Pol cannot possibly refute this
Pol cannot possibly refute this
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Maybe the damn niggers shouldn't do drugs.
>giving money to black people fixes them
how many times has this been attempted? has it ever been successful
>implying statute of limitations isn't a thing
I'm at the point now where I freely admit my racism and thus this means nothing to me
>Pol cannot possibly refute this
Degeneracy should never be normalized, promoted or endorsed.
Prove me wrong (and post more than once)
I think she's so much better of a person for posting this.
Segregation was institutional racism.
This is just niggers nigging - don't break the law if you don't want to go to jail.
Weed is easy to get my man. Your friends and family do it either near you or around you. Open you eyes
show me someone in jail for selling weed who isn't a total piece of shit
Sorry man. Shareblue doesn't give me that information
Racism is Nigger v White
Institution is White collar v Whites
The two cant mix. You fucking Jews keep trying to make your own words and meanings.
Sage and fuck off
My argument is that they willingly and knowingly broke the law to get themselves thrown in jail. Why do they get a free pass after it's legalized when they didn't give two fucks for the law before? We are a society of laws, and people who piss on that get no sympathy from me.
she's right
pardon everybody that is in prison for marijuana and bring them to court immedentally because of tax evasion.
I agree, cancel the legalization of marijuana, immediately!
>Weed is easy to get my man.
And? That doesn't mean it's a good thing.
>Your friends and family do it either near you or around you.
Even if that were true, so what? That doesn't mean it's a good thing.
>Open you eyes
And do what exactly? Be a degenerate druggie?
My girlfriend is awaiting trial for getting caught driving a penske full of weed to Indiana.
I like her shes a nice gal. Kinda of a grouch but not to me
i guess the correct choice is to keep those drugs illegal.
go back
Outside of a dispensary, I've yet to buy any green from someone who doesn't also sell real drugs. If you're in prison for "selling weed", I'll bet a gram that you're in there because they found coke or meth on you in addition to your 1lb brick.
I don't have to refute it. I hope it's true. I hope every nigger in the USA is found guilty of being an ape and then hung from a damn tree.
It was illegal at the time when you committed the crime.
It was illegal when they did it, therefore their sentence stands.
OP is some faggot loser who has bought a total of three bags of weed and think's he's no long a little faggott, but in fact he is
All drug users should be forced into rehabilitation, and all drug dealers should be shot dead. No exception.
>My girlfriend is awaiting trial for getting caught driving a penske full of weed to Indiana.
>I like her shes a nice gal. Kinda of a grouch but not to me
Yeah well she's a criminal, so...
Lol. Fuck Niggers, I don't care
Then they get the rope too.
The irony here is that her statement proves that she's the actual racist.
Move to the Philippines then faggot.
Yeah shes looking at like two years even with her white privelege.
I made a remark while we were pillow talking a while back something like “well i can come see you on a conjugal right?” She did not seem entheused by my comment
Aren't we all faggots tho? I mean if blacks get away with hr and gays with the tolerance bullshit. What stops you from pretending to be a black faggot to game the system?
Why would giving money to communities where people did drugs after legalizing weed make sense.
I get letting all the people go, and the logic of that. I can also get having those people stay in jail as they knowingly commited a crime. I would agree commuting their sentence would be an act of Mercy. But why give neighborhoods full of crack addicts money after legalizing pot? I don't follow
>OP is some faggot loser who has bought a total of three bags of weed and think's he's no long a little faggott, but in fact he is
Potheads are like faggots. Difference is instead of making their life about smoking dick, they're smoking pot instead.
Fuck the philippines, nobody cares about some third-world island nation. The US should stamp out degeneracy to maintain its position in the world.
I can understand that people down on their luck turn to destructive ways to escape their problems, and I'm not blaming them. However, drug dealers make this option available to them, and turn a profit from the misery of innocents.
They MUST be gunned down to ensure the nation's stability.
A drug dealer is worse than a kike.
Is she assuming everyone that sells weed is black?
You don't get punished for something you did after it becomes criminalized, so you don't get pardoned by something after it gets decriminalized. Quick laws.
Selling weed without a license is still illegal though, isn’t it? I also imagine there’s white drug dealers too.
Throwing money at a community on account of their criminality - and fucking race - is “institutional racism” I would argue.
You got it.
Exactly right. She's the racist.
>Government makes drug A legal
>Government builds dispensarys around the whole state
>Government gives money in the form of a tax return to "destroyed community"
>People use money on legal drugs
Life goes on
Anything that does anything that doesn't do something good for my chosen ethnic group is institutional racism.
>implying nignogs don't give a damn about laws
She has a point aktshhually
I don't think its racism but I agree everyone on bogus weed charges should be set free and the state should pay dem reparashuns.
It's purely an act of Mercy. Releasing people from jail for something that is no longer illegal. Changing the law signals a change in the values of a society, so releasing people from prison who broke that rule is an act of forgiveness. The only thing I would mention is plea deals. If people made plea deals down to possession and had done other crimes that are still illegal I would be against commuting sentences. A review of some kind would be nice
Hahaha, did you thinking legalizing pot would make liberals shut up about it? Guess again, it turns out legalizing weed was racist all along.
So she's saying only black people sell weed? that's racist.
By that reasoning there are no crimes because they might one day be legal you stupid fucking leaf.
What does she think the taxes will go towards?
Weed has pretty much been legal for years in California, few are in prison for it now, yet jails and prisons are overcrowded and thousands ar on early release. Plus I thought we already hear California is rich and pays more than they get back, why not use that money, in addition to the recent gas tax, to fix infrastructure. Maybe stop funding illegals. It will be great when they're forced to decrease SaLT before thousands flees.
Can any anons with a twatter account please spam this to the bitch
Since when law go back? they were sentenced under difrent law, deal with it niggers.
She isnt brght that one.
Sure I can. Don't legalise weed.
Do it then great European brothers
"no ex-post-facto laws" goes both ways, beeznatch
No, it's institutional injustice. Refute that.
Daily reminder that the reason there are so many people in jail for "non violent drug related misdemeanors" is because of plea bargains made by violent felons, NOT because we're mass incarcerating people for minor infractions.
The justice system is so overloaded and broke that it cannot process the sheer amount of nigging that niggers do, especially when they are constantly defended by Jew lawyers with funding from non-profits.
Getting a real conviction, even for violent crimes, is too difficult and time consuming. Their best strategy is to plea bargain down to a misdemeanor so that they can A) get something on their record and B) get them off the streets for a few months. They know that even if the sentence is years, they'll get paroled fast and quickly re-offend. Once they've done this a couple of times, they'll finally have enough of a record to put them away long term.
These people doing 6months to a year in jail for minor drug offenses are usually violent repeat felons, the system is just too broken to prove it in court quickly enough to keep things moving. So this is actually the opposite of institutional racism. It's institutional pragmatism that actually lets non-whites get away with much worse crimes.
The girl in OPs pick is lying, traitorous bitch who should be thrown in the slammer with her pet niggers.
Don’t have twatter. Could probably be locked up for thought crime. Free Americans need to do this.
We are not free. Everything we do is watched from birth. From mommy and paw paw to great government
I used to sell weed, and know/knew tons of people that that didn't sell anything else.
I knew one guy that made homemade wine illegally, but didn't sell it - he gave it away. It was just a hobby for him.
I sold spice for a little while while I was still dealing (it was still legal at the time though) until all the stories came out about people having heart attacks and seizures with the newer compounds. After that, I stopped selling it.
Most dealers that aren't gang-associated have morals, desu. Never selling to kids, never selling addictives like coke or meth, etc.
Okay explain to me how you got that from what I was saying. I was saying that if something becomes legal, you release the people in jail for that as evidence that the behavior that got them into prison is okay. If you're in prison for alcohol possession and the 18th amendment is repealed, then the government releasing you from prison is proof that they actually mean the repeal.
Nowhere did I advocate not charging people with crimes in case those laws are later repealed. Just releasing the people after the law is repealed who broke the former law.
The America "justice system" is a complete joke, 90% of Americans in prison (literally 1% of your entire population lmaooo) have never seen a jury because the Judge gives them a plea deal that if they didn't take they'd face a retarded sentence.
Law is always red in favour of the accused. If you did something when it was legal, you can't be punished after it became illegal. If you were put in prison for something illegal, jail time ends as soon as your actions becomes legal in present.
Sup Forums doesnt have to refute this , the judical systems around the world already did. I expect almost every country would have the law that protects the beforehand applications of the system when a new legislation arrives.
It’s true I’m sure. Never take your freedom of speech rights for granted though. Hate speech laws were introduced over here to stop radical Muslims from preaching (they still do, just more privately) but it’s gotten out of hand now. You’re basically a criminal if you “offend” someone.
>I sold spice for a little while while I was still dealing (it was still legal at the time though) until all the stories came out about people having heart attacks and seizures with the newer compounds. After that, I stopped selling it.
House Atreidres pls go
It's true, user, it is true.
Also, keep in mind that the reason so many places have very harsh anti drug laws is because those communities passed them back in the 70's and 80's due to the insane levels of drug gang violence they were facing.
Libshits love to kvetch about blacks doing more time for the same minor drug offense than whites, while not realizing this is because the blacks in the black neighborhoods worked very hard to pass harsher laws so they could keep the thugs off their streets a little bit longer.
The entire war on drugs was spearheaded by black politicians desperately trying to protect their communities from black drug crime. Throw that in the face of these dumb white bitches when they complain about institutional racism.
New year new start shit sucks.
There is a list of all the criminals Obama pardoned. I don't think any of them had less than a few ounces of cocaine or heroin in addition to weed.
Institutional racism? What are you implying?
Except they were knowingly breaking the laws that existed at the time, which insinuates that they do not respect the law, stupid as it might have been.
I agree sadly
>What did you mean by this?
Hahaha so muslims actually managed to make britain shoot itlsef in the foot. With this pace I'll soon be on their side because clearly they are smarter than you.
I have this irrational fear that I'll go to prison for no reason or for something I didn't do. Any anons ever been?
Citation needed
Just do something and get away with it, that might help your self esteem.
in 10 years when pedophilia is legal will all the kid fuckers go free?
Here one of my earlier posts
Freedom of speech and freedom of expression are two things man. Guess which one is accepted by everyone here in the USA
I just took a look through that bitches twatter profile and she genuinely thinks that prisons should be abolished.
I actually agree with her. Hang 'em high instead.
Most people serving lengthy terms for weed is due to violation of probation/parole. Totally different game.
Wait a second are you a sandworm?
Were the white drug dealers freed while the black ones were left in prison?
Were black communities the only places where the illegality of drugs was enforced?
If the answer to both is no (hint: it is), then these things are not racism
That's a good point.
Those people shouldn't be let out. As there are other things which are legal but parole violations. Like associating with a bunch of criminals
We'll be happy to give you blanket pardons for all these people who willfully broke the law while selling weed was illegal. All you have to do is remove "or ex post facto" from the Constitution.
But is legalising it not essentially stating 'It shouldn't be illegal, we made a mistake in outlawing it', and hence making it a mistake to have put those people in prison?
>Racism should be a legal defence to the unlicensed commercial sale of narcotics
Clearly its institutional racism to only have it apply to the sale of drugs, it should apply to sexual assault and rape as well.
If I shoot you and you get injured I go to jail. If the law changed and I was somehow pardoned I'd get out free until you come and shoot me dead. Those who break the law are always given justice from the state or individual wether or not it comes now or later
1. Doesn't change the fact that they made a choice to actively break the law for personal gain.
2. Doesn't change the fact that they made a choice to actively break the law for personal gain and fucked their communities up with violence and other crimes
When was shooting someone ever repealed as a law?
Institutional racism is institutional racism.
Wrong. This topic is explicitly covered in the law. A sentence made in the present cannot be effected by a law made in the future.
At the time of the sentencing you were found guilty of a crime and punished accordingly for it. Changes to the law made in the future do not change this.
Seriously though. The laws that get repealed tend not to be ones where you're harming someone else.
Something like alcohol possession, drug possession, or anal sex. These aren't crimes in the same way that shooting someone is.
It wasn’t muslims who introduced the laws dickhead. It’s just a law that was gratefully accepted at the time, but has been subverted to control people.
Are you talking about cali? Because prop 64 lets you get your case reviewed and then reduced or dismissed, you stupid cunt.
Niggers don't understand the issue of retrospective laws being unjust. In her argument it would;d be unjust to the victims of the crime.
>but but marijuana is a victimless crime!
Yeh not gonna cut it when the fuckers are driving whilst stoned running over kids and mothers.
This. Furthemore
>point one
Non-pardoning is not racism, it is simply money and greed, which is the driver of the prison system. This is true of for-profit prisons of course, but also prison guard unions for government prisons (non-profit). But this cunt surely thinks unions are the essence of a free society.
>point two
This assumes that marijuana is somehow destructive, which I'd be sure she doesn't since she's a shitlib who almost certainly thinks positively (at worst neutrally) of marijuana.
Cunts have terrible fucking opinions on literally everything and should stay out of politics.
It's literally against the constitution to change someones sentence because of changes to the law after the sentence has been decided.
>muh communities