When did this country exist? Someone redpill me on this mandela effect
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...it says right there in the wiki page when it came into existence. 1960, roundabout when many other countries gained independence from France. (Yuuuge mistake IMO-the French and British should have held onto their overseas territories-that would have saved a lot of trouble) How does the Mandela effect tie in, exactly?
Mauritania sounds like a name that would stick out but I don’t remember it other than when it was a Provence in the Roman Empire.
slavery was abolished in 2004 there or something
> Have no knowledge of some shit African country
> Claim mandala effect
>Implying anyone on Sup Forums knew what the fuck Mauritania was before this post
>precolonial past is one of the least interesting in the North African region
>events leading to independence was one of the least bloody in African history
>it leaves an unexperienced first post-independence government, so the first president became a dictator in 1964
>constant coups since the late 1970's because of the Polisario front
Amerimutts you always amaze me with your incredible stupidity
It's existed for ages. You even forgot Liberia ever existed (America's only attempt at a colony) until VICE made a documentary about warlords eating each other there.
It's always existed
>constant coups
Speaking of these, they're on break during the 90's and since the current president is elected. A few months ago two red horizontal stripes are added to the sides of the flag as part of a big change in constitution.
That country exists because Morroco already has trouble dealing with Western Sahara, and Mali, algeria and Senegal don't wanna deal with the most autistic population on earth
maybe you need to retake 4th grade geography, also id advise you to not post(for your own good)
mangala used to be my favorite game as a kid. beat all the cute bitches in mangala, they knew i had madskillz
I apologize for him, le 56% meme is true and has caused irreparable damage.
>I’m bad at geography
>it must be CERN!
>American "education"
You're confusing that with Mauretania, the place the moors came from which is modern day Morocco, because the eternal colonizer can't name things for shit
We're not all pig ignorant, some of us even know about Western Sahara and the based Polisario
It always existed. Most likely you just never heard about it because it's a shithole that hasn't had a sexy humanitarian crisis for the news
Fuck I guess they just invented this one too
It was never a province of Rome, the vassal of Mauretania was in coastal Morocco and Algeria, the country Mauritania just calls itself that.
Part of French West Africa, couldn't beat the Polisario Front in Western Sahara, and is an utter shithole. Don't blame you for not knowing it.
The total fertility rate of Burkina Faso is 5.93 children born per woman (2014 estimates), the sixth highest in the world.
HOI4 Milliuem Dawn mod, taught me this country existed
It's a pretty interesting country. Read the book Disposable People, it talks about how Mauritania still has slavery, the old chattel kind of slavery, even though it is "abolished" on paper, the muslim Moors still own black slaves...and what's really weird is that the black slaves are sometimes best friends with their owners and don't want to be free....probably because it's all they and their families have known for hundreds of years and their owners take care of them. Also, all the slaves are named Bilal, because that was Muhammad's slave's name...and muslims aren't allowed to have that name.
It's also pretty cool, there was an user on /trv/ who I was going to go to Mauritania with back in 2014 but i couldn't come through and he went with other people. He showed pictures of him riding the Iron Ore train, riding camels and living off booze like a bum. Wish I could've gone.