I think we need to focus exclusively on appealing to minority voters and growing urban populations in the southwest and the southeast. That’s our path back to 270. Not the former blue wall states.
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GTFO DNC shill..... Tell Hillary that the her sock puppet aint going to win! #BidenBooker2020
Black women did win the election for us in Alabama. Harris might be a smart move.
Trump will get at least 400 electoral votes
include me in screencap
>Black women did win the election for us in Alabama.
Last time I checked, Trump won because of the midwest..... where 84% of the population is white!
Because we didn’t get our people out there or anywhere else except for Nevada, Colorado, and Virginia. I’m talking about African-Americans, Latinos, Asian-Americans, Muslims, Jews, LGBTQIA+, Millenials/students, and single women. Yes we lost some of the White working class vote in Iowa, Wisconsin, Ohio, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. But we can offset those losses if we maximize turnout like we did with Doug Jones in Alabama.
Texas blue by 2020? I doubt it man, give it another decade or so for the latino kids to grow up.
Trump will win with 400 electoral votes + in 2020. Book it.
Unfortunately we don’t have that long. Trump is a threat to humanity.
If he wins it will be with less electoral votes and an even wider margin in the popular vote.
Oh you mean voter fraud?
>I’m talking about African-Americans, Latinos, Asian-Americans, Muslims, Jews, LGBTQIA+, Millenials/students, and single women. Yes we lost some of the White working class vote in Iowa, Wisconsin, Ohio, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. But we can offset those losses if we maximize turnout like we did with Doug Jones in Alabama.
That kind of racist piece of shit logic did us in 2016!? Learn from our mistakes and realize that a vote is a vote. It doesn't matter if your a minority or not all that matters is getting the votes! Thats why Trump won, he didn't discriminate potential voters
doesn’t exist
The pence report will be interesting to see no?
No, he won because of white identity politics. Now we need to rebuild the Obama coalition.
The only GOP states with enough of a minority VAP to flip are NC (already done once) and GA. Despite the Trump's administration Katrina-level response to Puerto Rico forcing many to relocate to Florida I think it stays Red in 2020 because it has a pro-incumbent bias and it's swapped annually by even more old white conservative retirees especially in the panhandle.
I favor a progressive labor-dem nominee to point how much of a conventional corporatist GOP President Trump has governed to bring in a margin of WWC union voters plus explosive youth turnout as in contrast with his 2016 campaign + minority VP.
So Bernie Sanders/Keith Ellison or Sherrod Brown/Kamala Harris or some combination thereof.
Bernie proves you don't need megadonors to compete in 2016 and Jeremy Corbyn proved you can win on such a message.
Beyond who it is that wins in 2020, I am more concerned that the DEMS have not learned their lesson in dealing with the psychopathic power-hungry GOP. No more bipartisanship, no more watering down legislation to please Blue Dogs.
Remove the cap on the # of House Seats
Make DC & Puerto Rico states
Eliminate the Legislative Filibuster
Expand the size of the Supreme Court and gut Citizens United
Pass Voting Rights Act of 2021
Break the back of the donor base that funds the GOP and expand entitlements to their voters in the poor rural south that votes for them and they will a miserable death.
>Now we need to rebuild the Obama coalition.
It makes me so sick to think there are people out there who truly want this. Who still think he did a great job.
You are partially correct about White identity politics. The Whites that got their lazy asses to vote, voted for their own interests. I don't blame them for it due to the open anti-White hatred at all angles. Now that we are a year into Trump's presidency, he's got everyone's attention. It will indeed be an interesting 2020.
If the dems lose big here in 2018, they're done. Too many skeletons in the closet and corruption has bit them in the ass....rightfully so.
He did about as good a job as can be expected of someone who honestly believed the GOP bargains in Good Faith and whose party still had a bunch of holdover conservadem DINOs from the GWB-era.
Otherwise he was middling centrist on domestic issues plus an awful foreign policy on TPP/drones/Libya/targeted killlings and freedom of the press.
Obama was actually, document-ably, the worst president we've ever had.
Accumulated more debt than every president before him combined.
US is a business, that is the worst CEO we've ever had.
Sorry to burst your bubble.
You are indebted to your own jews, the only problem with that is whining congress, waiting to the last moment for bargain chips.
We need to show blacks videos of SJW freak outs and explain to them that if they are siding with those losers. If you ask a black if they like Trump and then show them videos of that fat bitch having a freakout of Milo and Crowder and the tree hugger singers, you open up the opportunity to tease them about their alliance. The second you show a black a video like that and say, "these people are your home boys," the red pill will be firmly implanted.
Someone should make a meme poster that says...
Hey Anti-Trump Black People
These are your Homeboys
Ignore the sage. It remained from a prior post.
WTF are fucking liberals doing on /pol?
Literally a child's understanding of the economy
Sorry to invade your safe space.
This. Which is I've never cared how much the GOP tax scam "added to the deficit". The only valid criticism of it is that it gives them a pretense to cut social programs because "we can't afford it" and how much more income and wealth inequality will be worsened by it's reverse-robin hood redistribution.
It's 7 am do you have to shitpost?
Kamala Harris s like running mulatto Shelia Jackson Lee. Dumb as fuck, worthless, and mean. You may as well run OJ Simpson.
OJ Simpson would have a better chance of winnig
Sup Forums is funny and there are plenty of liberals who are liberal in a bunch of ways but have been alienated by identity politics that have proclaimed them evil because they disagree on something like affirmative action,immigation, guns, or military intervention in Syria to save the children.
If you can't back up your opinions well enough that shitposting retards on Sup Forums can sway you then you should stop caring about politics all together. It's is not difficult to entertain an idea without agreeing with it.
>You may as well run OJ Simpson.
Well OJ was innocent so..
Trump 2020, fuck your feelings faggot. Trump train rolls on.
>Black women did win the election for us in Alabama.
They did? I thought all of Moore's accusers were white
Nope. The DNC has a snowballs chance in hell at winning 2020. Nobody respects you, everyone knows all the shit you pulled and sees through all of your lies and deceit. Pack it up, you're done.
Not according to his book he is
He didn't write that book. The publishers only paid him to say he did and promise not to sue over it.
>"Hey, they offered me $600,000 not to dispute that I [wrote] the book." He said, "That's cash." I said, "They're going to think you wrote it." He said, "So? Everybody thinks I'm a murderer anyway. They're not going to change their mind just because of a book."
'Liberals' have shit the bed in the last 5 years.
They have no chance in congress or the presidency, in your lifetime.
>'Party' have shit the bed in the last [time period].
>They have no chance in congress or the presidency, in your lifetime.
Said Democratics from 1828 until Lincoln and the Radical Republicans won in 1860, the Republicans until the crash of 1929, the Democrats until 1980, etc.
Both parties have been MUCH worse off at various other points in time, in fact our current era of consistently competitive elections and Congressional power-swings is a historical anomaly.
Demorats are btfo. They don't even have a platform or a even an electable leader. The Dem campaign is going to be hilarious! Just watch in 2020 they'll have close to a dozen presidential candidates and they'll all be eating each other.