Is Prostitution just a job - an empowering one?

Is this female empowerment? Don't judge them /pol! It's the patriarchy again making women drop the pretense of a relationship to get gifts and going straight for the cash (and the gifts).

>A growing number of young people (cough! mostly women and a few gay guys) are selling their bodies online to pay student loans, make the rent, or afford designer labels. Is it just an unorthodox way to make ends meet or a new kind of exploitation?

>Miranda is 22 and has the wavy bobbed hair and clipped mid-Atlantic accent of a 1930s movie star; she grew up in a Texas suburb. “I’ve learned how to look like this, talk like this,” she says. “I work hard at being this,”
That's not the only thing hard, honey.
>meaning someone who can charge $700 an hour for sex.
$700? Fucking hell she better work that thing rather than just lie there.
>Her adventures in “sugaring” started three years ago when she got hit on by an older guy and rebuffed him, saying, “Look, I’m not interested, so unless you’re offering to pay my student loans,” and he said, “Well . . . ?” After that, “he paid for stuff. He gave me money to help out with my living expenses.”
Didn't take her long to change her values (as though she had any to begin with).

>The most surprising thing about Miranda’s story is how unsurprising it is to many of her peers. “Almost all of my friends do some sort of sex work,” says Katie, 23, a visual artist in New York. “It’s super-common. It’s almost trendy to say you do it—or that you would.”
Hear that, guys, looking to marry some girl in her 20s? Remember when calling your friends mothers whores was a way to get rile them up? Won't work anymore because now there's high chance they literally are whores who chose to take the easy route to make money (while reading feminist literature and complaining about how easy men have it in the so-called patriarchy)

Other urls found in this thread:

> “Is Prostitution Just Another Job?” asked New York magazine in March; it seemed to be a rhetorical question, with accounts of young women who found their self-esteem “soaring” through sex work and whose “stresses seem not too different from any young person freelancing or starting a small business.”

Oh, great so selling yourself to rich older men gives your self esteem a boost? Here I thought prostitutes struggled with their self image but I guess that's real street workers who have to give out $20 blowjobs so they can deal with their heroin problem while these girls get to -

>“I’m networking,” Miranda maintains, “learning things from older men who give me insights into the business world. I’ve learned how to do an elevator pitch. I’ve learned so many soft skills that will help me in my career.
soft skills? I guess after a hard day at the job you learn soft skills to keep your customers coming back for more.

Lived with and "managed" a 34 year old escort for 3 years. Got to know the online sexbiz (redbook) real well. Outrageously high costs of maintenance for these meth head women.

Was a fucking great experience overall and another wierd chapter in my crazy life

>Is this female empowerment?
they are just given power (money) by men, and without men they would be unable to draw any power from this. so no, it's not empowering at all.

meanwhile people are selling their bodies just to eat or obtain shelter for the night. And the most privelaged people in the world are CHOOSING to do this to afford designer labels

>And the most privelaged people in the world are CHOOSING to do this to afford designer labels

Yep. I feel for those reduced to this just to get a meal or even deal with their drug problem which they turned to out of misery of their life but I don't feel sorry for this -

>“My friend who does it says, ‘I do it for the Chanel,’ ” a young woman told the author.

Well what's really the worst that happens if whore houses are legal? What they women would at least get checked for STDs? But then again there would be that many employed hookers left in that case....

I have no problem with legalized prostitution but these are privileged girls taking the easy way to cash while still pretending to be feminists and telling people not to judge them for being amoral materialistic whores.

>We both come from upper-middle-class families, but we never felt right asking our parents to buy us designer handbags or something, to put that burden on them financially. I was already working full-time,” at a clothing store, “and all my money was going towards helping my parents to pay for school.” So there was nothing left for shopping.

Oh no! What's a girl to do? (suck a rich guy's dick apparently)

This article is just a goldmine in the cluelessness of some women:

>“I haven’t done it in a really long time,” [Alisa] says, “solely because of how it made me feel. Like it just makes you feel worthless ‘cause they don’t pay attention to your brain, they don’t care what you have to say."

Brain? Do you honestly think an executive guy who deals with multi-million dollar transactions or hard negotiations or political debates etc... is going to be intellectually stimulated by the conversation of an early 20-something year old who grew up in the suburbs and works at a clothing store?

Yeah why wouldn't he want to be regaled by a sophomore regurgitating what their professor said in their gender studies class the other day?

Had this for an hour last week as a Christmas pressie from my gf. Would say it wasn't worth every penny, but I didn't pay...

her prices are more reasonable than $700 Miranda in this article.

Did she put some effort into it, user? Or did she try to tell you about Italian politics?

It's just rich people way of exploiting the poor. If you say that prostitution is almost as bad as eating dog shit - people will condemn it - if you say its cool you will fuck a lot of mindless bitches. The truth of the matter is that once a hoe - always a hoe. Imagine that you fuck around for money in an era of phone cameras and internet - then you get a cool job, degree normal life and so on. Then one day your "client" stumbles on to you and say - suck or I will show your husband a vid of you sucking of for money (2 guys at once).

Maybe this is just my backwater idea of a girl but I could only fuck such slut not live with her or try to build anything like a relationship.

Much prostitution = happy and sheep people that can be exploited. Big Brother knows that and he pushes this "liberal" agenda.

v good effort, not a clock watcher drinks supplied and she was nice and friendly good chat (probably all an act being nice but she was good at it so who cares)

Women are whores, news at 11.

That's the problem. They are scans to the roasty cartel, and roasties run the gubmint and basically everything.
When was the last time something roasties liked get restricted?

nice trick (((op)))
girls around here are getting boned for $40
awesome job.

>Outrageously high costs of maintenance for these meth head women.

What do you mean?

Jews sure have done a good job brainwashing women into wanting their designer shit.


Work in a mine for a few years then buy and sell weapons. Distasteful to me, early retirement plan for some other guy.

>yeah escorts aren't just lay there street walkers. They actually want repeat business at it pays better and less chance of the customer being crazy stalker type that the street walkers can get with their $20 fees. If an escort visibly shows boredom she'll get a bad review and fewer clients as a result.

>Maybe this is just my backwater idea of a girl but I could only fuck such slut not live with her or try to build anything like a relationship.

agreed but women will say you're being judgmental for not wanting to marry and have kids with a (delusional) privileged girl who sucked executive cock for handbags in her college days.

>truth of the matter is that once a hoe - always a hoe.
people used to believe that but now we have hoe rights. Honestly real sex workers who had little choice should despise these bitches since a lot these bitches are the type that would look down on a guy if he went to a brothel because they don't see what they are doing as technically prostitution since they don't really need the money coming from middle class families.

>It's just rich people way of exploiting the poor.
True but it doesn't help when these idiots fall for it when they unlike a really poor person have more opportunities like working a real job and living within their means.

This is a gem of "duh!"
>But it wasn’t real dating, and after a while it began to bother her, as she realized the men, although “generally nice,” didn’t actually respect her. “I think the sugar daddies just see the sugar babies as whores,” she says. “They would never consider a monogamous relationship with someone who would need to do this to survive. It’s like a class thing. They see you as beneath them, desperate.

No shit, Slutlock! Captain Whore-obvious is bucking for promotion.

it just acne which can be cured.
Looks still nice.

The prostitutes are degenerate but the pimps are also just as degenerate. Both need (and thankfully are in most western country's) to be outlawed and severe punishment for whoever commits this abomination before God.

I dont get "sugar daddies"

why spend lots of money on one slut when you can have a rotation of different sluts?


>Is this female empowerment?

Princess Di got a $35 million divorce settlement but still felt compelled to prostitute herself to two vile reptilian dwarves, El Fayed father and son.
She was a Yacht Girl.

Amazing eh?

$35 million is just too too poor. Must have moar.

prostitution, acting and gladiator fighting was classed as below citizenry with restricted privileges in ancient Rome.
thanks to the founding fathers emulating Rome but with christianity and also without these tougher policies America now worships its actors instead of treating them like sub citizens they are. Look how well that worked out lol.

These classes of people shouldn't be glorified as they're easy ways to make too much money in a non-beneficial manner to society at large

Hol up buying my ticket to meet turkish qts right now

There aren't many tourists in Istanbul this time of year so it's probably pretty comfy to visit now

Its capitalism dipshit. Dont blame the prostitutes and young women for utilising all of their assets to make their way in life

I would totally be a high dollar instathot if I was a woman. They get to coast through life just because they hit the gym everyday and take the cock which I'm sure they love.

>Is Prostitution just a job - an empowering one?
Of course not. It fucks women in the head. A prostitute can never be a proper spouse or mother. I feel bad for those that have to do this.

>why spend lots of money on one slut when you can have a rotation of different sluts?
Very good, user. I think like their sugar babies these men don't want to think of themselves as lowly johns paying for tricks from a cheap prostitute.

They fool themselves into thinking they are merely helping these bright young women get a leg up (lol!) in the world. Sex is just a natural by-product of this relationship rather than the actual main goal while the girl's main goal is to get money.

both sides are lying to each other and themselves

>Empowerment means literally acting like a whore
>The power of a whore, is the power of the women
>2018, degeneracy rages on, full fucking speed

Isn't capitalism awesome?

money talks, and usually more eloquently than people.

never said I like capitalism. In fact that was the point

>I feel bad for those that have to do this.
key word "have to do this" - the girls in the article all come from middle to upper middle class families. they are in the same position financially like a lot of their male peers - broke, working for low paying jobs to make rent and tuition - but they want to live it up and live beyond their means so they get sugar daddies.

The guys on the other hand eat ramen, study hard, work hard, pay their bills and go out and get real jobs at entry level (while some of these sluts network themselves into some consulting bullshit job or a fake business that their sugar daddy invests in).

Good maybe now jobs will open up for men and this will be better.

ignorance is bliss, or so they say.

personally, I would never habitually spend money on a slut. if you did that, have a new girl every week.

>waaaah degenerates
>said the atheist virgin for the 50th time in his basement

Pollock getting uppity over whores.
I heard they move to Amsterdam or Germany to Suck off rich guys because they are sick of vodka niggers that Polands know for.

lmfao these spoiled new york brats are killing me, imagine if their rich parents found out their daughters suck dick for designer handbags

There is no more privileged class than middle-class girls except the ultra-rich. Women play life on easy mode.

sex at 17 with 15 year old. fuck your retarded ebim verrrgin forced meme

it took you that long to rape your sister?

Not a virgin... Also found the women.
The virgin insult doesn't work.

>I-I-I'm not a virgin!!!!
t. virgin

I'm living with an escort at the moment. They're absolutely attrocious in terms of how much money they think they're worth and the complaining is horrendous.

Look at it this way, the one prostitute I have used?

She got the idea on this very site. From /soc/ I think she said. She was a sweet girl, very hot, solid 8/10 in my book, even shared a lot of the nerdy interests I did, was also a card carrying gun owner. charged 200/h, she was so good I tipped her a hundred Basically I can say Thank you, Sup Forums, for convincing this girl to become a sex worker because otherwise I probably never would have met her or even had to nerve to talk to her otherwise.

>Poor people do this for a different reason than you and therefore...
Therefore what, exactly?

Female detected.

virgin detected

it happens and in this case it was a fellow girl jealous of a sugar baby's instagram photos which probably showed her living the high life out of her means:

>A friend who got “envious” of her postings on Instagram also told Alisa’s parents what she was doing. She says, “She called me a prostitute.”

Because you are, sweetheart. At least own up to it but these middle class girls have cognitive dissonance like nobody's business.

I said it to the prostitute I mentioned in my last post, if I was female, you better fucking believe I would do it. Its the easiest fucking job in the world if you are smart and know what you are doing and how to spot a problem customer. Also helps to carry a gun with you as well (as im sure said sex worker was doing, as she mentioned her gun ownership and concealed carry permit to me and looked very intently to gauge my reaction. I laughed and pointed out the stack of ammo cases we have in a corner in our dining room and gave her a knowing wink. We both had a laugh and talked about guns and gun ownership for a little bit.)

prostitution in germany legal..hmm might go there now

you hired a prostitute. You are now bragging about gun ownership as tho that somehow cancels out how pathetic you are. Thats fucking hilarious

You missed the most important part, why would a dude that is solely interested in paying you for sex care about you beyond sex?

Im not bragging shit, just talking about what happened. Like I said, if it wasnt for Sup Forums, this girl probably would never have chosen this career path and I never would have shared the nice hour that I did with her.

Seriously, how is taking a bitch out, droping a hundred or two or even three on dinner, dancing, inane bullshit, lying to each others faces, doing "the dance" just for the HOPE that she might allow me the PRIVILEGE of her "company"?

Fuck that, im too old for the game anymore. Cut out the middle man completely, cut out the lies and bullshit. If I just want a few hours of romping through the sheets, no holds barred?

Accept no substitutes, accept prostitutes!

>much money they think they're worth and the complaining is horrendous.
lol! what do they complain about? You should do an AMA.

Good for you. I often say a lot of the young guys should get with an escort (not street walker) to get their virginity out of the way. Pick an older girl in her mid-20s out of university with a little world experience who is likely to be empathetic to a shy 18 year old and give him some needed tips. Believe if I could go back in time that7s what I would do.

>Thank you, Sup Forums, for convincing this girl to become a sex worker because otherwise I probably never would have met her or even had to nerve to talk to her otherwise.

But you would never want to settle down and raise a family with this one. Let some other Captain Save-a-Hoe deal with that.

Everyone involved in this sickening business needs to be killed. How far will we fall before we say enough is enough. These degenerates are so brazen they are walking abominations corrupting all they come across and they are proud of it. Dear god I do not know what we have done to inherit Sodom but give us the strength to change or our moral decay will be the end of us.

Cant have kids anyways as far as I know, and am into some pretty kinky shit. I would gladly get with a hooker. If that article is anything to go by, the next generation is going to be more hooker than ever before anyways. Also, im 34, and am definitely not a virgin. Lost that at 15.

Enjoy your "religious girls" Sup Forums, im sure they arent lying when they say you were their first.

the self-entitlement of the delusional privileged middle class white girl who thinks their sugar daddy should also like them for their minds. Real sex workers don't worry about stupid shit like that.

get rid of capitalism get rid of this. This is an economically motivated thing. You have to institutionally dissemble it, otherwise you are just peak conservatism

>“Almost all of my friends do some sort of sex work,” says Katie, 23, a visual artist in New York. “It’s super-common. It’s almost trendy to say you do it—or that you would.”

It's alsmost as if trash whores seek each other out..

>and all my money was going towards helping my parents to pay for school.”

That's a weird way of saying 'my parents payed for my school, and I chipped in a tiny bit'...

Prostitution has existed from the first time Ugg tried to bash Uggina over the head and take her back to his cave, and she said "no, you give pretty rock for fun time". It predates religion. As long as man wants to get his dick wet, there will be wet and willing holes who will do it for a pittance compared to what other holes want. Only way to completely do away with it is to kill our drive for sex. And doing that would truly end the species.

Legalize it, regulate it and tax it. Solve our national debt in a year or two and probably cut down on rapes and shit by a million fold.

This is the unashamed sodomite what he stands for is a white washed grave. He carries the stench of whore with him and wastes his money on meaningless things. He is a pathetic specimen who has been subdued by vile women and is greatful for it.

most relationships are a form of prostitution these days with women sucking up resources till they decide to trade up if they aren't cheating on the guy before that.

>Fuck that, im too old for the game anymore.
yeah it's mainly these clueless young guys who think they are above getting prostitutes because they are players not realizing they are getting played by girls who are much better at the game than they will ever be.

go Nazi LARP elsewhere

>Cant have kids anyways as far as I know,
that's a good thing
>I would gladly get with a hooker.
indeed but not marry one

true we should all be green like germanic countries


t. lonely bitter woman

thats just false. Womyns is people too. And if the tales of prostitutes (both male and female) are anything to go by, people just really want affection. Unless you are the type of person that doesnt, in which case I guess yeah you wont, however that isnt most people

prostitution is the lowest of the low. what makes it worse is that it is usually "empowered feminists" that are prostitutes and they claim they are oppressed and don't have equality. they literally have all the power in the world between their legs. nobody is lining up to pay to suck a dick.

but yes, it is just a job. whores are dead inside. they are completely cut off from emotion. they aren't there to find the love of their life. they are there because they are lowlifes that can't or won't work a proper job.

>subdued by women

>by paying one to let me throat fuck her while she leans her head over the edge of the bed

>After im done she leaves and goes off into the sunset while im sexually satisfied and can carry on with my day

Yeah, the woman won clearly in that situation. Holy shit, I have to go pray five times to saint anita sarkessian now because women have totally won over me by me not playing their bullshit games and just paying for what I want. yep.

>That's a weird way of saying 'my parents payed for my school, and I chipped in a tiny bit'...

I know - the lack of self awareness in so many women these days is shocking (but not surprising). She's basically having her parents help her thru school which a lot of girls get unlike a lot of guys (me) who worked their way thru school yet she still felt she needed more money for shopping. The idea of going without shopping never occurred to her but sucking a rich guy's dick did.

youre not kinky, youre pathetic. Thats not even remotely kinky

so if one is a virg and just wants to be done with it what should he do ? Invest days and more money for relationship thta may or may not end in success?

or just fucking find a girlfriend. Girls are in fact horny too.

What about dressing her up like a fox girl with holywood makeup effects and strategicaly placed fur on her body and letting her fuck me in the ass with a strap on? Because that would be pretty fun in my opinion. The throat fucking isnt all we did, btw.


Maybe if you paid for sex with money and not a jar of peanut butter you'd understand.

Women are whore, that's all

Thats so fucking strange. Like I cant see how that would get anyone off. Not even a little bit sexy or BDSM'y, thats just weird

Yeah, because women in the fucking 70s were telling the truth when some official survey by "the man" is asking them how much of a whore have they been?

Data like that cant be fully trusted.

Prostitution isn’t all butterflies and fairies user most girls have serious psychological problems from it and are drug addicts. A girl who has prostituted herself from 19-25 is so worn out by the end of the run, there is always a cost.

so what is the difference between a horny girl that gives in right away aftre a date or two and a prostitute ? do you want me to belive the girl didnt do it with more guys just like a prostitute how can one trust the girl then ?

>thats just weird

Coins and salty milk are weird.. This is just run of the mill furfag shit.

this is a terrible infograph. In that it ignores how old the people are when they married, the socio economic status of the people involved and education levels. Its true Sup Forums level discourse.

tru. Still weird tho

If the numbers are rising its not suprising. The population is mostly useless plebs who know nothing, produce nothing, own nothing.

Studies showed that at least 44% of White women were still virgins into the 1970s, so there's no reason to doubt the data.

Jobs of any kind are only slightly more empowering than poverty.

Hey, im a fan of BDSM too, but mostly as a voyeur. Im too much of a pussy to let someone beat the ever loving shit out of me, and im too scared that if I did that to someone else, I would like it too much. Ive prided myself on not being violent unless its a legit situation, not a get off.

And really, if someone in a costume fucking someone is "weird" to you, it doesnt sound like YOU are very kinky.

Already been looked at by four different studies; all confirmed the findings contained in that infograph, in that the more sex partners have, the higher her divorce risk is:

their socio economic status and education levels are fucking irrelevant you retard. a rich woman is no more likely to be a virgin than a poor one.

>what do they complain about
Everything. I know a bunch of these girls because they all tend to work together and are friends online so I've heard all the complaints in person, eavesdropping and just been flat out told by the girl i was living with.These are all things I've been told by them:
>The men I see should have to pay for the hotel on top of the £200 an hour I charge. Otherwise I'm losing money.
This one is particularly annoying because she used to book out a hotel room for 2-3 days and see as many people as possible. So she wanted to charge £70 on top of her asking prices to every man that saw her
>They have too many requests, why should I dress up to make them happy?
>I don't bother seeing them again if they dont bring me gifts
>I only made X credits in 4 hours, this jobs a joke. I could be earning more at a pub.
Camgirl said this whilst crying. Came out at £20k a year on 4 hours a day
>I stopped booking this guy because he was shit at sex and came too soon
Complaining that she was getting more money for less work
>I shouldnt have to buy the uniforms.[few months later] Why do none of the uniforms fit me?
>Why are they so demanding?
>Why do they keep requesting me to wear certain clothes
>Makeup is costing me a fortune, I'm not bothering with it anymore (lost a load of clients and then began crying about it)
>(After putting up prices from 100/hr to 300/hr) Fuck this job. Men are dickheads.
These girls are capable of earning £45k-50k a year very easily. But they squander their potential trying to cut corners, being rude and not providing a decent service. I've met 2 girls that have actually treated the whole thing like a business and they own very expensive property, get all kinds of hope from clients who are traders.
Worst one was this girl who was making £300 a day. Quit for 6 months coasting on however much money she'd earnt. Then when she came back was in tears because her regulars had moved on and she wasnt making money because of it.

>most girls have serious psychological problems from it and are drug addicts
>there is always a cost.
lol getting used as fuckholes is the most usefull thing these fucked up women are good for. Imagine these pathological shitheads would have offspring and there would be another generation of pathological hoes that just stay in the darwinian evolution because dumbass guys wanna fuck em.

virginity never came into this. Its basically the idea of sex and masculinity, in that as a man you should be able to attract a female, and to resort to using the market to satisfy your needs basically makes you less of one.