Supporting a jewish coal burner

>supporting a jewish coal burner

Other urls found in this thread:

If she was so "traditional", she'd be married by now to a white guy and would keep her mouth shut about anything pertaining to politics.


Do not post in anti-white threads.
Do not reply to anti-white posters.

this guy is an obvious Paki poo and is probably the reason why Lauren resents muslims so much

Lauren trying to pass him as a Trump voting half black half Irish guy is a total joke, the guy is 100% Pakistani

She's a confirmed coalburner you idiot

How old is she 30-35? And why she has no kids and husband. This is such obvious scam, why do you even care about this whore.

inb4 finnish laurenfag

Probably 25-30, but she pretends she's like 21

>le copy pasted memes xD
>gib me your shekels goy, I use memes and I'm fapable but unatractive enough to look approachable like the girlfriend you always wanted :D

Wow such trad it hurts.

I've met Lauren, she's an awesome girl and whatever hurr beta but she's so pretty irl.

These are just shill threads. Wow, a teenage girl in pretty much the most liberal leftie country in the world wasn't red pilled in her teens.. imagine my shock.

Nor were most you, only we can't put your past as a child under a microscope. She's still a young adult now. You'd have a point if she was sucking black dick aged 30. Even as a teen though she's not with some ghetto nigga throwing gang signs, that's a nerdy Indian.

Blah blah blah.

Lauren's Jewish heritage is disgusting, as is her defense of Jews, as is what appears to be serial coalburning. That said, I still think she is of net benefit for her efforts against feminism and liberalism, so I will not condemn or persecute her. I'd say "continue to support" but I never offer anyone any real support aside from sharing their words.

>Even as a teen though she's not with some ghetto nigga throwing gang signs, that's a nerdy Indian.
It's pretty obvious the guy was a paki question is why did she say he was a mullato Irish

Forgive the coalburner, goy
Fuck off

Maybe he is, who knows? She probably does feel bad about it now but she was a white high school girl in Canada. It's so retarded to complain she wasn't 14/88 aged 16 in Canada. Absurd even.

The work she does now, travels to Europe, documents things and so on. That's how I met her. These threads are as dumb as "hahah person x posed in a photo with a black person"

There is being a racial realist and wanting an ethnostate then there is being a sub human knuckle dragging skin head.

>i'm so salty and bitter she wont notice me and i am worth my weight in gold to the right movement which is why i am a faceless user online who will never amount or achieve anything


>falling for the tradthot meme
All these attention whores. Tara, Lauren Rose, Southern, are feminists. If they were traditional they wouldn't be attention whoring on the internet

The only real traditional women, would live in some isolated community. The western world corrupts all women with feminism since it appeals to their selfish most primal instincts
Women are emotional animals. They are not logical. They are therefor easily manipulated by the authority that is society

The problem is not that she is jewish or a coalburner or even a jewish coalburner combination but its that she is a jewish coalburner that is milking millions of dollars from weebo virgin underaged and just plain retards of their money. She is a snakes oil salesman to a T which is probably why americans love her so much (she reminds them of themselves). My 2 cents.

You can't win without jews and coalburners

Honestly, I've dropped this whore. I'm sorry I was beta and had oneitis you guys. I was talking to her online and I thought she was my friend

Most girls here date niggers/poos exclusively since they don't feel used(feminism ingrained, having sex is being used by a man), rather than a white guy because they see poos/nogs as persecuted/non aggressive/defensive groups. But keep paying her to act trad.

uwu what's this? is it really you?
You promised me you'd stop, user. I'm proud of you.

So by your own admission you admit it is the norm and Lauren was a young teen then and has broken away from it. Could you be any more stupid?

>But keep paying her to act trad.

I am in one of the European movements, I am friends with Martin Sellner which is how I met Lauren. You're a nobody. Go play in traffic.

All is forgiven, my Finnish friend. I'm glad you're finished with her.

>I am in one of the European movements, I am friends with Martin Sellner
Lmao imagine being this committed to a temporary alt-right fad that will disappear in a year tops.
>which is how I met Lauren. You're a nobody.
To the contrary you fucking faggot. The fact that I have better things to do rather than get involved with these opportunist and random drifting in life faggots like you seem to have means that you are the nobody disgrace of an adult.

>Lmao imagine being this committed to a temporary alt-right fad that will disappear in a year tops.

It wouldn't matter if it stopped tomorrow. At least I can say I tried, I did something rather than nothing at all and just sat shit posting. That's the difference between you and me.

>To the contrary you fucking faggot. The fact that I have better things to do rather

Starting with an ad hom because you got called out. You are sitting online to spew shit about a young something-girl. Yeah, you really have a lot to do. You're a nobody, like I said. Lauren was right, you do jack off to her.

>has to name drop and be part of a clique to feel special
You are the lowest form of life. Me and my friend Clint Eastwood are laughing at you right now

Respond Ignore >Sage

I named dropped to explain what kind of movement I am involved in, I thought that was obvious. Maybe not to an autist though.

>not being smart enough to realise she latched onto "muh alt-right" for the publicity boost

Come on... she'll do a U-turn once she is big enough, and will have already made it by then and be free to do whatever she wants

I get it. You think other people as pathetic as you will be jealous you're part of a ''cool kid's'' club
But you're actually just a beta orbiting cuck

>It wouldn't matter if it stopped tomorrow. At least I can say I tried,
Want a participation prize bitch?
>I did something rather than nothing at all and just sat shit posting. That's the difference between you and me.
No the difference is I am mildly interested in the happenings and I know the background of white girls here and it coming out that she was with a brown skinkiny poo a couple months back was fucking fantastic. While you;re a useful idiot who got engaged in this joke of a """movement""". FYI race politics happened partly due to the CIAniggers et al. supporting it and when they stop it will end immediately.
>Starting with an ad ho . . . . . . . . You're a nobody, like I said. Lauren was right, you do jack off to her.
Don't know the reference here regarding LS saying something but regardless kys you walking meme of a "guy who did something" le.

I get it. You're projecting.

>cool kids club that anyone white can join

Maybe English isn't you first language.

>Want a participation prize bitch?

Are you a homosexual? Bitch? Really?

> While you;re a useful idiot who got engaged in this joke of a """movement""". FYI race politics happened partly due to the CIAniggers et al. supporting it and when they stop it will end immediately.

This is barely readable. Go watch some anime.

>regardless kys you walking meme of a "guy who did something" le.

Still unreadable. Yawn.


FUCK this bitch.

>he has to this others posts to form a backup crew, validate his opinions and be part of a group

Hahaha. Couldn't even make this up if I tried.

You shills are so fucking incompetent. If you just stuck to the "she dated a non-white in highschool" narrative you might be successful.

But you are actually trying to spread the lie that she is jewish even though it is easy to debunk. This gives me energy, this tells me that the anti-whites who are shilling on here are not very smart. You people are exceedingly dumb. It almost makes me embarrassed to be the same race as you utter losers.

>No the difference is I am mildly interested in the happenings and I know the background of white girls here and it coming out that she was with a brown skinkiny poo a couple months back was fucking fantastic.
I see you missed this part. Yeah she was with a FUCKING LOSER ACCENT HAVING HAIRY POO. Literally not even humans and she was spending here early teen years with him. I hope somebody repeats this to you everytime you post here until you can't ignore it and most likely just off yourself

wew so many butthurt non white people on Sup Forums these days

the Nazi flag and the leaf are butthurt shitskins from reddit just ignore them

hordes of SHITSKINS lurk here 24/7 purposely trying to stamp out any manifestation of pro white politics whatsoever

This can't be the real finnbrah. just last night he was shilling hard for her

LMFAO there he is.

Of course it is not me. I am not so easily manipulated by jewish agents. Unlike most of the retards who browse this board.

I'm simply able to differentiate between a teenager and a young adult. What's next ion the agenda, hang adults when you find a photo of them posing with a non-white when they were 10 years of age?

You're pathetic and you know it. You're irrelevant and people like you wouldn't even be welcome anyway.

I want to hump her

Where's the proofs?

Fucking hell, stop shilling this retarded cunt.

This is broadly right. She doesn't have to be perfect. She is saying the right things now. Young girls are under as much negative influence as men and look at how bad men are. It's not like you are going to marry her. She doesn't have be your perfect innocent waifu. Any girl, especially a pretty one coming from one of our counties will have grown up under such an ideological onslaught, that to even be slightly redpilled is amazing. There is not a lot she says that is wrong and she address girls too which is important.


I love to see how do you idiots fight between yourselves

don't trust this liar and his fake ''lauren isn't jewish'' meme pictures
He literally defends a coal burner even though he used to say that he hates all coal burners. He's a lying sack of shit with no convictions whatsoever, all he cares about is beta orbiting and he will never stop

>half irish
I finally understand what they were doing in the last MM episode

I think they know this really they are just bitter shills. Some are truly so far gone though they think girls exist in a magical castle in which they are pro-white from day 1.

The fact that Lauren lives in such an extreme left country and is still pretty young and has managed to escape the conditioning is admirable.

Lots of the other popular figures, PJW, Stefan, Tommy Robinson, Richard Spencer are much, much older and grew up in a different time.

Oh god just stop talking about her Jesus christ


Fuck off faggot and your little identitaire alt light cuck front mouvements. I despises you like I dispise the left.

T. Polack

Thanks for helping my point. Someone actually spent the time to photoshop such a picture to spread a lie. How pathetic. You are so terrified of Lauren you have to resort to lies.


Yawn. Such a proud European you live in Canada. OK then.

Whiteknighting on a Sup Forums of all places.

Consider killing yourself.

>There is being a racial realist and wanting an ethnostate then there is being a sub human knuckle dragging skin head.
There's also your past choices coming back to haunt them. She sure loves preaching, but she's not actually living the lifestyle she's advocating for others. It's most likely that she's just in it for the money and attention.

For the record her excuse for her blatant lying is that she is ''technically not religiously jewish''

Are you fucking for real? She has NEVER said she is jewish. Are you referring to that fake tweet that people are posting? You are so fucking embarrassing.


That involves sticking up for a random girl who is attractive. I know Lauren somewhat. It's not really the same thing now, is it.. keep grasping though. You're another irrelevant. Whatever you say and shills like yourself will change nothing for me. Because I know you'll never leave the seat behind the monitor.

Any images of her with her natural hair colour?

>admits to fucking the black man
>thanks for proving your lies rabbi
>my Aryan goddess has her honor restored
I'm convinced at this point that your mentally unstable

You are notorious for fake tweets and photo shopped pictures to deny that she's a jew, don't even fucking talk about fake tweets you faggot


>totally changing the conversation and pretending like we are talking about the same thing

Nice Talmudic tactics you got there rabbi.

>Kraut left youtube because his mom got doxed
>Krauts mom is a mayor
>Kraut makes anti-muslim videos

I know right? This is the kind of people we need as the face of our movement, not young pretty girls. This fine white gentleman will surely lead us to victory

>There's also your past choices coming back to haunt them

As an adult, yeah. As a teenager or a child? I wouldn't say so.

>but she's not actually living the lifestyle she's advocating for others

You could say that applies to most of pol. She's still very young and of course some girls will withhold from kids to spread a message because if they don't, who will? And because they know the future is bad that will obviously put them off having children.

Even if you have traditionalist beliefs it's hard to just leave spreading your message to go off to live that traditional lifestyle because it's going to be soon impossible with all that is happening.

>It's most likely that she's just in it for the money and attention.

She doesn't even make much compared to big youtube stars. You could say anyone online is in it for attention, not really fair.

I don't understand why she said he was a mulatto. Paki is actually a little better and not technically burning coal.

Who the fuck do you think believes this bullshit? You do realize people can actually check the stuff that I post? Do you think everyone on Sup Forums is 80 IQ? Could you make it any more obvious you are an anti-white piece of shit?

White girls are obsessed with BBC, it's not her fault

>he unironically uses a rabbi blast
She's the one fucking black dudes not me. She admitted it. The only Jew here is you. So as always, does this rootless international Jewess pay you per post or a flat rate for a thread?

He is a true Aryan God, he hasn't even slept with a black girl or any non-white, he is so pure, so pure in fact he's never even been in the same room as a female.

You know its true. You faggot french cocksuckers have nothing comparable to what Slaves have in their genes, heart and history to fight! Every single one of you , looking in your eyes I see a french poddle. You dont have any balls to keep eye contact with a foreign invader in your own land for more than a split second. All of you will die on their knees.

As a Finn do you consider yourself white or only half?


I'm Austrian. Moron.

How does her doing something degenerate in the past justify you lying about her being jewish?

This is how I know you are a shill, you do not give a shit about the truth. I hope you are a leftist shill and not actually a white nationalist who would be dumb enough to score an own goal like this.

Just stop lying, we all know you faked this picture

I am more white than pretty much anyone on this board. Even my ballhairs are blonde.

>As a teenager or a child?
Someone in their late teens is completely capable of consciously making their own decisions.

>Even if you have traditionalist beliefs it's hard to just leave spreading your message to go off to live that traditional lifestyle because it's going to be soon impossible with all that is happening.
Yes, the classic "it's pointless to try because everything is shit anyway" argument. It's not my fault I don't have a family, it's society's fault!

Pakis are not better you imbecile. Its like asking for aids or having a limb chopped off. Both shit you can't make a choice.

Fuck this reply, I'm seeing reddit faggotry in a whole new level.

What kind of low IQ retard do you imagine believing your bullshit? It is only a matter of time that LS makes a video about how she is now jewish and then all of your efforts will be for moot.

>how she is not jewish*


HAHAHAHAHAHAHA You will never be white you fucking mongrel

Well she's admitted to not only coal burning but being Jewish so yeah she's a Jewess. And what is she paying you?

fuck off lefty-retard

That dude aint half black half Irish, probably some paki

This dumb bitch will disappear in no more than a year and become completely irrelevant, while you have been here posting +1 years calling everyone else a shill who tries to say that she is an opportunist. Your dumb whore LS will gradually have less and less mentions/relevancy until shes just gone as her opportunities dry up. You're pathetic faggot.

I truly do not understand why you keep repeating such an obvious lie. You know that anyone with an IQ above 100 can figure that she is not jewish, right?

>This dumb bitch will disappear in no more than a year
She has only gotten more popular since she went independent, so this is retarded.
>Your dumb whore LS will gradually have less and less mentions/relevancy until shes just gone as her opportunities dry up. You're pathetic faggot.
I agree she needs to get more white nationalist if she wants to keep being popular.

I dont know why any of you weirdos were supporting her and her shitty low quality alt lite content in the first place. All shes good for is being a relatively accessible talking head for normies dipping their toes in the right wing, and for making it look like we arent all a bunch of sexually frustrated male autists. I have never taken her seriously beyond that.

>She has only gotten more popular since
> agree she needs to get more white nationalist if she wants to keep being
Pick one faggot. LS the whore will gradually disappear when she stops getting clicks and making a living from this. But you have invested +1 year shilling for her. You are probably the biggest cuck this planet has ever witness, and I honestly recommend you end your life I'm not joking rn.


She admitted to being jewish? Got a source?