Is this true?
Is this true?
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Yeah pretty much. If someone asks me how much I make I will give them an honest answer. I guess boomers like to lie? They don't care much for the ten commandments?
Pretty sure boomers don't tell you their salary at all. They say average or something
Boomers prolly think $250 000 a year is average.
this. hiding your salary is slave mentality and the only ones benefitting from it are your boss/the company
The only reason it would be considered rude to ask is because it was drilled into everybody's head in order to prevent workers from discovering that they are being cheated.
The one thing that makes the boomers easy prey is that they all think they can take the system on all by themselves, and they think everybody else is just an obstacle to their success.
They have no concept of teamwork or trust. They can't unite. This makes them worthless and weak.
>hey dude, how much they paying you?
>How rude! Dont ask me again!
>okay, sorry.....
>Hey dude, how much do they pay you?
>$18 an hour, why?
>what, I make $25 and we do the same thing. Why do you make less?
>yeah, lets get everyone to talk to the boss and see why some of us are getting shafted.
i dont go outside so nobody asks me anything
People who work harder at their job deserve more pay.
Bull-fucking-shit! Buy my pdf instead for a mere $750!
>750 bucks for a "Generational Talent Trends" report
it's the old christian way, money is dirty
It is not surprsing since the majority of them do not work at all
fuggin shitstorm in my old company when someone got the wrong payslip in his envelope, was getting paid nearly half less than a colleague for the exact same job
It's collected from data supplied by companies ... which they have to pay to submit.
It's the most boomer thing ever. Companies email all their employee data (birthdays, salary, benefits, SSN in the US) to them, then they average it out and sell it back to them as a pdf.
A few of the surveys are free. Nishimura should contribute some data ...
Throw that off on sci-hub
I'd be interested what bullshit they sell
Pretty much true. Nobody really gives a fuck about having low pay unless they are insecure, the people who are making decent money usually like to boast a little.
Friend of mine was back for the holidays and all us old college buddies met up again (late 20's early 30's). He was telling us how he's doing in London: earns 70K pounds a year at senior position in a department in a pharmaceutical company. Pays 45K a year in rent for average apartment. Contractually obliged to drive a BMW S series if he wants to drive because "you are representing the company", which costs him a lot due to tax etc. Many other costs for living there. Have to book in advance for everything months ahead of time, because London. Only has veneer of doing well because gf is working also. Fucking crazy, financially would be better off working at Mc Donald's back home here without the stress and BS with what he does. Fortunately he openly loves status so it works for him and he stays sane. All other friends in similar boat with shit tons of worry, stress, responsibility. Blew my mind. They are super jelly about my position and desu I'm pretty sad that they had to work so fucking hard just to go right back to square one. But hey, you know, they get to say they work high end jobs in big companies contractually obliged to live even their private life in a certain way because the company has a status to uphold through it's over qualified peons. Christ. Then people keep getting worried for me "Don't you want to do something more than just work Joe jobs? What about your career? You're 30 now user, aren't you worried?" And I just laugh and drink my pint. Might as well be socialism at this point. What a joke. Unless you are into status, just get a regular or trade job and be happy.
for some reason boomers think if you ask them how much they make and they tell you, your response is going to be
>fuck you, you should make LESS money
instead of
>wow fuck them I should make MORE money.
boomers are dumb.
My company has submitted and bought a few of their reports. It's bullshit b/c it's dependent on what's submitted - basically the inmates run the asylum.
The data is run every year. If we do or don't participate, the data is skewed up or down and suddenly we're told, 'There's a huge shift! Cut pay!'
I've seen swings of 30% YOY before that was nothing but someone not submitting. That's how fickle the pay system is for companies.
Theres no bmw s series, lol.
Holy fuck you're all was considered rude because it's literally the measure of someone's worth to the employer, and people generally d idnt want to feel less valuable/inferior to their peers. These days the more inferior you are, the more society holds you up and gives you, so that's all done with.
No, most high salary people won’t say shit because you fags will sorry out and claim racism
>you are all fired, I can get some beaners to do it for 4.50
>fuck you, you should make LESS money
To be fair, a lot of Marxist millennials have this mentality as well.
>the guy using a laptop by holding it up with his palm
its a fucking LAP TOP COMPUTER you idiot
see arian blonde girl with asian alpha male. white bois cant compete no more. asians are more masculine, smarter, more confident, no cry babies and bigger dicks
Kazakhstan Kazakhstan great potassium!
All other countries bad potassium!
theres gotta be someone out there stupid enough to buy this shit at those prices. are these just glorified term paper/pop culture book on amazon type dealies?
>has his eyes open
Lol, that’s just your average amerimutt.
This. If you really make money you aren't going to tell it to anyone. But if you are a poor fag like me for example you will tell it to everyone and blame capitalism like a faggot
And I'm guessing every time a boomer hate thread is posted you're one of the faggots slurping boomer dick saying that gen x/y/z are to blame for things caused by boomers
How much do I make
I tell the truth and to be honest I find it’s best if everybody in the office does because then all of you can see if you’re being underpaid or not then raise the issue with management as a group
good post actually
Wow the same fag makes multiple posts defending shitty business policies why am I not surprised?
>oh fuck my buisness is bankrupt because the beaners ruined everything!!! white ppl pls help
Butthurt people will accuse me of jealousy, lol as if I'd envy a drug dealer hahaha
BUT, does murdering people with pharmaceuticals pay its 30 pieces of silver?
So anarchist memers are British and fash faggots are American
BMW 7 Series, I brain farted. It doesn't even look that nice desu. Way more authoritative business looking cars out there.
>Revenue $4.3 billion (2016)
This is just one arm of their racket. Self reporting data like OP is blabbering about (think Linkedin and Glassdoor) is a nice spear in their side.
They're too fat and bloated to introduce technology into their firm.
>Excel and pdf
That has to be some money laundering or write-off for whoever buys it.
>Why do you make less?
Because he was a pushover during contract negotiations.
Nobody is entitled to equal pay. You offered your labor for a bargain and have nobody to blame but yourself. Sort yourself out, bucko, and better luck next job.
I couldn't stand a bitch like this
I hate materialism.
Just the fact of leaving my house with all my valuables make me paranoid. I come from a relatively wealthy family and I had everything as a kid to the point of becoming boring. Caring too much about comfort makes you weak. I like to live in the present.
Didn't think about the stores being closed the 31 so my fridge is fucking empty and I am hungry but you can only appreciate something if you're not smothered by it. I see it as a test. A hunger test.
See. I could never have a woman she'd fucking hate me.
Aww you mad bro.
Come on, let it all out...
these are the things I can do without
Come on, I'm talking to you, come on...
Here's an overview of one of the reports. Summarizes everything we bought, but for free.
That's a good question... that's a taboo?
science papers or science services often cost a lot. 750 usd is nothing to a company that wants solid statistical data.
You see, knowing how much your co-worker makes is your ammunition to negotiate better pay.
>hey boss I just learned that tim makes 4 more dollars an hour I do, we both do the same job, and if you look at my progress and over all effectiveness you'll see that I am more valuable to the company than Tim, in light of this discovery I would like a raise.
Right on brother.
Same here,
> wealthy family
> smothered in decadence
> absolutely revolting
I'm all minimalism. Privation really stabilizes my soul in such a way no material comfort ever could.
you are nothing but replaceable cheap labor faggots
If he could do that and felt entitled to dump someone like that, why was he paying them 18 and 25 before?
my god what a brilliant scam. its like the national honor society books. like who's who, that is known as a kids with rich parents book. i had c grades in the 90's and was given the paper to join in tenth grade in ISI, in school incarceration
this looks scammy and amateur as hell though. I do agree with you on the solid, reliable data like that is fucking priceless sometimes. but this just smells funny like a scam..
>here are X reasons why you have to believe what I say because you are too fucking stupid to make up your own mind
thanks for finally posting the unshopped version, was getting sick and tired of all the shops.
you're welcome m8
thanks for the link you steaming pile of horse shit
Because they don't have a fucking clue what average salary is and don't want to look dumb.