I was positive I was unable to cry but I just learned I needed something to actually care about...Jesus Christ lads this hit me like a tonne of bricks.
Not sure why I waited 37 years to watch the Greatest Story never Told but am devastated this morning after drinking and marathoning the whole thing during the night.
I was positive I was unable to cry but I just learned I needed something to actually care about...
Other urls found in this thread:
forgot to add EVERYONE should watch this.
>after drinking
Not ashamed to admit, I cried real tears. Not the little wet eye shit, but streamers
I thought everyone has seen this by now
also, look up Dennis Wise youtube channel. Communism by the Backdoor is an incredible docu as well.
Welcome aboard, brother.
Some are too afraid. They know they will come out different.
The Greatest Story Never Told is not for normies. It has too much sympathetic music and sounds like "nazi" propaganda to most people. There has been a remake that takes all the same information, distills it into pure awesomeness and adds a lot of better information on Jews, the migrant crisis (and the Jews behind it) and puts a White pill on how to fight against it. THIS documentary I'm posting is 100000x better than TGSNT. Have some pasta.
Now, my Friend, the biggest and condensed Redpill you can take to start your Amazing, so fucking Frustrating but yet Beautiful journey to the Truth is here:
(maybe blocked in your country [see: they don't want you to see it], but there are many places to watch this, search.)
I guarantee you it's worth it, please watch it. It started many journeys before and it will start yours. Don't get too sad about it, we were all born into this fucking lie, and we all cant change it. We Love you Normie, Start your journey.
Please dont kill yourself like uncle ady did. Would be a damn shame!
I regret it. I want to go back. Don't watch it if you're even slightly happy with your life. Just walk away.
f e e l s
This is shit. It will send you further down the despair path because... Nazism cant win these days. No one sane gives a shit about it. It will tickle your feefees for several days but the sense of helplessness will persist.
Keep worshipping your limp-wristed hero. Shitty artist, incompetent military strategist, and ultimately a pathetic loser. A true beta in every sense of the word. Not so great a story, after all.
Hitler was a good boy who liked reading, animals, flowers, and peace
>dramatic yet sad orchestral music begins to play
But despite all these qualities not everyone liked Hitler..
>proceeds to never criticize Hitler in the slightest not even valid ones like his mishandling of the German military later on
It's a goddamn fluff piece. A pretty well put together fluff piece but, if you go poking around for holes you'll soon find The Greatest Story Never Told nearly akin to swiss cheese.
This is the only time in my life I have found a neegress attractive. Congrats.
Is it about how all Hitler gathered all the Jews around a swimming pool he built for them? Or about how he caught a Rothschild and let him go?
honestly? I can not sit still for that long and wanted to watch it all in one go as as my dogs are running free and the kids are away I finally got around to it.
I can barely get through a movie that is over 2 hours conflicting with my love for LOTR.
Heil Victory i also fucking cried real tears watching this.
that's the thing,I never even thought it was possible for me to cry. I broke really early too when he was all
" you boys of Germany will inherit everything we do for you now"
right in the gut feels kicked by a horse and suddenly tears for the first time I remember.
hitler and officials consistently took meth in the last few years of the war, theres even a video of him tweaking out.
yeah dude the "stole your country" meme is a REAL meme
The germanic tribes, the stewards of mankind. The same ones the jews are trying to destroy. Whilst pretending it's natural that they accept immigrants, that it's natural that they have less kids, that it's natural that mass immigration is a thing and that it's natural that they should go into the darkness and hated by everyone for no good reason whatsoever! But that the jew says so. When few has such respect for all others that every lineage should remain pure and every nation should do the best for itself and its people and every nation should preserve its own distinct culture and people in the face of all of these things. Those who propose mass immigration has respect for no man no culture distinct no people distinct, they have respect only for their diabolical plan to undermine.
>Or about how he caught a Rothschild and let him go?
Not that necessarily believe this (just like I don't believe everything in TGSNT) but, he did WHAT?!!!!!!!!!
That can't be true because Hitler was exterminating the Jews. His goal was to kill all jews, by assembling them in a place and keeping them alive for a long time while giving them a swimming pool and movie theater and a hospital in case they got sick, then he would march them to the gas chamber and kill them.
So yeah, he couldn't have possibly had Rothsjewchild prisoner.
You will find few as honoring every ethnicity on the planet as germanic nationalists. And to promote them to become the best version of themselves, free from this oppression of this idea that they should mix with everything and destroy the potency of what can carry them into future greatness for them and their own people.
And why they talk about diversity they are seeking to destroy it because diversity to them means the destruction of every single european in existence. And they use these idiots as useless beggers thinking they are accomplishing a great thing by destroying the only ones who want good for them, they are signing their own death warrant.
You didn't know he caught a Rothschild and exchanged him for more money in the war effort?
Louis Nathaniel de Rothschild.
The thing you won't find in many videos is that Wallstreet funded both the Nazi's and the Communists.
The banker Emil Georg von Strauss aided the Nat Soc's rise to power.
And the actual Jews who were responsible for the problems, the elitists, weren't attacked.
my brother from Denmark I salute you and wish I could have fought with people like you but we were born too late...fuck.
Reminds me of the germans making a 'work camp' where jews were told they would be working to free themselves.
They were taught skilled jobs, machining and metal work, some working in chemistry. Some in maintenance, others managing the other jews and improving productivity.
They spent a full three months in training, even going to other factories and labs to learn the skills at great expense to the germans.
Then they set to work for another six months. Crafting, building, assembling, polishing all the parts.
Some worked on smaller, repetitive but still vitally important parts.
Eventually, after most of a year had passed, they had finished.
It was an interconnected pistol with hundreds of barrels.
One mathematically bright jew used his counting ability and counted the barrels. Then he counted the jews. One more barrel than all of us, what a coincidence. Then he realised he had not counted himself.
All of a sudden, the pistol fired all the hundreds of barrels and each jew was hit in the head and died a long, slow and agonising death - as the bullets the jews had built were designed to travel slowly through the air, and kill them over a matter of days.
When they had died, they guards melted down the pistol into steel, and then burned it until it had all gone.
Then they brought another set of jews and more materials to make the next gun.
If you didn't know it was bad you would think it was pretty good. like smoking and cocaine as well back in the day.
Indeed the zionists wanted the nazi regime with the rothschilds they wanted a thing where the jews got their independent state, so they were in alliance for a long time during the nazi regime and acted in unison. Hitler gathered jews in ghettos and taught them the basics of statesmanship so that they could get their own nation and finally leave the europeans alone, in the hopes that if the jews the nomadic and infiltrating nature they had having not had a nation for themselves for thousands of years should they get one. It would be a blessing for europe. Then came the allies and decided this was a bad thing to send them to this place in palestine, so war had to be of these evil people. And atrocity propaganda made up afterwards and this is the history you are born into.that 6 million jews were cremated. where they themselves ratify the amount that it was never so many and they could not find evidence of even half of it but it's still 6 million jews. Ignoring ofcourse that staling killed about 20 million and mao killed about 40-50 million in just a few short years. And germans have to suffer forever for this thought crime of wanting to expell the jews for the thousandth upon thousandth time in history but this time give them independent state. So the rest of the world had to declare war against this atrocity!
And germans have to suffer forever whilst chinese are best things after butchering around 60 million of its own people and russians bolshevists with 20 million slaughtered of their own by the bolshevists, also never did anything wrong. It's almost like those who write history don't want you to know. isn't it?
Not to mention that the allies deliberately killed many many millions of german civilians after the war for no reason under direct order from allied command! You really won it for the moral right of all humanity didn't you by declaring total war many nations against 80 million people.
>too late
If anything, too early.
I've just started in the video the OP gave, and I can already see signs that don't make sense without help.
He pleaded guilty to treason and the punishment was lowered from death to 5 years. And then 1 year. Before he had any political influence. Come on, give me a break. That doesn't happen without people in high places looking out for you.
because the jews the wanted the jewish state of israel they have today. They were working together they wanted the same thing. The nazi's wanted the communist jews out of germany the zionist rotschilds that now run israel they wanted the jews to have an independent state. It's all public they work together for a long time with the havaara agreement to repatriate jews. The zionist knew also that there were jews in germany didn't want out that weren't the communist jews that overthrew russia with the bolshevists, that weren't part of those that tried the same in germany in 1918-23 but failed there.
He had popular support even then. The government also feared being seen as harder on nationalists than on communists.
He railed against Judges and pleaded guilty to treason.
That has nothing to do with coming down on someone. When they plead guilty.
oooohhh shit its time to base your entire worldview on a single biased documentary again.
fuck jews but this apologetic ''nazis dindu nuffin'' attitude is for cucks.
Clarify what you mean exactly for discussion.
> i am 37 years old
> i cry like a bitch when I watch movies
Op is a faggot
Professor Abntony C Sutton, a British economist and historian was a research fellow at Stanford's Hoover Institution when he discovered evidence of Wall Street supporting the rise of the Nazi Party in Germany and the Communists. He had friends in high places.
*Antony C Sutton
Says the polish scum that caused WWII
Actually national socialism is the only thing that can get us out of this mess
nazis dindu nuffin they just wanted to invade european countries for land and occupation and wanted to ignore signed treaties
I get choked up when I listen to hitler speeches and realize what WWII really was.
TGSNT is great and I didn't cry when watching it.
It was after i watched it. after I read mein kampf, after I read other writers from the early 1900s, after I read george lincoln rockwell and william luther pierce, after I learned about what happened to the US in the 1960s.
That it all became real. That all the illusion was striped away.
And then I listen to a Hitler speech.
And I listen to the emotion the genuine spirit he had in his speech.
He knew what he was fighting.
He knew why he was fighting it.
God fucking damn it, what a shit world I was born into.
To not have lived in the timeline that Hitler was victorious.
Yes that's well known that the nazis were well supported by all kinds of people. Aswell as how the zionists wanted for the jews a homeland, and hitler wanted the jews out of germany so they worked together, this is also well known. And during the war many jews also fought for hitler because they weren't communists like the bolshevists which was a jewish takeover of russia. WWII is far more granular that people think. Hitler wasn't going after jews to exterminate them, no he wanted out certain jews out of germany but so that they would not come back a nation should be established for them so that they had a sense of ethnic identity which was germany was very proud of ethnic identity. What had plagued europe for a long time was the jews as nomads trying to infiltrate european nations and getting kicked out thousands of times. the communist jews that also destroyed russia was who hitler was afraid of and wanted out. that has always been ridiculous of a thing. This was pure atrocity propaganda after the war by the soviets. Hitler had many jews fighting for him during the war.
During the time German people already resented the current administration as they felt it was repeatedly selling Germany out. You see the people in power were on thin ice. The video addresses this later
>I thought everyone has seen this by now
and LOTS of newfags from the election.
Redpill threads had not been made for over 2 years.
Redpill threads are absolutely crucial to keep Sup Forums, Sup Forums, and maybe even the world from becoming shit.
Sup Forums only became influential and "powerful" due to those redpill threads.
And we didn't have then for 2 solid years.
There ALWAYS must be a Hitler/Redpill thread in the Catalog.
My God those Nazis were evil. EVIL I tell ya!
Not sure they knew how to methylate drugs back then, but I guess they may have since Dianobol was created.
Anyway, what we refer to as meth today is not the same as methamphetimine that used to exist before banning pseuodephedrine and amphetimine otc.
Methamphetimine used to be a very useful drug that actually benefited a lot of people.
Now you want to get involved you neutral wanker?
Seriously though, any other country gets a say in these threads except you guys.
Not seen it but I watched Europa The Last Battle which is also a series. While watching it I wondered if it was basically a newer greatest story never told. Anybody seen both and able to compare?
You're not alone either way m8, I cried watching this.
I hadn't cried in a pretty long time until I watched this last year.
Astor Piazzolla wrote this after his father died. You have to make it through the whole thing to understand what I'm talking about.
The other song that makes me tear up a little sometimes is Bach's "Chaconne". He also wrote this after his wife died. The part that makes me tear up is at 9:33 - 11:15. That part is supposed to represent his wife ascending to heaven, but then it crosses back into the sad theme as he remembers that he has to live on Earth without her.
To me, it sounds like hundreds of years of European artistic achievement represented in a few minutes of piano music. It's so beautiful.
Nazis was probably the most multiculti white supremacist army you could find in history. It's hilarious when you understand what was going on. The nazi's expressed great veneration for many nations and cultures and wanted them to be great allied also likewise with the japanese. The nazi's were only about the herrenfolk (people of the lord)/master race which they maintainted was the germanic lineages. And trying to make safe the protection of them since they were under direct attack by the communists that wanted to destroy them. Had already attempted a communist overthrow in germany failed in germany but succeeded in russia to its everlasting shame.
But to all else they respected all other nations and wanted them to maintain their people and to be the best they could be. This is also part of why the nazi's were so globally liked before the war.
If I could be immortal I would fight kikes for all eternity.
The absolutely bravery of Hitler to take them on while mortal is astounding.
This is why they when the russian under the jewish bolshevists invaded, the final battle was had, with the germanic tribes vs the russians whilst everyone else were attacking them aswell. Images were literally the germanic tribes vs the communist that tried to break the cross of the germanics at that time christian heritage that they carried for a thousand years.
So did Churchill and most other top officials, they thought of it as a way to stay sharp at all hours
The Danish flag is really Estonian.How does that make you feel?
It's estonian. let me school you. The danish flag is the foundation of all the cross banners. Every single one is a derivative of it.
Indeed it is the foundation, and imo it is the most handsome. Interesting origin also
It is cross of illumination and the blood of sacrifice, all nordic crosses are derivatives from it.
Yes our banner fell from the sky and said under this banner you will be victorious. When we were pagans and we converted Scandinavia to the cross by king conversion. happened a thousand years ago.
even i cried, anons and i'm not even white
You do own the largest island in the world with vast, untapped wealth. I say that is pretty good
>Amerimutts actually believe this
It is more than just being white and realising the world would be a much better place,we could have been on mars by now had we let those brainy actual rock scientists continue the research.
we could be fucking alien chicks by now...
that is not victory! It is only responsibility!
If y'all want to tag along with us to Mars, you gotta drop that pretentious accent, mate.
Good point