I have been seeing several people wearing NASA shirts.
What's going on? Is (((NASA))) going to plotting their next move (whatever it may be)?
I have been seeing several people wearing NASA shirts.
What's going on? Is (((NASA))) going to plotting their next move (whatever it may be)?
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yes goy the evil nasa is going to keep making you believ the earth is round so we can funnel away a fraction of the budget into military spending, even though military spending is the largest discretionary spending already and no one ever says no to it
Nasa is the low tech space front, all that matters is that it's the most publicly advanced space program in the world. The secret space program is a part of the military and secret government branches. There was a story a decade or so back about Nasa begging for a Hubble like telescope then the military just gave them four that we're collecting dust somewhere. like
A lot of stupid faggots wear the shirt to look hip and cool. Also earth-chan wearing nasa shirt has been getting posted here a lot recently.
What is this supposed to show?
Are they trying to say that her hair is up like that because of low gravity or is it some kind of joke
Look at the left hip of the guy in the light blue t-shirt
He is grabbing for a wire. Guy in the back is also grasping for something with his hand.
What exactly am I looking at here fag?
Normies LARPing as nerds because they're so bland and boring they don't actually have their own group so they just attach themselves to whatever is perceived to be "cool". Right now it's being a nerd. Give it a few more years and watered down Sup Forums humor will be somewhat adopted too, you already see it with """kekistan""" lefties posing as alt-right, consesrvative, etc.
nasa is part of the evil empire determined to misinform the masses. they were selected because they were seen as a authority figure as all the others were regardless of the field they work in be it economics , human rights or science or what ever
nasa has lied about so much and been caught its sad they continue given everything they accomplished. lying about acid rain killing trees on mountain sides when it was the tree line receding and ph test proved it. lying about c14 in the atmosphere to defend carbon based global warming and they even admitted it. lying about the destabilization of the earths magnetic field over the atlantic even though there was a aurora seen in florida a few years ago and multiple scientific groups found the aberrant pole reading
i know its just because some people at the top got paid to lie their asses off and it was the liberals who had to have paid them given what they were lying about. so its more that im disappointed they sided with the liberals just for money. if the left had some secret info science could use sure greater good but it was just greedy faggots being greedy faggots
Humanity's future is in space. Earth will someday fall to a combination of pollution and Islam, and before that happens we need to hurry up and figure out long distance space travel.
Go ahead and kill yourself now retard. We don't need your ilk standing in the way of the only progress that actually matters.
You are on to something.
But why NASA specifically? Why NOW and not 10 years ago?
Don't let them slide this thread.
Chris Hadfield did not cover Space Oddity aboard the ISS.
If you're implying they are faking zero G, how do you explain the way their hair is acting ?
Stupid fucking conspiratard. The face you see is from the reflection of the window that the man is looking out of because the camera is INSIDE the shuttle. Stop being retarded.
More likely moved to the containment board bant
>Implying that a strap placed on his waistband instead of his torso is stable enough to allow him to do move like this. No.
This is a simple lack of understanding of the science of how clothing and other materals behave in the environment that they're in, which is the constant state of falling.
What's going on here is that she's in orbit. Again, meaning she is in a constant state of falling. So when the shuttle turns towards earth, she falls in that direction. In this case, the shuttle tilts to the right towards earth.
Yes that clearly explains the wires tugging on the shirt, NEXT!
>Assuming that it's a bubble instead of a piece of debris.
This shows the mentality that conspiracy theorists have. They actively encourage themselves to think that things are a certain way to bolster their beliefs.
Sheeple and clueless visiting cape canaveral and such think its cool and makes them look smart! WRONG!!! I laugh every time i see one and shake my head what a bafoon!
She angles her head as if being sideways is not natural.
Wouldn't she have her head up straight if she was in a real zero-G environment?
No. It explains why the shirt looks like there's wire tugging in when there aren't any. Next.
It's airbubbles in water.
>I don't know why this is happening, therefore it must prove my conspiracy!
Talk to a photographer about the flashes you see. They'll explain it perfectly.
No it's not air bubbles in water. It's debris. My claim is just as strong as yours.
It's reflection from the wire they are connected to.
No, the hair is up because they are in orbit and they're falling, however the Earth's rotation is fast enough to where they don't actually fall below their path.
Again, how do you explain the women's hair?
How they left the moon. Look at it sway back and forth when it gets suspended by a wire.
You can clearly see an antenna on the astronaut's backpack in a few of those shots, that's where the reflection comes from. Next.
No, I don't clearly see a scuba diving suit at all.
>1.7 m antenna sticking out of the spacesuit.
Some serious lack of critical thinking?
>A powerful rocket goes off beneath a shuttle.
>Surprised when it sways.
Another conspiratard thread. How many in here with
A) depression
B) schizoaffective disorder
C) paranoid schizophrenia
D) schizotypal personality disorder
The world is much more mundane than it appears.
If you want some quality maths reading, read "On the Viability of Conspiratorial Beliefs" by David Robert Grimes.
Excerpt from abstract:
"Simulations of these claims predict that
intrinsic failure would be imminent even with the most generous estimates for the secretkeeping
ability of active participants—the results of this model suggest that large conspiracies
(>1000 agents) quickly become untenable and prone to failure."
More underwater shenanigans
Fads work that way.
It's not 1.7 m... IF you got that number off of the size of the reflection then you're seriously retarded. When someone uses a mirror to reflect the sunlight from a long distance as a signal, are you going to assume that the flash is the size of the mirror as well?
IF you got that length from seeing the other videos... I don't see it that way at all.
If you look closely in the video you can see it pass over the light colored object. It maintains a perfectly straight trajectory. This is not how air bubbles behave in water, so your claim is much stronger. Ejected liquid droplet from somewhere, maybe?
After reviewing the footage again, not even the reflection appears to be 1.7m. It appears to be 30 centimeters, 50 centimeters if I'm being generous. Where the hell do you get the 1.7 meter number from?
Esa forgot a layer on their cgi
Watch 20 sec in. So called antenna reach way out of camera field of view.
A simpler explanation is that the image of the stars is simply an internal reflection in the window. Much like image provided, some people see a UFO when it is actually just a lamp reflected in a window.
Funny how one that loves to question the authenticity of NASA videos doesn't bother to question the authenticity of this one simply because the idea of it being real and it being done the way you say it is done would bolster your belief.
Maybe a simpler explanation, but seeing we have no non-cgi photos of Earth it's hard to believe.
Grabbed him with the pinky
Explain her hand and fingers at the end of the clip
>thinks different pictures taken by different cameras and developed in different ways means they are saying the earth changes color every year
This circular reasoning makes no sense. Get off Sup Forums and see a psychotherapist immediately, especially if you've done weed or LSD. Too many people here have schizoaffective disorders.
Gjor det forhelvete.
I could give any reasonably intelligent child a globe and a camera with a zoom lens and that child would be able to explain why this is retarded.
>be (You)
>pay millions to go in space
then you canc heck if it's real
Have you ever watched a live stream before? This shit happens all the time when you have dropped frames, screen tearing and other technical issues when broadcasting.
>Trump wants to make NASA great again
>Wants to spearhead new space explorations
>"Durrrr is nasa bad???"
The space program is cool!
Time for you to read about i-frames.
They're on display / sale at Target, that's why.
i love this regurgitated webm thats posted every single time
It's like NASA has artists to make the photos look cooler as regular ones look boring and they are not even denying that.
NASA is a scientific organization the fuck are you talking about
Are you anprim?
What is video compression artifacts because stream doesn't load in time? Ever heard of VLC?
Artifiacting, either because of the file format or how the data is being streamed.
When all the data has trouble getting through it only updates the important parts. I guess his arm moving was too much of an immediate change and it took a second to update it all.
The ISS probably doesn't have too great a connection speed.
Great enough connection to play live with an orchestra.
Get. Diagnosed.
100% correct. There are multiple asteroid mining companies already established and operational
Don't argue with them, poe's law but with stupid.
Earth-chan is NASA propaganda
Det er en vanskelig pille a svelge, men det blir lettere når man innser hvor indoktrinert man blir fra tidlig alder.
Det här är struntprat direkt från schizo-ordförrådet -- "indoktrinering," "fritänke," "oberoende tänkande" -- jag har träffat allt för många i verkliga livet, som genom Sup Forums förstärkt sin förvrängning av verkligheten.
Gå och se en psykiatriker genast.
are you a mental gymnastics gold medalist?
Don't let the door hit you
Are you fucking slow?
Dude backflipping is holding onto the side and pulls himself against the hull to stop.
The fact the dude on the right missed the catch doesn't mean (((fake))).
Almost like he was screwing the thing in or something. Unless you think it is wind. Wind inside the studio?
it triggers feminazi. try it my dudes.
They’re selling them at Urban Outfitters.
a friend of mine bought a NASA shirt for me when I was living in a dirt poor ghetto neighborhood. I only owned about 3 shirts so I wore it often and was kind of embarrassed about it, seeing how nerdy and 'basic' it was.
I got so many compliments from niggers it was remarkable. "I dig your shirt man" and "aw yeah nasa my nigga" it was actually kinda neat.
Maybe they thought I was some kind of scientist or something
Yep, I think they use them to trickle previously classified advanced tech into the public sphere, as supposed side benefits of moon shots etc.
Likely Trump wants a lot of secret tech out and public now, hence the push to the Moon and Mars.
Mainly to stop it becoming secret tech of the would-be future elite that were pushing Hillary.
That's some pretty good video editing.
I was impressed with the part where you edited out everything on earth below a certain luminosity threshold, and superimposed a starfield onto the background.
Not bad, 6/10
She's trying to be level with the camera you ULTRA MUTT.