>Templar Knights were Jews' bodyguards
What the fuck Sup Forums, you lied to me.
Templar Knights were Jews' bodyguards
>history channel
Hearst and Disney own A&E, white owns the History channel. If you cannot connect the large nosed merchant dots there is no helping you
>history channel
that series is mega dissapointing man.
>mfw western historical and general integrity
iz low budget n turibl
that show was even worse than i thought
the jew part was unexpected
Knightfall is inaccurate as fuck in all catagories. Ask historians, medieval weapon specialists (don't ask Theologists because they will say things to please the narrative)
varg was right all along! it was jewish tricks! the crusades and everything for the jews!
Are the Templars even relevant anymore? I have a friend who is in the OTO, which is apparently some Templar sect. All I see is a bunch of emotionally damaged people powerfucking and beating each other while proclaiming the writings of Crowley.
The Templars were accused of massacring Jews in Bethlehem. There were a litany of other accusations, but the body count from that one attracted scrutiny.
its worse than that, OP, they also took Satanic oaths
The first Crusade, until the massacre of Jerusalem, had killed more Europeans than Turks + Arabs.
The fourth crusade destroyed the gate to Europe and left the doors wide open for the Muslim Turks.
The crusades in general did not free any European lands.
The crusades in general benefited the Jews as they established a travel banking system that filled their coffers from pilgrims.
Crusader knights were thugs and nothing more. They killed for treasure, not even for their god.
European citizens hated crusaders.
Christians living in Muslim lands hated crusaders more than Muslims.
All you need to know is; France was evil, from the beginning, to the end.
> Disclaimer: Burgundy, Western Gaul, Southern Gaul, and North Western Gaul were all enemies of France throughout the Middle Ages.
I dunno about oaths but I do know they eat semen biscuits called a Minerva, typically before events as sort of a blood brothers thing.
crusades did more damage to asia-minor christianity than the ottomans did
wait i thought nu-males didn't fight...
They don't, the jews are in the background about to be raided by an angry mod. Thanks God the Templar knights arrived on time.
IIRC, an angry mob during the first crusade started killing Jews (Historical reason is they wanted to erase their debts by killing the loaners), but the bishop had the Jews take refuge in his church, and had the army in town or called crusaders (can't remember exactly which) to crush the mob.
if this potrays hannibal they may be right
if any other Roman leader I highly doubt that.
also I read a while ago they tried to levi the Jews but found out they lack martial prowess so they used them to organise supply routes or something.
>if this potrays hannibal they may be right
At least the crusades declared against white Europeans were mostly succesfull. Except against Hussites. Catholic fucked up big time in those wars.
They also had a vendetta with Robin Hood style socialist assassins and were totally mean against the Islamic dindus.
As far as I am aware from Templar conquest arose all of those secret societies we despise today, i see no reason (maybe I do but lets just roll) why would one defend fucking Catholic church, is this what Sup Forums has came down to?
Story goes something like this (i think so at least);
>be templars
>get sent into ((holy land))
>oy goy dont destroy us, let us join our forces
>Goy we can show you secrets of the universe
>Templars get a pleb version of sacred knowledge
>But Goy now in turn you will help us infiltrate Europe
>Templars return, suddenly being proficient into banking and shiet
>use the riches to lend shekels to kingdoms of Europe, but of course with big ass ((Interests)) and shiet
>in the mean time establish secret societies (enter Masons) keeping the Sacred Knowledge and the secrets of Banking, and the catholic branch of secrecy called Jesuits
>Get btfo by couple of kings, because fuck you and your taxes
>Start hiding in the shadows, further propagating Jewish agenda for the next millenia
Am I somehow wrong?
>the most famous military order of the Catholic Church, the very same catholic church which banned personal bibles, were good goys
Wow that really pozzes my neg hole....
Well, it was for the spiritual jew(as in reconquering the jewish holy land, but letting european lands being plundered by muslims) but not the psychical jew(as in the jews themselves).
Yeah they are still around under a Civic Nationalist masquerade. KTI has been providing Christian forces in the ME with protective gear and comms
Hannibal was a semite from the clan Barqa, not a netroid from the clan jamarqus
>watching the electric Jew
That's not the templars.
The original templars dissapeared a long time ago when a french king decided to jew them, some of the survivors went to Portugal though.
>Hannibal wuz nigger
I'm still enjoying the show.
they might have been tasked to defend pilgrims
but otherwise from the second crusade they are there to get the fighting nobility out of Europe and away from the catholics
in the mean time
they usurp a few city states
betray allies
kill and sometimes eat semites
loot and temple of Solomon
get btfo by infighting and genral lack of strategy in letting saladin accumulate vassals
flee to Switzerland
accused of heresy
fail to take Jerusalem
fail to defend Istanpole
lost critical leaders and commanders to illness
what started as a band quickly dissolved into isolated warlords acting purely in self interest
over all priddy cool dudes
don't let any one source of rumour distort your view
average the gist of things
Jeremiah 5.19
Reminder: The wrong side won.
Philip the Fair executes Jacques de Molay, the last Grand Master of the Templars, in the 14th century. There is a good series of books about it called Les rois maudits. Molay put a curse on Philip the Fair’s line, and each successive king was unable to hold the throne for more than a year. Very interesting historical period, basically real life Game of Thrones.
Neat, thanks for the info user.
Also, fuck the history channel, it went to the shitter during the pawn star shows rise to fame.
They have Temple in their name. Nice of you to join us.
Lol all that bullshit.
If you go by modern reenactments of european history:
>greeks were black
>romans were black
>egyptians were black
>medieval england was black
>victorian england was black
And really, it's quite an insidious thing. It's just ignorance and it's not just a way of pushing diversity in the here-and-now. It's straight-up iconoclasm. It's just like when they go around tearing down confederate war memorials. They're trying to destroy the fact that America and Europe are/were WHITE civilizations. Their goal is to continue pushing this shit to form an idea that we were all ALWAYS multicultural. And then when whites are a tiny minority, they can just keep pushing it more and more, pushing us out of history forever.
That show is fucking awful, here I was expecting a great show about fucking crusaders, instead they give me a motherfucking show about fake medieval oppression of kikes.
>the body count from that one attracted scrutiny.
not enough bodies and the pope caught on?
I know nothing about knightfall (Something about templars and grails) but I do know the Latin Kingdoms of the Levant generally protected their religious minorities, Muslims included.
I turned that show off as soon as they said they must protect the Jews. Serves me right for watching tv. Rip.
Most went to Scotland. Like them, Robert Bruce was excommunicated at the time. There are Templar graves across Argyle. Scotland is also the home of Freemasonry. In any case, the Templar's were never a force for good. They practically destroyed eastern Christianity.
You fags should really look into why the Catholic Church split into Orthodox Catholic and Roman Catholic. Roman Catholicism was essentially the creation of western feudal lords who were attempting to establish independence from and exert control over the east. They only succeeded in permanently weakening Christianity.
You missed the best part.
>(don't ask Theologists because they will say things to please the narrative
They tell lies because they fall for lies. It's in their blood.
Spainfag here. It was the funniest press screening I've ever been to. Journalists were pissing themselves because of the historical inaccuracies.
The series is also shit, so it's been some time since a show has been such a huge disaster.
The soldiers that later became the Templars after the First Crusade? They were the mercenaries who whisked Jesus away from the Levant to Southern France after his mock execution. They say that Jesus' crucifixion was staged
--> Jesus came from an extremely wealthy family. King Solomon, King David, etc.
--> he deliberately was arrested to be sentenced to death.
--> he refused myhrr and wine because it would interfere with the heart-slowing poison he had already taken
--> the Roman soldiers were gambling for his clothes, proving they could be bought.
--> the "blood and water" that came from the spear was the from a skein of already coagulated blood, probably from a lamb.
--> the Roman soldiers did NOT break Jesus' legs like they did all the others
--> the Roman soldiers did NOT leave Jesus on the cross for weeks like the did the others
--> The new sepulcher was specially crafted by a wealthy friend specifically for Jesus with an easily rolled stone
Once people stop milling about the grave, the Templars swoop in and whisk Jesus away to a waiting boat that takes him to Southern France.
So of course the Templars knew for a fact that the "rising from the dead" stories we all bullshit. That's why they were/are still a secret order. The Templar Revelation
This is the red pill for critical readers of the New Testament.
Pol is it true that one quarter of the cowboys was actually black ?
We all read the DaVinci Code you retard
>that fake mail
Can you post links or sources about France being evil?
>The crusades in general did not free any European lands.
spain would still be called al-andalusia if it were not fore the crusades
History is cyclical. The West protects their masters to this day
They were corrupted by the Pharisee/Phonies like any other important organization.
They were an independent militia and didn't actually suscribe or answered to any religious group.
The biggest problems about the actual story of the Templars is that there's too many versions and too many "who's to blame" opinions so you either swim in books to figure out yourself or it gets insufferable.
Hey whitebois, how does it feel to be losing on every single front? Your race is dying and everyone hates you including other whites.
Templars had offshoots after they were disbanded you dumbfucks. Some became anti-Catholic because of the injustices they experienced and became the Masons. Others formed their own kingdom and became Switzerland. Others joined other orders and was absorbed by the Knights Hospitallers. Others fled to Portugal and Spain and had their own fiefdoms there. There is no "one true Templar lineage" because like most humans, they went their separate ways once they were hunted down.
this is complex they were basically free masons, the church is evil as fuck always has been who are also "masons", so apparently they wee warring factions of masons. They weren't supposed to know what the Church tries to hide so they had to be hunted down and killed
more like Heresy Channel am i right?
nah kike gonna be a blood bath soon the fire is rising
This only ends one way it is written in the stars you cannot stop what is coming, you will be drug through the streets like Mussolini was, you will pay dearly for your crimes
No shit they were lol. What the fuck do you think they were doing in palestine instead of saving Iberia and Southern Italy?? Christians are still fighting Jewish wars to this very day.
>literally the serves him right: he trusted a jew meme
>Sup Forums lied to you
>not the Jewish media that wants you to equate support for modern Israel to your ancestral duty
The first crusade to liberate Jerusalem slaughtered Jews along the way. The King of Jerusalem was a European Christian. Even at the height of the Kingdom of Jersalem, there were never for than a few thousand Jews in the holy land.
>We all read the DaVinci Code you retard
You apparently didn't. None of that was in the DaVinci Code.
>(((history channel)))
It's mail, it's just made of aluminum and horribly tailored so any of the extras can use them interchangeably.
Kind of embarrassing that it still looks worse than Kingdom of Heaven's costume armor though. That shit's gotten way cheaper in the last decade.
Is the (((History Channel))) where all the Fedora Tippers and LARPagans get their info from?
their main task was to secure safe passage for pilgrims to the holy land. they did this for muslims, jews and christians. fundamentalist muslims were who they clashed with and then later, the king of france b/c he wanted their land in southern france.
nice blue pill exoteric garbage, good goy
>created modern banking
How the fuck could you not know that they were associated with kikery?
>American Jews create Zionist/Jewish propaganda to cativate the minds of Zionist Christians in continue to help them in their zionist cause.
>Christian Zionists, most of whom are part of the world’s 700 million-strong evangelical community, view themselves as the Jews’ partners in God’s plan.
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