Are we concerned with the growing amount of roasties exploiting betas (AKA findom) or is it just the natural orde of things?
How does this play into the women problem?
Are we concerned with the growing amount of roasties exploiting betas (AKA findom) or is it just the natural orde of things?
How does this play into the women problem?
>How does this play into the women problem?
it's not. the problem is beta men enabling this kind of business
fair point, but where does the emasculation of men come from?
Where do you think?
This has been the way of life for millennia
ma'rone, i cant believe what i'm reading, their fucking hoo-ers.
wealthier nations prefer ambiguous sexes, look at japanese boy bands, they are passable traps at this point
The real problem is that beta males are tolerated, effectively lowering the price of male attention.
Bad diet.
Lots of lard, not enough protein and veggies.
How does one go about getting roastied? Asking for a friend.
Meat and fresh vegetables have historically been a luxury in most of the world
Yeah root vegetable were always a luxury (are you retarded) Its not even that meat itself was luxus, it was about the good cuts.
People had plenty of meat and protein. It was just innards and low cuts.
And basically its not about the diet. Its about all the additives and chems in the processed food.
You barely can find anything in the US that hasnt soy and corn syrup in it.
Send them money via paypal. they call you names and mean shit. rinse and repeat.
Absolutely retarded.
there is no women problem.
the problem is YOU revolving your life around a twat. Girls are nice, but you can't allow them to dictate how you live on a day to day basis.
worry about yourself. do you think Trump got big by only worrying about women?
At risk of being found guilty of "kink shaming" in the future for this thought, is there any way we can get these whores nailed with tax evasion? im seeing numbers thrown around and i figure even a moderately successful one could bring in enough to make uncle sam mad he didnt get his cut. thoughts?
It's possible. a lot of them practically blackmail their clients too
But why, arent these chicks just saying "give me money and presents"?
How is that a business or anything? they are just posting bullshit and people send them money.
how can we go about it? of course I say we because I feel like I cant be the only one to puke when he sees this type of shit. these bitches are a DRAIN on society. I guarantee you many of these grotesque beings are on welfare and are effectively double dipping.
All I see is a bunch of dudes sending money and not even asking for a timestamp.
Come on it shouldn't be that difficult to figure out what to do with this.
It's the natural order If they let it happen it's on them
doesnt matter kraut-bro, if theyre raking in enough money uncle sam is owed a cut by law, and I intend to see him get as much as he can out of these hoes
Twitch streamers dont pay taxes on it either.
theyre paid by twitch and advertisers, which means they certainly are paying taxes on it--at least the moderately successful ones are, the ones that make 500 bucks a year dont matter
I don't even know what to say to this. Maybe assisted suicide should be legal.
Gifts are taxable but the IRS isn't realistically going to find out unless it is a large amount. The other user is talking about trying to turn them in in the hopes someone at the IRS would care. The only way she is exempt is if she got her ass recognized as a nonprofit or something.
I'm concerned with the growing amount of men being beta cucks.
they must be stopped
We can fuck w/ this. Launch up some accounts boys
>should not have money
>should not breed
I don't see a problem really. It's annoying to watch, though.
i am wiener erection lmao
they'll just block you. it would have to be a long winded and continuous community effort
Says who?
They want pussy, simple as that.
It might make them wake up. it could be a self solving issue.
>beta guys realise they're being used
>become bitter and resentful
either that for their beta runs too deep and they will forever be cucks. either is possible.
its literally exploitation of the mentally unstable
>its literally exploitation of the mentally unstable
damn that's fucked, legal or not it's unethical
unironically thought findom referred to the finn knight
Women have been doing this for all of humanity. The only reason it's getting so blatant is because culture has degenerated to the point of openly embracing or even encouraging it.
Robowaifus will restore order and bring about balance
Maybe it's time for a raid on that hashtag and "fin dommes".
Might as well be. What a sad boy.
Wtf? They pay to get flamed online?
But it doesn't necessarily involve masochism, the problems with men giving exploitative women money are submissiveness and humiliation-fetishes.
you mean the death of the white race
Milky milky warm and tasty!
So.. do you reckon they'd put sharpie in pooper for $5-10? Low ball the fatties and suss the market.. look out boxy
It is the exploitation of the basic male instinct of providing for a female. Males are programmed to protect and provide for girls, but in nature this behavior is rewarded with sex, whereas here there is no sexual intercourse, just a male acting on his instinct and a woman exploiting it to grab money.
I'm somewhat rustled.
I hope her pussy is as tight as her eye slits
iirc mr metokur did a pretty good video about this findom/moneyslave cancer
this. thanks hans
humiliation fetishes are literally psychological masochism, which is considered a disorder
except for the part where most of the men are paying to be humiliated, many of them even going as far as to take pictures of themselves in lingerie, like that one hanna girl who baited guys to do the same thing.
Women are trash nowadays.
But god, that shit makes my blood boil. Throw them into a pit with all their beta bitches and pour hot oil over them.
Robowives along with artificial wombs will save the white race, Tradcucks and biothots will be the death of it
You have to pay taxes on gifts above a certain amount - otherwise it would be a stupid loophole that anyone could exploit.
jesus fucking christ
>To sustain his fetish, the IT worker also takes on other jobs outside office hours, unable to quit his fetish. “I tried. It’s impossible.” Massimiliano estimates he has spent US$125,000 on his masochistic obsession.
Schooling system.
It hurts no one, and it empowers women who know how to use the money better.
End this thread.
>it hurts no one
>it empowers women
Pick one and one only you demoralized cuck.
>It hurts no
they coerce and blackmail dudes all the time.
lmao, just scrolled through a few and maybe like 1-2 would be considered moderately attractive.
You really have to be mentally damaged to do this.
>see flag
This post should be ignored.
It's bait.
Bad/no fathers
fucking morons
Teacher here. It comes from the type of parenting they have in early childhood. I can tell exactly who the cucks and chads will be in my class based on their parents.
>Add a cutie on Tinder
>Turns out to be a camwhore only looking for findom bux
Happened twice.
Here's the thing, if a guy is stupid or desperate enough to pay, then he deserves to lose money. Why are you defending stupid and desperate people. Is it possible that you are projecting and become lonely and hurt when you pay your cam girls only realizing later that you are still lonely and a loser?
Roasties don't exploit betas. Betas are there to be exploited. The beta male doesn't have the confidence or intelligence to obtain power, and therefore his sexual options are limited. In previous times, he would be exiled or murdered by the warrior elite in his society, or simply enslaved. At least now he can work like a "free" man, and nibble on some roast beef from time to time (once a week, max - wouldn't want those betas getting entitled!).
>social pressures
>women emancipation
>contaminated food and water
These should be all the main ones
This is what you get in a feminist society. Toxic women. Here's the catch, those women, guaranteed, are all souless losers. They will never comprehend life's true riches and meaning. They're errant null-zombies, or P-zombies if you will. They're NPCs, that is all.
Are you okay with lazy bimbos siphoning literally tens of thousands from them?
>burger reading comprehension
All I'm saying is that women shouldn't be handling any money, no matter where they're getting it from.
Bitches being allowed to make decisions, and deciding that men should be emasculated. Also, wealth and lack of crises facilitating boys growing up to be overgrown boys instead of men.
How much of that is genetics though?
I think we're in an epidemic of low T. I got my levels back at 355ng and it explains the last 2 years of my life.
Ever wonder why all these deviations are so over-represented in the anglosphere?
>fucking morons
Read my post retard.
>This post should be ignored.
>It's bait.
I literally don't give a shit cause the actual root of the problem stems from men enabling this primitive behavior. So sure, you can call them lazy bimbos, it really doesn't make a difference. But if you look at this from a business perspective, the so called "lazy bimbos" are the ones profiting from the retarded and degenerate betas.
I hardly think about genetics in my job. All I know is when I have a 6 year old whose mother still comes in every day to the cafeteria to spoon feed him while he watches cartoons on an iPhone, that kid is gonna grow up to be a massive cuck.
>this post should be ignored
>still replies to it
>reddit spacing
Men have too much time and luxury at their hands that allows for emergence of primitive behaviors. Can't really help that, just try not to be so predictable with an animal like behavioral pattern. In other words, be less human and more logical.
RTDS when?
I just realised how many of them are fucking aussies.
Fuck me, these spoilt cunts have some of the best living conditions in the world, with some of the highest wages. If I'm going to give money away, it will be to a legit charity, not a charity head case. I can't even understand the supposed eroticism of this shit.
this is every bit why i despise school. i once got a detention for saying "i'm not a dog. don't bark orders at me" to one of my 'teachers' which, of course, was unacceptable behavior to them.
You stupid motherfuckers It's absolutely natural for women to be rebellious or be mean to men.
Why? Because traditional society LIMITS nature and natural urges. The more and more we slip back into the natural state of animals the more "cucking" and "Beta/alpha" become less of a "thing" and more of a natural event that's related to basic survival instincts and securing a "strong" progeny.
Look buddy, I am too fucking lazy to write with correct punctuation, etc. And you're opinion is pretty much worthless. It doesn't address the actual problem and you're just projecting your hate of women which I find a bit homosexual.
Ofc the setback is that human civilization will crumble eventually.
But hey, at least we're closer to nature again, right?
Who has money just to waste like this in this current economic climate?
That's a good point user, this behavior is closer to nature.
This has to be invented by Jews. Or maybe the idea is to erotically roleplay in a Jew/Goy relationship?
Desperate, lonely, and counterproductive men.
I wish this wasn't my fetish, but it is.
There's no resisting the femdom world.
This guy doesn't look like a soydad, yet his child...
a lot of the top ones are jews, so yeah probably
excellent post
What did you do to raise it? I've gone from 220 to 295 but still have work to do.
Sleep, competition, no sugar, no caffeine, no alc, no dairy (estrogren), no soy (estrogen), healthy protein/fat, lift regularly, R/O water to remove estrogen/flouride. Take supplements too.
> Some women want to be treated like nothing but a warm hole, they get off on it
> Some men want to be treated like nothing but an ATM, they get off on it
They are both damaged goods, am I missing something?
This isn't new. The only thing new about it is the roasties becoming so goddamn lazy and entitled that they don't even pretend to hide it.