bing (Bing)
duckduckgo (DDG)
Google doesn’t show it (of course, they’re pushing ads for great discounts on human trafficking I’m not kidding):

Other urls found in this thread:

Bump for justice

take of the tin foil hat lol

k you posted this earlier and duckduckgo doesnt use the original html title tag for their search result. please stop spreading this nonsense

your getting gassed schlomo oven-dodger

Looks like this thread needs pruning :)

Merry Christmas!

lol okay low iq racist bitcvh

hha I'm not afraid of you racist bich!


The cat is out of the bag and there's no going back now. Happy 2018 everyone, don't forget to Bundle Up!

This is the end for Grumpf

>tfw literally all the elites are diddling kids, and opposing political parties are just rival groups fighting over shipments of the goods


GITMO is open for business.

Are you a paid shill or something? How about you start pruning actual slide threads.

Yahoo and ddg use bing's index, no surprise there.
So the question is where did bing get that title from.

>another boomer LARP thread

what a wonder

That text is in the header or page title.

Go to the page, view source, and search for that text.

If it's not in the whitehouse page then the search engine added that description.

>tracy beanz
clearly these autists are still getting shilled by some Sup Forums LARPer


I cant wait to see the look of complete shock on your faggot faces when you hear "hanged from the neck til dead"

oh fuck, i get it now, no QRD necessary. are we really surprised by the company who's CEO resigned the same day of the trump national emergency? yall fuckers better research the google singularity, and no, thats not off topic.

every search engine is showing PEDOgate in the title bar of a link about human trafficking... except google.

some of us have looked at the HTML and dont see it written in there explicitly but since every search engine except google sees it, then it appears google is blocking it and someone on the whitehouse site stuffed it in there somewhere.

Lol look at this faggot

yep i know. normies dont even know it happened. any national declaration of emergency would normally be a HUGE DEAL. aka, storm iz rael

Wow, this jew just doesnt get it. Retard, you are going to die a very painful death today. Better run nigga.

this might be it

Another republican got caught touching kids?

Could be due to a bunch of other sites spamming a different page title as link anchor text? It's not supposed to supersede the page title, but if that's what your query matched it might show it to you instead.


checked. remember the card when the shit hits the fan.

I think guy above is right. Bing is shit and pulled the title from reddit:

even if thats true, you fucking know it doesnt matter at this point. we all know whats going on. the public has woken up. dont try to squirm your way out of this one. we are going to make you eat your selves once we catch you, pedos. one big, raw chunk at a time.

Congratulations, user! You have been gifted the prize of.... drumroll please.... being a complete idiot.

Yes, you're an idiot who's looking too much into idiot things. Instead of being an idiot (you're an idiot if you didn't know), you should focus more on doing important things to further your idiot life. Go outside idiot, play sport maybe, even have a nap if you have the time, which you do, idiot.

A simply page doesn't prove anything idiot. Take the tinfoil off already and stop, idiot.

you mean like inadvertantly googlebombing a title text? it shouldnt happen. and not across all these different search engines. the page is just the page and what it says should never be modified to begin with.

HahAhahaahahahahaha xDD

>people still replying to shills

what did Sup Forums mean by this

Man, do not want to disappoint you, pedos are indeed great threat to US, but, jews are much bigger one.

theres a good percentage of people on here that actually believe in LARPing fags like Q and whatnot

Jews are the fucking pedos.

Better not use the J word in front of the boomers, might throw them into an autistic rage lol

>imma send muh sons to fight and die for Israel
>those damn muzzies grrrr

Faggot retards lol

>that flag

Congratulations, user! You have been gifted the prize of.... drumroll please.... being a complete idiot.

Yes, you're an idiot who's looking too much into idiot things. Instead of being an idiot (you're an idiot if you didn't know), you should focus more on doing important things to further your idiot life. Go outside idiot, play sport maybe, even have a nap if you have the time, which you do, idiot.

A simple page doesn't prove anything idiot. Take the tinfoil off already and stop, idiot.

Don't reply to the fucking shills. Just like I posted in the other thread, whoever created the page added into the page title what appears on search engines. On a sales platform like Shopify for example, they give you a simple way of adding the title tag by just typing in what you want. Then, their .liquid setup populates it for you. If you're coding the HTML yourself, you can add it with title tags. It was deliberate. It doesn't need to be in the actual page itself to show up as the title. Shills can get fucked.


Congratulations, user! You have been gifted the prize of.... drumroll please.... being a complete idiot.

Yes, you're an idiot who's looking too much into idiot things. Instead of being an idiot (you're an idiot if you didn't know), you should focus more on doing important things to further your idiot life. Go outside idiot, play sport maybe, even have a nap if you have the time, which you do, idiot.

A simple page doesn't prove anything idiot. Take the tinfoil off already and stop, idiot.

There is no salvation in this life incel

we've got a live one, Sup Forums

You're right. But pedogate is still real, nigger. It's coming. Don't you see everything just at the fringes? Hollywoods definitely getting there. Weiners down, his laptop is getting searched now. Nothing too juicy, but final confirmation that Hillary did what we all knew she did. So far.

The alwaleed story is not finished yet. The political harassment payouts are not finished yet. We're in the Trump/8goddesses timeline. Nothing's off the table.

Found the shills

i do not encourage tinfoil and I hate Q and everything it stands for...

but what if the guy who uploaded to the whitehouse page is the same guy who posted on reddit and he got his copy paste all mixed up

Fuck yes, the shills are so out of hand they're just copypasting or they're bots entirely.

That's a good point. It could very well be the same person and they could have deliberately made the plebbit post as well as the title tag to the Whitehouse page the same on purpose.

>low iq
Says burger who can't even use his own language properly.

no ones saying its definitively fake faggot, all that is being said is that the higher ups who run will not be labeling a controversial conspiracy theory on their own website. how daft can you be?

Follow the white rabbi.

Pretty daft

very well thought out! haha! glad i am able to read your input

Nose knows.


>A simple page doesn't prove anything idiot.
Maybe not, but your post is all the proof anyone needs.