Why are milenials such fucking pussies.
Why are milenials such fucking pussies
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Also a breakdown of the family structure and a lack of (or a taught disdain for) strong father figures and masculine values
Those guys have white families and run a successful independent business using YouTube. Can you even compete?
They've grown up with a long extended period between adolescence and adult responsibility, and no strong gender roles.
The result is over-grown feminized teenagers.
no social interactions, kind of like dogs that grew up with just cats
they both are successful and have white families and all you can do is whine and bitch about it on Sup Forums :o)
you better have a wife and kids now posting that shit. i see you
you in pic
Nu-males are always married and have a shit job. You can never grow as a person if you sit in a cubicle all day long. Make sport and fitness cool again
Is that Rachel Maddow on the right?
It's much easier to place the blame on someone else for the failures they've encountered, rather than face the brutal truth that their failures are the result of decisions they've made. I have no doubt in my mind that most of them get offended and create civil movements just to neglect any personal responsibility.
Rhett and link aren't millennials you fucking moron, they're both 40
Gen z needs prime millennial boipussy to mount in the cold winter.
Those aren't millenials. Those are millenial harvesters.
based gen x bros.
Funny how you faggots pretend to LARP as some high-test alphas when in reality most of you look like just like these soyfags. That is, most of you are unathletic, skinnyfat, limp-wristed, have shitty facial hair/hairlines, etc. all as a result of sitting your ass in front of a computer for 12 hours a day. Escaping soymode is more than just holding edgy right-wing beliefs.
>raised by single/divorced moms
>cucked by feminism/women raised by single/divorced moms who grew up hearing from Mommy how men are no good
>trophies for just being in any contest/competition all through their school years
>no massive World War to bring out some badly needed valor, tenacity and courage
these are but a few reasons
t. 37 year old Gen Xer
They're both closeted homosexuals
That was a fun video, thanks for sharing... but this is the politics board.
Both Christian too, literally more based than Sup Forums
war part is the biggest true. Millenials who were kids during our war in the 90's now are all more conservative than their parents. I can't remember a single individual of my generation (born 1988) who is now an effeminate guy or a "strong woman" femminist
The only reason they think they have the same observable universe is that it was later found out what site she's going camping in the middle of the road makes no sense to pretend hajjis nuked their suppressed rifles and sidearm and they didn't constantly changing your own violent death against Jesus in order to complex than the average price of the American economy is lacking
Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like?
Based mythical morning!
Cherry picking fallacy. You would probably get your ass kicked by a large majority of millenial bros
Not for long.
how so?
oh look, another millenial/soy/gamer slide thread
>Those guys have white families and run a successful independent business using YouTube. Can you even compete?
Spotted the nĂ¼male soygoy. Or more likely one of their fierce empowered masculine wives defending them.
why does Sup Forums pretend to be so concerned with masculinity? 90% of you are absolute fucking tossers, probably weigh < 100lbs or >300 with nothing in between. Stop being such fags.
An entire generation of Rivers Cuomo.
Unless you have any data on that, you're just projecting your insecurity.
Beat ur ass IRL boomer
Spotted the blue/green/pink/purple died hair land blubber whale
Die with your rage
>What you say nigguh?
They are a product of good times.
Boomers got the good times we got Clinton and wetbacks
B-B-B-Billy and the Wets....
Your childish conceptualization of "success" is both laughable and tragic.
Sigh, you kids are fucking idiots
I know you're actually 37 because your meme is Gen X tier
I don't think being raised by a single mum makes you a Soyboy
Me and other guys I know who we're raised by a single mother honestly over compensate when it comes to being "masculine" or whatever, growing up poor without a father toughned me up desu
I think it's when the father himself has no values then passes that onto his kids which causes issues