I hate pot heads.
Marijuana addicts belong in jail.
They're hyper aggressive always looking for an argument or physical fight.
They steal shit to pay for their drug habit. They say they don't have a drug habit since they use weed to cope without going for harder drugs that they would prefer if they could afford it, even though they commit crimes to pay for weed already.
They vandalize shit.
They're psuedo-intellectuals. They love to brag about how smart they are yet they don't really do anything smart, they don't have any real accomplishments. They can brag about making money but not really anything positive they've done with the money aside from being greedy and bragging about what they got and use. They're stubborn to the point of violence about their opinion because they have a dunning kruger effect about their intelligence since they met someone that was factually incorrect about something they feel like they know everything when they're typically just spouting commonly accepted "facts" without any real fact checking it's often just an emotional argument they present than a rational one.
Somehow not getting caught carrying out crimes means they're good upstanding citizens in their opinion, so ignoring their obvious crimes they feel like their opinion means as much as someone that's actually a good person when it comes to decision making. When their own decisions are quite bad and risky for no reason other than they in a very immature and selfish way simply want something is all it boils down to.
Anyone with a different opinion is "stupid", "uptight", and "irrational" if they don't agree with them. Ironically nobody agrees with them on anything except other drug addicts
I hate pot heads
Other urls found in this thread:
anyone else /weedbux/ here? life's pretty good tbqh
i had a best friend then he started doing drugs and now hes not the same and can never be
I lost all my great great grandparents to marijuana injecting
"everyone I disagree with should be in jail"
Ok, Mao
Your a faggot
>They're hyper aggressive always looking for an argument or physical fight.
Mais ferme ta gueule d'ignorant...
I smoke weed every day, but I don't start fights, or break shit, or steal shit to pay for my habit.
>Anyone with a different opinion is "stupid", "uptight", and "irrational" if they don't agree with them.
Said the guy who thinks all stoners are violent lunatics.
Have a walk through Rennes mate, you'll see.
>a fucking tree
What got posted so early to cause all the slide threads?
Red pill me on your mission cia fag
Also sage this cunt, die in a car fire please-
Eh. Pot does have some drawbacks. But it's better than harder drugs. Idk doesn't seem worth the fight to try to make it illegal. Better then heroin.
>Better then heroin.
I'd never dream of touching heroin.
That shit will fuck you up more than weed ever could. Also, I don't like needles.
You're just being irrational. And stupid.
Go wash your hands.
Came here to post this.
My friend injected 5 pots and OD'd
I just hate the ones who insert weed into every conversation or the ones who think it makes them more fun to hang out with but they're jusr zombies
>They're hyper aggressive always looking for an argument or physical fight.
Yeah, no.
>They steal shit to pay for their drug habit.
Yeah, no.
You are full of shit and I'm a fool for wasting minutes of my life reading your drivel.
>react aggressively at the claim of weed having any kind of negative aspects
>react aggressively at the claim of weed making you aggressive
Stoner brainlets in a nutshell.
>hyper aggressive
Stopped reading there
You are talking about Liberal potheads, I am a conservative one yet agree with many points. I'm totally the reverse of what you said OP. Don't put us all in the same ship
weak bitch
citation needed, 3/4 of your post contradicts reality but you'd know that if you came out in last 10 years instead of constant shitposting
weak bait
nd now im gonna take a dab
>Marijuana addicts belong in jail.
Lol, lightweight.
I get weed, mix it with some poison and leave it here and there on the streets.
In two years I've reduced homelessness in my community in almost 90%
correlation =/= causation, you live in a cucked nogville
I don't believe you but this is a great idea desu.
so you just admitted on Sup Forums to be a serial murderer, nice dude
I'm not going to pay for these fucks to be housed and fed in jail. Just execute the ones who become a problem.
If your a bag of chips , maybe.
Arsenic works great
It's not a crime to leave poison on the street. If they find some shit and decide to smoke it, it's their own problem.
>pot heads
>They're hyper aggressive
Um actually. ..
Yes because someone who will start laughing their ass off at literally nothing and is too busy trying to get all of their 2 dollars out of their pocket to buy a can of pringles is gonna get angry and square you up for nothing. I smoke pot on occasion and I live in an area where you can see high people every day out and about, if anything they’re friendlier when they’re high. Sure the people who blow their money on it need to get shit for it but believe it or not there are people who can handle themselves. The world isn’t black and white bud
>tfw too intelligent for one character limit
>I hate pot heads.
>Marijuana addicts belong in jail.
>They're hyper aggressive always looking for an argument or physical fight.
>They steal shit to pay for their drug habit.
>They say they don't have a drug habit since they use weed to cope without going for harder drugs that they would prefer if they could afford it,
>even though they commit crimes to pay for weed already.
>They vandalize shit.
this is most maori and white trash metal heads that I know of
sloth and stupidity are one hell of a combo when combeined with bad upbringing
and weed does seem to make people extra lazy
even the intellgent ones who know better than to waste time
>They're psuedo-intellectuals. They love to brag about how smart they are yet they don't really do anything smart, they don't have any real accomplishments.
prehaps they seek a disengagement from the physical/objective world that has failed them so
>They can brag about making money but not really anything positive they've done with the money aside from being greedy and bragging about what they got and use.
>They're stubborn to the point of violence about their opinion because they have a dunning kruger effect about their intelligence
ive not met this kind
>since they met someone that was factually incorrect about something they feel like they know everything
>when they're typically just spouting commonly accepted "facts" without any real fact checking it's often just an emotional argument they present than a rational one.
norimes and metropolitan folk are like this
>Somehow not getting caught carrying out crimes means they're good upstanding citizens in their opinion,
this is most people
but they dont feel the need to lie so much as egotists do
>so ignoring their obvious crimes they feel like their opinion means as much as someone that's actually a good person when it comes to decision making.
east to meddle with others than with ones self
>When their own decisions are quite bad and risky for no reason other than they in a very immature and selfish way simply want something is all it boils down to.
they are fully entitled
a gypsy never goes hungry for the world is his orchard
>Anyone with a different opinion is "stupid", "uptight", and "irrational" if they don't agree with them. Ironically nobody agrees with them on anything except other drug addicts
fucking strait edge skum; I can only cast a look of pity and mild disgust there way "for they know not what they do"
those dullard parochial zelots could never understand something so nuanced
they barely grasp their own feelings
so how can they reach beyond to teh esoteric realm...
but seriously if people have taken any decent amount of drugs or introspection
they would never speak again for they are antiquated with futility
>They steal shit to pay for their drug habit
On what planet does someone steal to buy weed?
daily reminder that the normalization and legalization of weed is one of the corner stones in the zionist plan for western destruction
>Marijuana addicts belong in jail.
start with Obama
Have you ever been outside and around people?
I wouldn't call pot smokers "violent", more "lazy". They don't do much when high except sit around
>b-but i only smoke my niggerherb once or twice a wee bro
>i-i swear I'll quit one day and become a real man
>i-i just smoke it to relax and calm down
all junkies should be shot on sight
you are allowing the jews to pollute your state of mind, there is no greater degeneracy than this...
you need a healthy mind in a healthy body! say no to all forms of drugs and chemicals that affect your brain
>Marijuana addicts belong in jail
The less retarded solution to the stoner problem is to genetically engineer new strains of weed that produce chemicals that cause people who smoke it to become sterile. Natural selection is always the most efficient solution to the drug problem.
>'All pot smokers are hyper aggressive," OP posts on a forum for shitposting and political debate
"I disagree"
>"See? Always on the lookout for an argument!"
Do you happen to be on the spectrum, or are you just retarded?
You do know people used to smoke Weed and chew on Opium everyday?
Alcohol has been a staple of European culture for at least a millennia or two.
>claims hes cleaning streets from bums using poisioned weed
>sees the flag
seems legit
>They're hyper aggressive always looking for an argument or physical fight.
Lol, ok.
Potheads are SEETHING
>implying those companies wouldnt just sell cannabis products but instead they start a campaign to ban cannabis bc of the lulz
makes zero sense
dumb faggot, i kekd for the poisioning post, i hate addicts of all kind, especially potheads
>the masses are acting like degenerates everyday
I am aware of this yes
yes, so? because a lot of people have been doing something bad for 2000 years we should allow all bad things now?
Yeah, I hate that type of pot head, too.
Pic related.
No ban, just a healthy amount of shaming.
Look up what degenerate means.
Absolute projection the post
anything that harms the long term functioning of society and that is a threat to the survival of my race
I'm afraid that weed is considered far too normal and even "cool" for public shaming to have any sort of effect these days
Stupidity does leave me seething so I suppose you're right.
On a side note, cockmunchers like you who reply to a load of posts at once are pure cancer.
6/10 b8. Better luck next time, nigger.
>being this much of a corporate shill
>not realising virtually all of the reasons you've listed apply to other things that are perfectly legal
>Wanting to imprison people for enjoying things that you don't enjoy
If you're anti-weed but aren't equally vociferous about banning alcohol, then you are just a flat-out hypocrite brainlet retard.
It doesn't damage the long term functioning since like I said in the middle ages and antiquity people smoked weed and did opium daily. And those were apparently the great civilizations ever.
Are you this retarded? Every year over a hundred thousand people die because of alcohol and you hate potheads why? Because they act like little bitches just like you are acting now making this thread. If other people’s actions bother you this much maybe just kill yourself cuz life isn’t gonna get any easier.
potheads should be executed desu senpai
Your post encouraged me to buy another 20 grams of weed.
I don't care about your opinion.
hello, OP, pothead here.
What are real accomplishments?
I hope youre not seriously this retarded
I don't care about your opinion.
fucking idiot some potheads are chill
Alcoholics and potheads should be executed alike
We need to open a few grows so these billions of dollars don't all end up in leftists hands.
It's the weed. It harms their brain.
I don't care about your opinion.
Also, doing the exact opposite of what someone wants you to do is not "caring" about their opinion.
You care about his opinion enough that you replied to him when he wasn't even replying to you.
Yes. The extreme amount of effort required to type 2 sentences shows that I really care.
People can smoke pot it's much less harmful than drinking most people I know smoke pot....you just can't make yourself about pot....thats not cool. Just dress like a normal person take care of yourself shower...no body likes the fall down alcoholic who wears corona visors and a Miller high life tee shirt...just like no one likes a hemp necklace wearing sublime tee shirt and dreads...like we get it you smoke pot....so does everyone else.
Stoners make good docile slaves. It's no surprise that during this time of a great leap forward in the ruination of society they are pushing legalization and weed culture.
There are plenty of insufferable people from every walks of life, sober, drunk, high, whatever.
You'll find the best people you've ever met in every category possible, it has a lot more to do than a single habit.
somebody's daddy gets high and beats him