where is it?
it's time.
let's go!
WHITE Ethnostate
We don't give up an inch. We shouldn't retreat. Kick them out don't give them half of the fuck continent you pussy
but southern wisconsin is more white than the rest of whats covered in blue
you retards will never get a white ethnostate... stop wasting your time...
This. My ancestors bled and died for this land and I'll be damned if I cede one iota of it.
we live in the 21st century, not in caveman times...
You fucking retard, whites aren't ever getting their own ethnostate. As long as your liberal politicians continue pushing white guilt and your people keep buying it, niggers and other subhumans will follow wherever you go and eternally rape, murder, and demand gibs.
Thank G-d for my Jewish genes. I can claim citizenship in Israel and move into my own ethnostate, which you filthy goyim will never have.
it most certainly is not in a roleplaying thread on a political anime forum.
>white ethnostate excludes the whitest parts of Canada
>includes British Columbia
Are you fucking retarded?
>muh current year
Nice argument faggot.
lotta non-whites with epicanthic folds in that white ethno-state of yours, OP.
>Literally includes some of the least-white places
it's over folks
> Pre-1890s
>"jews are never getting their own ethnostate."
>Theodore Herzl joins the server
>BTFOs all naysayers
>State of Israel created just 50 years later
>Fast forward to 2018
>"whites are never getting their own ethnostate."
Sure thing brah.
I'm out buddy
I'm not going to war and I'm not going to stick around to get beat up for you
you didn't keep or protect it
so fuck you
I want out
happy to move
to a safe majority white
where there are at least enough like minds to say no to the bullshit
It took over 60 million dead Europeans for Jews to have their own ethnostate, and Jews weren't being force fed guilt by their media and manipulated into hating their own race. Also, any white equivalent of Herzl would be branded a racist and immediately silenced by your liberal elite.
It's pretty ironic that Israel is the strongest bastion of right wing nationalism in the western world.
I looked at this map and it disregards settled native lands - I'm fine with handing them over.
There were a bunch of maps I found, but this one had the best visual.
Ideally I think the ethnostate should be above the Mason Dixon clear across the great lakes all the way to New England.
Far as I'm concerned the rest can be divvied up by the Mexicans and Blacks.
If whites want to be a minority in those areas that's their choice, but they will end up like living like South African whites now.
You think Herzl wasn't branded a jewish supremacist? You think there wasn't any attempt to silence him?
the idea is to get as many like minded whites to move to one place and resist the crap.
why do you want to pay for wars, refugees, bank, corporate subsidies, illegals?
It would be best to do all this by legal and legislative means, but there needs to be a state that stands up against the bullshit.
and you don't do that until you are string enough to make a move
why don't you go to Israel now instead of walking on the sorrow and misery of others?
>where is it?
Pic related.
>We don't give up an inch.
Too much land. Not enough people. Logistically impossible.
>southern wisconsin
you didn't keep it too late
now if we don't move and grab what we can it's all lost
it's only one map, there are others, but remember those non-white didn't used to be there at one time. It's all a matter of numbers, know-how and robots.
>This. My ancestors bled and died for this land and I'll be damned if I cede one iota of it.
So how are you going to keep the entire continental US and preserve the existence of the White race?
I wish New England was totally red pilled. The niggers are all in one place and they don't even like Boston anyway. They would probably willingly move to New York or elsewhere. Lots of Jews in Massachusetts though.
1. End or greatly diminish the welfare state.
Many non-white come here for the gibs. Get rid of the gibs and they won't come.
2. Citizenship required for medical treatment. Not a U.S. citizen? No medical treatment for you. Prosecute doctors and hospitals that violate.
3. Make English the official national language. All communication from the government must be in English only. Forms, public education, etc.
Not an exhaustive list but these three things will greatly diminish the non-white population in the US.
there are a lot of maps, regardless it will have to be a first wave of massive white migration.
once things are up and running it will expand on it's own.
Industry will explode and the funds will be put back into expansion and families. Major financial incentives to increase the population and of course the building and foreign sales of robots.
All the money spent on wars, foreign aid, corporate subsidies, bailouts, hedge funds, and tax cheats will make the region prosper.
If we are still part of the US the propaganda exposing the crooks that will be unleashed will be like no other. We will make all those who are still on the outside rise up and then perhaps we will find new solutions and change for the better.
but the shit has to stop NOW
>1. End or greatly diminish the welfare state.
How are you going to do that legally?
>Get rid of the gibs and they won't come.
Again, how are you going to do that legally?
>2. Citizenship required for medical treatment. Not a U.S. citizen? No medical treatment for you. Prosecute doctors and hospitals that violate.
>2. Citizenship required for medical treatment. Not a U.S. citizen? No medical treatment for you. Prosecute doctors and hospitals that violate.
>Not an exhaustive list but these three things will greatly diminish the non-white population in the US.
No, they won't.
Voting will not save the White race.
yeah well do it! what's taking you so long?
god dam you people have been saying this shit for decades and you've done NOTHING
you've accomplished NOTHING and you're doing NOTHING now.
This is it, if white people don't get off their ass move to a new location, work together the globalist will turn you and your kids into slaves, FUCK you're there now, you're all in massive fucking debt, fighting war for Israel and paying them billions of your hard earned money WTF?
and NOW you're saying shit like "it's okay to be white" are you fucking kidding me!? you're being beaten up sent to the back of the bus and your kids are being literally dumbed down and you want to be nice and say, 'look pal it's okay to be white we're nice people,' as they rape your women and punch you in the face and steal your shit
WTFU already!
>muh legality
You think laws are derived from the aether? No, they're fucking made up by people.
>Voting will not save the White race.
I agree. I think the only way the white race will ever be truly saved will be through a massacre of nonwhites.
I feel morally obligated to prevent such a thing from happening and resolve the matter peacefully. I know it is a longshot but I can have hope can't I?
>You think laws are derived from the aether? No, they're fucking made up by people.
And the Jews will never allow you to enact such pro-White laws.
Just look at what they're doing with everything Trump is trying...imagine how they'd react to laws that actually assisted the White race and countered White genocide.
>I think the only way the white race will ever be truly saved will be through a massacre of nonwhites.
Then why aren't you supporting the White Ethnostate plan and the Northwest Front, the only group with an actual plan?
>I know it is a longshot but I can have hope can't I?
Put your hope in the White Ethnostate. Because right now all you have is false hope.
lol, I've got news for you, sweetie
that's all they do is talk they won't do the work needed to change anything, they are as bad as those who say they won't give up an inch of the US, but they aren't out there fighting for it.
these people don't know their enemy at all,m they have no clue the force they are up against.
that's why there's no other way. you get smart, organize and build a new city, get very serious about how you get what you can back, or cash out, don't have any kids, move to the mountains, have a nice life and let your race die out or move to Iceland, maybe New Zealand, while you still can.
>that's all they do is talk they won't do the work needed to change anything, they are as bad as those who say they won't give up an inch of the US, but they aren't out there fighting for it.
It's the problem with a vast majority of the pro-Whites today.
All talk, no action.
Even suggesting that they do something results in the responses to your OP.
>these people don't know their enemy at all,m they have no clue the force they are up against.
I think they're afraid of actually taking risk to save their race.
that's why there's no other way. you get smart, organize and build a new city, get very serious about how you get what you can back, or cash out, don't have any kids, move to the mountains, have a nice life and let your race die out or move to Iceland, maybe New Zealand, while you still can.
Well running away and waiting for the end is the coward's way out. The NWF is about saving the White race.
>Then why aren't you supporting the White Ethnostate plan and the Northwest Front, the only group with an actual plan?
I never said I was against it. I'm against giving up land that my ancestors fought and died for.
I'm all for consolidating power in a certain area but I also think that we need to emulate Zionism as it is a proven method for success in that we have a stronghold but we also have a diaspora that seeks out position of power and influence through any means necessary.
>In America
>I'm against giving up land that my ancestors fought and died for.
This isn't about the fucking land.
This is about the survival of our race.
You're putting the Jewnited States of Amurrica before the survival of the White race.
> but I also think that we need to emulate Zionism as it is a proven method for success in that we have a stronghold but we also have a diaspora that seeks out position of power and influence through any means necessary.
So your plan is to act exactly like the Jews instead of acting like Whites?
"And the Jews will never allow you to enact such pro-White laws."
this is why you have to be smart about this legally and legislatively, using the right propaganda.
but you need a very large group of people and yes, the mission statement has to be the 14 words. It's the only thing that will unite a white ethnostate.
We are way past democracy and being American
the nation is too divided
more so than even during the civil war.
Now we can sit back and watch it decline further and if lucky get out
find a place to take a stand, get active, organized, rebuild our culture and reproduce.
If the leaders in the alt-right do not take a huge and decisive stand this year white people are going to flee, because what is waiting at the end of your life in the future just for being white is beyond horrible.
>This is about the survival of our race.
Well, you got me there. That is a solid point.
>So your plan is to act exactly like the Jews instead of acting like Whites?
Is it not a proven method for survival?
>Is it not a proven method for survival?
We're not the Jews.
We're not going to be allowed to do things the same way they did.
On top of the fact we're not evil, unlike the Jews.
It's in Maine.
>this is why you have to be smart about this legally and legislatively, using the right propaganda.
The NWF knows we will never be allowed to legally save the White race.
A revolution will be required. Once the US either collapses or weakens to the point of collapse.
He's got a death wish that is going to be granted. He better understand he's getting shot first before anyone else when things really go south.
"I'm against giving up land that my ancestors fought and died for."
well bucko you didn't keep it and now you want me to fight for what your ancestor left you, that you gave up on long ago. Dream on!
who are you going to get to help you keep it, blacks, mexicans, immigrants, illegals, refugees?
It's gone, you lost it, the globalist made it all perfectly clear these last 30 years. If you can't see it even now, there's no hope for you.
The US is going to split up one way or another, the globalists have made that clear and they own the politicians, the technology, the media, the banks. You better grab what you can while you still have the brain cells to think.
You've definitely made some convincing arguments for the NWF. I will be looking into them more seriously with the intent of moving there. I'm locked here as I have to finish my degree (2 more years) but I will seriously be looking for work in that area once I have my degree.
>not WV, Kentucky, maine some of THE whitest states
Id say PA would be in except for Philadelphia
>You've definitely made some convincing arguments for the NWF. I will be looking into them more seriously with the intent of moving there. I'm locked here as I have to finish my degree (2 more years) but I will seriously be looking for work in that area once I have my degree.
Northwest Front Information
So where's your website and what's your plan?
The Northwest Front has a website and the Butler Plan
So there are no niggers in Milwaukee and Madison?
Mfw my state is included
>white ethnostate
You do know sedition and secession are both illegal right? Enjoy your fate
dumb faggot we are ceding major parts of this country by letting all these shit skins come in and take over. not to mention the kikes hijacking this country.
in case you haven't noticed were losing this war.
we need to regroup, call a piece of land and fend off the horde from there.
>desperate to get part of some American shit
>Co-opting it like it's Walk on Wall Street and shit.
>You do know sedition and secession are both illegal right? Enjoy your fate
I bet you would've said that to George Washington too, you little faggot.
Now I'm wondering how I've been on Sup Forums for 2 years and this is the first time I'm hearing about NWF.
mfw reading the Butler Plan
on the ocean
come on you guys, we can do it
white ethno-state here to be honest famalam I mean why fuck around?
good for them
i'm not desperate. we have plenty of useful resources up here for an amicable merger.
the leaf bit he chose are the native reserves and fucking ontario too
>Now I'm wondering how I've been on Sup Forums for 2 years and this is the first time I'm hearing about NWF.
NWF threads are rare these days because NWF advocates have moved on.
Ususally when an NWF thread does pop up it gets shitposted to death.
Nothing scares the shills more than Sup Forumsacks doing something other than shitposting.
>mfw reading the Butler Plan
And just think...the Butler Plan has been around for decades.
uh, there's literally native reserves from coast to coast you retard.
i left out ottawa and toronto.
Wjy not split the world with the chinks
>>So your plan is to act exactly like the Jews instead of acting like Whites?
>Is it not a proven method for survival?
Finally! you made a good point
this is exactly what Goebbels did and he turned it against them.
the difference here is the US is big, we have a lot of elbow room, something the Germans didn't have.
And one other thing we can learn form the jews, don't let them in and scatter all those that surround you away.
This is what Hitler should have done, push all those he wanted out of Germany into Turkey and Syria, they would have made light of all of all the refugees and solve Hitlers "problem" for him.
To deal with Stalin Hitler could have told Uncle Joe he would line up all the undesirables at his borders and push them in and film it. Use of propaganda.
To deal with the British he should have housed the Duke of Windsor in a posh secluded castle in Bavaria, invited the throne to tea. Bent over backwards to appease GB so that Churchill looked like the warmongering schmuck he was.
It has to be more than pride, you got to think smart because the goal is and has to be the 14 words.
Hitler lost cause he let his ego get the best of him, he didn't listen to his advisers and instead of protecting his people he subjected them to what we have now, Globalism.
I think some well produced propaganda would help the cause alot. Like a big budget movie featuring a white nationalist Chad as the hero in sort of a James Bond kind of role.
US Intelligence Reportedly Gives Israel Green Light To Assassinate Iran's Top General
insignificant ones. manitoba is the native and metis province and sasq is 15% natives
Tomorrow belongs to us.
lets fuck this world up
twists will come soon enough
you may see what is going on but you do not know what you see
We are already there.
2018 is the year to prepare.
A city or location and the money to build it needs to be found now.
only greater vancouver area is asian, user
east of hope is as huwite as it gets until calgary
>A city or location
>and the money to build it needs to be found now.
..Wait, is British Columbia niggered/chinked/spiced ?
If we act now we can avoid the horrible shit to come.
They certainly know, by self-fulfilling prophecy, that is one possible outcome.
If you want to escalate this movement Trump naming Jerusalem the capitol should have all the Christians and ChristianZionist panties in a wad. The end is near!!!
and trust me, they ain't gonna be praying, they are going to be prepping and making a few demands to secure the nation, just in case the anti-christ doesn't show up.
i sure do hate kikes
We don't have enough like-minded people to put up any sort of real resistance. If we act out on our own without the numbers, we will merely be stomped out as fringe lunatic racists.
Keep this in mind: no matter how well you explain your support for your identity, the average mind will just label you as a "racist" (and you will be a villain). Most normies can only think as deep as a rain puddle. I had an hour long conversation with my brother on my racial belief system, and all he could come up with is "oh, so you hate niggers and spics" and he's nowhere near liberal.
Mason Dixon is a good line - green space
the provinces with the most conservative white people will also have natives. deal with it. it was their land originally after all.
fuck, maybe we can actually help the drunks instead of just throwing money at them like the Liberal party does.
another problem you have is a lot of the yellow, especially in the west is empty space, taking that from corporations, neocons and republicans will be much harder than dealing with liberals.
We would have better luck convincing an already >95% white country to keep it that way. Switzerland, Poland, Austria, Hungary, Estonia, etc. But even they have their own ethnic identities apart from just being white. Introducing an influx of Swedes, Amerimutts, etc. would cause conflict and erode the social cohesion of their countries. Pre-1965 America was the ideal white ethnostate.
The biggest obstacle to a White ethnostate is the term "racist". No matter how well you present your support for your identity, anybody who lives in said state will just be labeled as "racist" because the average normie mind is as deep as a rain puddle.
"white" is an american invention.
Have fun with your fantasy country games.
1. the US itself was built on sedition, secession and illegality.
2. no one is leaving the US. As US citizens we all have the right to travel across state lines legally. SCOTUS has ruled that travel is a right for all Americans, where they wish to live, and who they wish to associate with is also a right, and surprisingly we as Americans also have a right to squat, for that my friend is how the US became the US, but please feel free to stay in your big city, New York, DC, Detroit, Houston, Atlanta, Chicago. Please, do stay there,
I used to think that but I'd rather watch all their tax revenue flee and the panic and starvation alone would make them tear each other to pieces. If you are white and in a blue state just get the fuck out
Jews are nepotistic. Whites are brainwashed and cucked. Its the sad truth. The boomers fucked us. They sit there and watch their granddaughters fuck niggers and have no issue with it.
yeah that long white nation is highly aesthetic
NWF has been around forever. think 60min did a thing about those guys in the 90s.
there's another movement growing in the NW, Cascadia tho they have been very quiet, that might be by design.
there are secession movements all over the US
secession 2017
secession new hampshire
secession new england
secession cascadia
secession vermont
secession hawaii
secession alaska
there are endless movements and legislation on just about every state's table. these started popping up after Congress approved TARP, but I don't think people thought that white people would be the big target.
If you unwind this mess and follow where it leads, where it all started, it's one of the biggest red pill moments in the history of the world.
that looks so 2012 libertarian
not sure about this group.
Is this the guy who has a radio show or pod cast too?
I think these folks are banned and hated more on the net than Daily Stormer.
Can anyone verify?
China's been buying up Detroit
what's the plot and your idea
go make that movie - put it on bitchute or YouTube
>To deal with the British he should have housed the Duke of Windsor in a posh secluded castle in Bavaria, invited the throne to tea. Bent over backwards to appease GB so that Churchill looked like the warmongering schmuck he was.
>It has to be more than pride, you got to think smart because the goal is and has to be the 14 words.
>Hitler lost cause he let his ego get the best of him, he didn't listen to his advisers and instead of protecting his people he subjected them to what we have now, Globalism.
> Anonymous (ID: 76/RzMFZ) 01/02/18(Tue)03:56:29 No.155272973▶
> (OP)
time is running out
bro, Galaxy MM88
You catch the new episode?
>Northern Territories
>Not full of natives
>Not full of Chinks
Just downloaded 3 of the 4 Northwest Quartet (missing The Hill of Ravens) + Dreaming the Iron Dream.
Every other white ethnostate has failed. Do you really think one more will actually work?
This time it will cost Jewish lives - full circle ;)