Reminder that smoking is the cure to the soyboy problem

Reminder that smoking is the cure to the soyboy problem.

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Plenty of numales smoked cigarettes before they switched to a mouth fedora

>mouth fedora

>cucking to nicotine jew and dying from lung cancer is the way to solve the soyboy problem

alright buddy, remember faggots, this is the sort of nigger you are paying healthcare for

Yeah. I actually switched myself but I quit that too.

I did that too, then took the nicotine pill.

numales definitely don't smoke, they hardly even drink alcohol other than like 1 craft beer a week.
numales don't do anything that can potentially raise your testosterone, or anything that singles you out like smoking does now.

to be fair, if all the soyboys started smoking, the problem would sort itself out
also smokers are less expensive because they die a lot sooner

Ive been chewing a god damned hole in my face for like 8 years now

>falling for a deadly trend because it's 'fashionable'
>lowers your testosterone
It's peak soy

I disagree.

Nicotine made me complacent. When I would get upset I would simply smoke or have a dip to calm down and come back and not get into arguments etc.

Since stopping I stand up for myself more and take a lot less shit. It makes you stop self medicating your issues. You start getting upset about your problems and doing something about them instead of just relaxing with a smoke.

>been a pack a day for 30 years
>still not dead
fucking hell I thought these things were supposed to kill me

Liberal bullshit

They don't do shit to anyone until you're around 80.

I smoked since ~15 yo I have to say I've been kinda Chad. But i don't think that it's smoking helped me, my father was chad too.

Shut the fuck up, both of you. I'm losing my mother because of her habitual smoking and she's not even 50. You both sound like assholes whether or not you're joking.

putting cylindrical objects in your mouth and sucking on them is the manliest

>being a virgin tobacco user
-smells like shit all day
-women are repulsed by you
-buys industrial made cigarettes
>not being a vape chad bro
- gives you a good breath
- your 0.15 ohm coils create a shitton of vapor
- all the girls are attracted by it
- makes his own e-liquid

being too scared of coming across as gay to put something that has not even a passing resemblance to a dick in your mouth is even more manly obviously

my grandma smoked a pack every two days for 60 years. she only started really gaining breathing problems after she stopped. i dont think cigarettes are the killers people want you to believe, but i also think is right too in that cigarettes mentally numb you from truly expressing your emotions in the heat of the moment


Your anecdotal experience doesn't even match the research from those strongly opposed to tobacco. I'm sorry about your mother, but you don't have to change facts.

tobacco actually raises your T

Smoke since 16, but only when drink. It has open many new experience because interesting people smoke. Also make drinking better.

Nah man, those are just dumb hipsters. There are still girls who like cigarettes.

Actually lifting can solve this problem.

there's nothing wrong with vaping and it is actually much better than smoking

prove me wrong

Might as well reply to the troll thread since everyone else are, as usual.

Switched to vape with 20mg nicotin e-liquids (I just buy random tobacco flavors). Saves money and feels better than cigs. And allegedly safer. Recommend.


>nothing wrong
You look like faggot.

Yeah the most cool thing in smoking is opportunity to talk with interesting people. It's like a social circle.

Tobacco contains nicotine, which is showing all kinds of beneficial effects:
>Slows Parkinson's
>Treats Alzheimer's
>Fights depression
>Treats Schizophrenia
>Increases cognitive function by 12 to 15%
>Boosts testosterone
>Repairs blood vessels and stimulates new growth
>Lowers blood pressure
>It inhibits MAOs in the brain; this is why it's so effective against the mental disorder listed above. It affects dopamine and seratonin levels, and can balance them.
This is not tobacco, but the nicotine it contains. Smoking tobacco is only a means to the nicotine.

The below articles discuss the health effects of nicotine:


>TFW the sale of E-liquid with nicotine in my country is banned

>Caring what other people think

Just ripped my juul. What's the nicotine pill?

Inb4 soyboy nu-male
I'm a senior in highschool. Everyone vapes and smokes. Winston are my favorite anything else is for niggers and is considered new ports.

what do you faggots think about JUULs?

*tips fedora*

Fuck off Phillip, go jew someone else.

I have no idea what the fuck you'r talking about, who gives a shit what tobacco you smoke. If it's cheaper its better.

Enjoy your day at school

>15 hundredth ohm coil

What are you a pussy. At my height of vaping I was hitting 220 watts all day with way more ohms than that. You may not like it but that's what peak performance looks like.

only if you're completely obnoxious (read: american) about it
it has all of the benefits and none of the consequences

smoke on a cock, faggot

I like them

Smoking and nicotine in general lowers T levels everyone know that, or I thought they did.

Snus become popular now in Thailand. Sven open up buisiness in Chiang Mai.

Most smokers don't die from lung cancer
they die from COPD, their lungs having too much mucus and cilia/ alveoli getting destroyed.
The emphysema kills you, and it's the fifth largest killer in the US

Same here, so I buy from Denmark in bulk. About $10 postage for couple month's worth, np.

The most convenient vape. You can use it anywhere discreetly.

>What's the nicotine pill?
a pill with nicotine in it

lucky strikes are decent too desu

scientifically proven to raise T

It increases Testosterone, Weed lowers it tho.

Tears up my throat worse than cigs ever did. I'll stick to snus.


Gee good one

All you suck-addicted faggots need some snus.
>No cancer
>More nicotine than in cigarettes
>Don't smell like a hobo
>Easy to conceal
>Tastes great

Also illegal here, fuck this nanny state.

>*rots your entire gums out*

pssh nothing personal kid

SiamSnus is great. Expensive though, 199 Baht per can.

I tried ordering some from your shitty country and customs wanted me to pay $45 for two tins. Fuck you

i'm immune to cancer bro
I look suave and classy definitely not low class
>people look on with disgust
hey bro you want a cig
>pants heavily
my lung capacity is great

Yes, you get a nice big old duty tax slapped onto it, I'm not sure but it may be the same for E liquid containing nicotine.

It wasn't a joke, I take nicotine pills, they are pills made of nicotine, what is it about this that confuses you ?

Learn to fucking brush your teeth and gums you cavetroll. It's not the snus that fucks your mouth up its the lack of hygiene.

newports are extremely nigger

We have those too, they're called NRT's m8.....

Native or sexpat?

The idea of a snus using native thai Sup Forumsack is pretty funny, and probably improbable.

I know.

Literally killing yourself for the privlege of handing over your cash to Jews. You are an idiot beyond words.

Could we please try a better persuasive tactic than telling our opponents to smoke and kill themselves?

What, you mean you're not leftie and I'm just giving you license by blaming the wrong person?
What, you mean you're not a winger and I'm just giving you license by blaming the wrong person?

Huh. It's almost like the only important part of this message is that smoking is a bad idea.

Nicotine will supress (xeno)estrogens, even if you dose with vapes.
Tobacco rankings:

All numale vapists should buy a lethal dose of e-liquid and end their shame.

Smoking is bad for your biological and emotional health.

This, smoking tobacco is degenerate

reminder that vaporizers are better in every way
except maybe the light maintenance you need to do on your device

Cigarettes are like soy for your lungs.

Okay I'm done Larping as an actual Thai.

Have you ever fucking been outside your Middle Class sphere of BongCuck NEETdom? Almost every person with money smokes when they go out and party. Smoking two packs a day because "muh blue collar life" is fucking scummy, sure, but smoking when once or twice a day, or when you're really stressed, or after sex, or after a meal. Jesus Christ, grow up and go outside you inbred faggot.

Was using shitty English to LARP as a native, but couldn't contain the rage. I'm an American, but grew up in Belgium. Tons of Swedes went to my school due to the Volvo plant and I started using snus about 15 years ago. It was a bitch to find in the USA for a long time, and that (((CAMEL))) shit was garbage. Just rebranded Skoal Bandits. General started to import to tobacconists. They sell snus at the Swedish bars and restaurants in BKK. Really good desu.

Also not a sex pat, unironically cashed out on Crypto.

>I know
So that's probably what he was confused about, he wanted to know what it was called you moron.

People who take memes seriously and let them inform their values should be a meme

>t.tobacco selling jews
Just deal with it. Smoking is absolutely disgusting and unhealthy and while it slightly patches one problem in this situation, smoking always starts other problems such as addiction, lung cancer, throat cancer and so forth. Not to mention second hand smoke is even more unhealthy.


Smoking stunts your emotional health.



That really sucks..
I had no idea that there was snus being sold in Thailand, that's cool.
I fail to see how its my country who's at fault here.

They discourage trannies from smoking because of its endocrine impacts.
Smoking is absolutely overstated as a harm.

Anti-smoking fervor is motivated by governments who want extra tax revenue

STOP using snus

>cigar meme

Literally the boomer vape. Those small dick faggots project harder than anyone. They're the worst.

Because nothing is more manly then ending you're life early for no good reason. Haha but at least you look cool. I bet those soyboys are jealous now.

Go light a fag on your oilrig and die

>you moron
Bit hostile there bud, maybe you should have a smoko to calm yourself down.

Nice larp Thaifag! Go look up some graphs on smoking prevalence, tho. This isn't a good field to try to lie about. It's like crime rates - easily debunked.

Nope, I know lots of soyboys who smoke like a pack a day

ok get ready

not middle class at all, started smoking when I was 12, smoked JPS roll ups usually
about 10 a day, got to about 20 a day when I stopped
then when I went to uni I stopped because it just made me feel like a chav and it hindered my progress in the gym
All these people smoking straights trying to be something they're not like a french man in the 1960's or some cowboy, it looks pathetic
most successful people don't smoke
how about you grow up

I would rather be a little less manly than to smoke and have a shorter life fuck that.

>Meme Party
> Using (((statistics)))

Color me surprised. Is it not within any realm of possibility that intelligent wealthy people know the social stigma of smoking, so they lie about their habit?

Good on you for quitting, or at least cutting back. A pack a day isn't good for you, but calling out all smoking is retarded. It's a great social lubricant and equalizer amongst social classes.

its cure for life

>overstated harm
Is that any more harmful than shitting in a street?
Maybe it's as bout as harmful as evolving a culture around a tasty, tasty cow?

ahah fucking faggot underage swedish snuser, you probably have that liquid diarrhea stuffed under your lip from you wake up to when u got to sleep

The Government needs the sin tax. They justify it by saying part of it goes towards anti-smoking adviretisments. While this is true, only a miniscule amount is put towards that cause, the vast majority goes towards other areas.
Moreover, while the amount of smokers hasn't dropped significantly, everytime it has, the sin tax has been raised, to retain the same profits made by the government.

>not using white portions

Who's calling whom underage?