daily reminder that there will be no peace on this Earth until Russia submits to the actual Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church and is consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
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Pope speaks from the mouth of a snake
catholics aren't christians
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us.
Of course they are, don’t be silly.
Now if you said Mormons, then maybe, but they’re still pretty close.
>Anything but synergizing with your greatest potential self and religion is inconsequential
Mormons follow Christ, Catholics don't. Shit you're delusional.
Not gonna happen.
>memeflag of a heretic Talmudic order that openly worships demons
Are we really going to do this shit again?
People like you OP are going to be hated again a few years and we will go right back to the SJW cycle. fuck off pls
That's not a snake. That's a picture of a room.
True. Fatima was no joke
Never. Catholics are fag cucks and child molesters.
Anti-Catholic thread? Anti-Catholic thread.
Sola Scriptura isn't Biblical
The Church predates the bible
Peotestantism are churches founded by men RCC was founded by Christ
> rooms have fangs
Burger education
No way. Orthodoxy is cooler.
>pillars are fangs
>Architecture that accentuates eyes and fangs
Nothing to see here!
Y'all do admittedly have the funnier hats but we try our best.
It looks like a snakes head from the outside too. I'm honestly impressed but scared
t. Pope Francis the nigger lover
You just use Dagon hats.
lol, mad
Phobias are common among symptom of schizophrenia
The pope is an apostate user.
Mater Dei ora pro nobis
>never seem Sup Forums mentions Fatima or the consecration to Mary.
>hear about it weeks ago thru a Brazilian Father who was talking about Saint Louis Marie de Monfort.
>start reading it to get myself ready to become a true devot
>Sup Forums starting mentioning it
>catholic threads multiplying
may be the truth reign thru the immaculate heart of our lady
Annnnddd there's your problem.
Fatima was an alien visit.
>Submit to the heretical and false Catholic church, which has fucked up the guidelines and church doctrines set by the apostles themselves, caused the East-West Schism, fucked up Eastern and Western Christian relations beyond repair, and is basically about as cucked and corrupt as the Luthershill and Protestshit churches today
Lol, no
"And I say also unto thee, That thou art Elizabeth, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it."
What did Jesus mean by this?
Sola scriptura makes no sense.
Catholics believe the Bible is infallible because the church, through the Holy Spirit, infallibly declared it as such.
But why do Protestants believe the Bible is infallible?
It's not like any of the scriptures say that this specific set of books are all infallible. Even then, the Bible being infallible because the Bible says so is circular reasoning.
Do they accept the church's declaration that the Bible is infallible, even though they believe the church is fallible? How can a fallible organization declare something infallible? Or is the Bible infallible just because it is? Do they just not think about it?
The Bible was compiled over centuries by the Catholic Church, and many books were disputed. The Bible, as it is, was declared infallible and the inspired by God at the council of Trent, and that was only in response to Martin Luther attempting to change the Bible by removing a whole lot of books from it.
Reminder that Holy Mother Church was infiltrated by communist and pinko agents.
without Christ there is no salvation
Ha ha, no, religion is a cancer. We will stay orthodox or abandon religion
Fuck off, you pidor.
"They're eating GEE-ZUSS!"
> Catholics aren't Christian
American education, everyone!
So? Everyone knows Francis is a cuck. This isn't new.
But mary is a whore and christianity is based on cuckoldry?
Yeah, no. You had your chance, one chance, and you blew it.
>implying the vatican religion is catholic
Catholics can suck my di,- oh wait, they probably will
Bavarians aren't German, either.
I have nothing against the orthodox