops.
Good thread, thanks OP, i'll tell you how.
Iran is the enemy of Israel and Saudis
for now... let's call them friends...
Nice. Just copy what I said and post it as your own. What's it like to have low IQ? plz share.
These are great!
WTF are you talking about? Can't you read? Sober up before posting, Canuck.