CHINA Hate thread

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>never invaded anybody
>never bullied anybody
>always kept to ourselves
>traditional family based society


Because Chinese are degenerate and have no empathy. They are inhuman insects who have no creativity and only steal what others make and reproduce it in worse shape than when they found it. If the Jews were the majority, they would act like Chinese. Thus the term....chinkike.

still qt af

I dunno man there it feels like there are better candidates for the hate. China just feels like middle of the pack.

Anyways gl with your thread

What happened to Sup Forums? Has the 50 cent army taken over this place or what? What happened to the Webms and China redpills?

It's mostly because China is under no pressure to innovate when they can just steal from amerifats. Israel spends the highest proportion of its GDP on research because it has to deal with problems, namely water and mudslimes, that few others need solutions for. China doesn't need research spending because it can wait for others to create things and steal them afterwards because it's not under a constant existential threat.


China is a shithole, but niggers are a lot worse. Chinks aren't doing white genocide either. It's not that chinks aren't worth hating; it's just that there's better places to put your hate.

Armageddon China edition

>If the Jews were the majority, they would act like Chinese. Thus the term....chinkike.

lmao gonna start using that

If communism is so good, how come there's millions of poor, hungry chinese people?

I've seen the same 15 or so webm videos posted every time. Maybe there is just nothing new.

>feels like there are better candidates for the hate
It's not that chinks aren't worth hating; it's just that there's better places to put your hate.

Americans rationing the hate like it's an investment option.

I popularized that term after I discovered that all the negative Jew stereotypes are also chink stereotypes.

Don’t trust chink women, autist.

I'm ethnically chinese myself, and the chinks I see in china are nothing like the jewish stereotype. China only releases test scores from their top performing areas, and the average chink is probably dumber than the average amerifat, and far dumber than the typical Ashkenazi kike. Also, chinks get more primitive and savage the further inland you go, and the breeds of chinks you see in west china hardly resemble humans anymore. Only the chinks on china's east coast look like other east asians. If chinks were anything like jews, your shithole of a peninsula would be under their control right now.

I am an ABC myself and would welcome a war between East and West. They should crucify all of the commies.

If there's somewhere I hate in East Asia it's south Korea

Damn, this Ben Garrison guy is a serious racist!!

Get out, chinkike.

The gooks aren't colonizing your shitty island. It's the chinks who are creating a parallel society and it's the chinks who will form the fifth column when the big chink shithole next door gets greedy with land grabs again.

I’m a white guy living in SK, so I know. But seriously, chinks are far worse.

Fuck off you ugly gook.

Im sure genetics has something to do with it but it could also be because there are a billion of the little fuckers scurrying around

Asian infighting is my favourite thing desu

you know the japs are superior to everyone else anyway, right?

>You said communism
I may need to go to bed if I'm starting to read like a nigger

if Japan was allowed to stay in control of China, Chinese would be pooping in talking toilets with seats that warm their bottoms in winter. Their loss.

You can thank that fucker Mao for that. His nuclear war strategy was to breed so many chinks that the few surviving russkies and amerifats would be swarmed with hordes of millions of chinks once the mushroom clouds cleared, and his government encouraged chinks to breed like niggers.

Well, the West has SO MUCH empathy and SO MUCH tolerance which work so well for you right?

No you fucking weeb. Finngolians are the best Asian race.

Ha is there a source you used for that or will Jewgle actually show me? Because if that's true then Mao was truly a madman. No chink life was worth anything to his ass ha

as someone who has met a ton of scandicucks I can confirm that this image is correct

Read Sun Tzu, Confucius and Taoism. Three of the most redpilled books you have ever read, all written by Chinese thousands of years ago.

>implying empathy is good
Empathy is the reason whites tolerate subhumans and fall victim to political correctness and white guilt, thus enabling white genocide. That's why chinks, gooks and japs are on their way to overtake them.

>thousands of years ago
It seems as though their wisdom has served the chinks well

I’m white with a six pack dumbass.

>is about to fall from sky
We will see about that.

The chinks of today are not the same as the ancient Zhou people. They were whites from Tocharia.

>Implying having a complete lack of empathy is good
No thanks then you end up like chinks and niggers and id rather rise out of the fires if a race war than wish to be one of them

What a manlet.

Do you know the source for pic?

>no pressure to innovate

What about western countries then? They have higher standard of living and still they innovate

Yes. China was devastated by civil wars and started building economy 30 years ago, and now it is on the verge of a economic superpower. China has NO cultural marxism; its culture is based on Confucius and Legalism (look it up). Its diplomacy and military is based on Sun Tzu.

Do you take part in it?

You guys are my favourite if I had to pick. If not you lot, then yeah obviously the nips

>today's cringiest post

I mean OP pic?

>lacking in intelligence and skill
I'm not sure about that. Spirit I agree with but I don't think white's main problem is being unskilled and unintelligent.

All Asians breed like that though

>no cultural Marxism
Whatever you say baized kekistani. Shadilay and all that

>American in South Korea talks about preservation from Greek's mouth
How many layers of irony is that?

You’re probably fat.

Dude, China has more than 1 FUCKING BILLION people. Of course the proportion of dumb people has to be fucking high compared to other countries. America has 300 million people, considered a civilized developed country, look around and see how many dumb people are there?

And Chinese governance and culture are still based on Sun Tzu, Confucius, Legalism and Taoism with market-based capitalism (if you research about Xi Jinping enough)

this is such a meme
China has been doing more and more innovating now that its mostly caught up in tech, a big chunk of scientific papers are coming out of China nowadays.

>has more than 1 billion chinks
That's a part of the reason they practically can't breathe without getting cancer
>market based capitalism
Mmmm fresh air tastes better when you pay for it

>posts gay tummy pic in good faith
>why won't anyone reciprocate

Dumb Leaf. Your country is overrun with chinks.

That's a load of shit. Jap culture has become so degenerate that they don't even have the desire to breed anymore, while gooks and chinks are going down the same path. SEAs are a different story, mainly because they are much more closely related to negroids than are far east asians.

>no argument
>hurrdurr leaf

the absolute state of english teachers

>"Canadian" defending china
I wonder why. Hey no I'll give it to you chinks you guys sure are leading the genetic research. Of course, with your "people's" level of empathy I can only imagine the shear number of fetuses consumed in the name of science. Congrats. China powerhouse in 2030 and God save us all

Mexico has actually higher percentage of people pooping in the open:
Mexico: 1.677 %
China: 1.507 %

All Asia is going down the tubes. While blacks and weeaboos go into their tubes...

>chinks not breeding
What finally did it, no more room or the government told them they couldn't breed anymore?

Seriously fuck leafs.

When Japan has been thoroughly bashed, Koreans aim for China instead. East Asian rivalry is great and nearly as good as Balkan banter.

I’m American not Korean.

>Mexico once again proving the worst third world shithole exists right at my southern border
Why am I not surprised.

What do you complain about? China even forces its people to restrict to 1 child per family (just now open up to 2 children), and they still have 1 FUCKING BILLION. Imagine if they have "democracy" and dumb people shitting out children like flies while smart people don't breed like Western problems. Now THAT'S problem.

Cancer and pollution are part of every single developing countries with beginning manufacturing bases, including South Korea, Vietnam, Mexico, etc. America hasn't had any manufacturing factories for a while, so you don't know how polluted it is to have factories nearby. Everything has a price.

>china has confucian governance
That's actually not true. I'm an ABC and have been back to china a few times for business, and the government is a bizarre mixture of corporatism and niggerland-tier kleptocracy. Nearly every official steals from state coffers and no one in power gives a damn about confucius anymore.

I know one Canadian Manchu who wants to make Canada new Qing dynasty but at this point it would be an improvement.

Oh thought of a good one!

designated shitting spic

>more typical pol memes
I'd tell you to do some research instead of spouting memes all day, but infographics on imageboards is probably your mental limit, brainlet

Crippling over-urbanization and over-socialization. Honestly if it weren't for greedy kikes this would be a good thing. Every east Asian country is overpopulated and overcrowded and only the business jew is complaining that theres less bodies to wring shekels out of.

I always found it funny that people I meet from Hong Kong absolutely HATE the Chinese, apparently they even place limits on Chinese tourists to stop them shitting up the city.

But with Korean waifu and Viki Pass.

The government tried to stop chinks from breeding because there were too many of them. Stupid commies never considered the effect that would have on the age structure and the problems that it would create.

>what do you complain about
Not complaining just laughing at the new superpower in 2030. We also had many factories and one point and we still have a few left (part of the reason why chinks survive is they make almost everything for us) and our shit is not that fucked and it never would be. And I know about their birthing regulations which is sad and ridiculous at the same time. There's so many theyll probably have to start killing more the organ trade

Read again. It's a mix. Perfect Confucius governance, like Marxism, is a nice idea but would never happen. I would say Chinese governance right now is very heavily influenced by Legalism (Law-based society, anti-corruption, focused power on the King), since Xi Jinping is very influenced by Qin Shi Huang

The government did not try to stop chinks from breeding, the government told them to go overseas to breed, which is far worse.

Yeah they sure do care about their fetuses over there. I'm sure you've done plenty of (((research))) Mr. Hong

Traditional Chinese Philosophy is probably more influential than Communism on Chinese society. But personally I support Legalism and Confucianism but Westerners only like the Daoism and all that Hippie stuff.

>someone disagrees with me on the internet
>post a picture of my hairy stomach and say it's a six pack
>brag about "popularizing" a word that no one's ever heard of
>go on an autistic posting streak making up half of the posts in my own thread

I don't know whether to make fun of you for being autistic or to just feel really, really sorry for you. I don't like Chinese people either, so I guess we're the same in that respect, but holy shit man. You need to get off the computer, stop LARPing and go outside.
Asian women will never be attracted to you, either, so give up on that.

Commies are stupid to a T. Which Confucians would go running around with pans to scare birds to death?

Yeah once they realized they couldn't keep them from shitting out more kids in China

Not all chinks are the same, and mainland chinks are by far the worst. They're not welcome in Taiwanese or ABC communities either even though they're all chinks. Mainlanders, particularly ones from inland chinkland, tend to be filthy, rude, and selfish, and even other chinks don't like them.

I would implore you all to click OP's ID and see how many aspergic posts he's made

My post is now the top post on Sup Forums. I’ve had the top post here consistently for several days. Whenever I get on Sup Forums I always get top post. You’re just mad cause you’ve never left the US and live in your mommas basement. I’m in SK looking at cuties, and would be having sex but am a blackpilled truecel because I’m religious. And I have a six pack, while you’re fat.

That's why Xi Jinping's One Belt One Road will send all young fertile Chinese guys to all over the world to out-breed the natives (Africans, Europeans, Middle East) while accumulating debts by building infrastructures (learning from Jews)

Your first sentence is correct. Daoism is not "hippie". It's the final redpilled book, along with I Ching (Book of Change) you will ever read.

I see. Well it makes sense. Their cities and rivers are so polluted it would be hilarious if it wasn't actually doing massive amounts of environmental damage. I wonder why libshit never bitch about "President" Xi and his crew of a billion pollutants?

Isn't Qin Shi Huang basically hitler?

Show your flag, chinkike.

Xi himself is, but his officials are more interested in expensive Western wine, sports cars and hookers. Corruption is deeply rooted in chinese bureaucracy and is impossible to stamp out without government transparency, which the commies will never allow. Xi's anti corruption drives are just covers for purging his political rivals, and haven't made a dent in the amount of money stolen by officials.

>grade school tier name calling is the best argument you have

lol no wonder asians are dominating your universities, even 85iq spics are serious competition for "muh working class". go learn a trade, become a plumber and fix pajeet's toilets you literal nigger

Cause they’re all commie scum, probably all involved in International Communist/Zionist ops.

>My post is now the top post on Sup Forums. I’ve had the top post here consistently for several days. Whenever I get on Sup Forums I always get top post. You’re just mad cause you’ve never left the US and live in your mommas basement. I’m in SK looking at cuties, and would be having sex but am a blackpilled truecel because I’m religious. And I have a six pack, while you’re fat.

god hitomi is so disgusting

Apart from killing jews (probably no jews in China at that point), Qin Shi Huang focused on public infrastructure (including Great Wall of China), militisation, restricted merchant class (ancient capitalism), destroyed 5 other Confucius countries and was the first one to unify China. So yes, his economic model is basically National Socialism.

Mao and Xi all looked up to Qin Shi Huang.

>memeflagging chink finally admits they're sending their gorillions to colonize the Western world to steal from us like the kikes
Tell me something I don't know. Why can't you just make china not shit? I mean, it's not like you don't have the damn manpower

I'm actually Vietnamese lol. No love and no hate towards China, just stating the facts.