Anons from
>New Zealand
>South Africa
Would you fight for the Empire today?
Anons from
>New Zealand
>South Africa
Would you fight for the Empire today?
Other urls found in this thread:
If the Queen asked me to, Yes.
You should ask that to anons from pakistan and Nigeria
Lol... not in it's current state.
What are we fighting for?
Are we fighting to protect the shitskins that we're importing like cheap korean cars? Yeah nah fuck that.
Or are we going in europe wode cronulla riots? Oath cunt.
This cunt knows what's up
Rule brittania
fuck that bitch,fuck the house of windsor. id fight against the royals. spit on the union jack
Would never fight purely because the UK got into a war. Feel no connection to the Queen or England whatsoever, if anything I have negative feelings towards the UK.
Im ready for ethnic cleansing day you cunts
This is my flag.
Nothing in it for us. You couldnt protect us from japan so america filled the void. Your entry into the eec forced us to trade elsewhere and things havent been as good since. Young people only think of you as a place to drink and work in pubs for two years.
You dont do much to reinforce the bonds of commonwealth as you seek globalisation and various groups here do all they can to erode it.
In short the government of the uk can get fucked.
>yes my master. peep pop pip
are you a sleeper agent or what?
nah m8 just like me a bit of monarchy
Given the state the UK is in, I probably wouldn’t fight to save it. What is left to save?
No. Aus, NZ, and especially SA have every reason to despise the UK.
to be fair I'm all for a 3rd empire with a larger empire wide parliament since I believe in no taxation without representation. a good aussie and kiwi roaster would work well with the old British banter since we have to keep the middle class socialists on their toes once in a while.
>Would you fight for the Empire today?
If you mean to restore the Empire to a greatness that would surpass the great heights it once had? Yes.
If you mean would I fight for an Empire that is against us and replacing us? Lol...
>we need to bring back those Imperial Federation threads, lads.
subhuman maori kid fucker detected, dont make us wipe out the rest of you petrol sniffing pricks
>In Melbourne, so ready.
Men of Harlech stop your dreaming
Can't you see their spear points gleaming
See their warrior's pennants streaming
To this battle field
Men of Harlech stand ye steady
It cannot be ever said ye
For the battle were not ready
Stand and never yield
Fucking Oath
Hell yes! South Africa has gone to shit now that the niggas are in charge
>we need to bring back those Imperial Federation threads, lads.
Did someone say Imperial Federation?
If the Empire was to remove kebab from European shores and re-establish global hegemony then fucking yes.
And if they get rid of all the niggas
Some of us carry on our traditions Sven, I thought you would have worked that out seeing how some don't.
Thread theme
The empire strikes back won't be just a film soon
That's not my flag that's not my people I live in Canada and to be quite fair the Queen's been fucking everything up.
What have the queen or the royal family done to prevent what has become bribongistan?
Have they ever spoke against it?
Ok Singaporefag which PAP member did you blow to let you on Sup Forums?
I would
I would fight in the empire if you cuck weren't getting offended by Donnie trumps tweet and allowing Muslims to rape your children. together we could reconquer the world and kill all the niggers
>subject to laws
>he couldn’t even pull off fake leafposting
why do you even live, user?
>queen elizabeth dies
>her son wants to rule an empire, not the shitshow that's left
>asks aussies, NZ, canada to help recolonize africa
Realistically we would need the eu or america to help deny the access of russia china and india. After that you could actually create the slaughter bots to clear out the continent.
Yes I would do anything for my country.
>dummy gets shot by killer bot
>americans start clapping
sorry, sweetie
we're becoming a republic before 2020!
I'd shoot you fags if you ever got ideas again. Canada belongs to the US and Australia belongs to China. Better ask their permissions first.
Oh I'm sure if Nigeria and Pakistan send troops all those soldiers will be rewarded with citizenship of the UK. Lmao.
>Giving our retard leaders even more power.
for the empire yes. for the country no.
I have no reason not to.
>Canada belongs to the US
Everyone knows Canada is Chinese now.
You'd barely convince me to defend my own country. I stabbed a kid with a lead pencil when he attempted to take my milk money.
That is my scope
If it's too annihilate the Muslim invaders, yes. If it's to save them, no.
You would honestly think that our politicians are doing that with our interests in mind?
Realistically, if Canada tried to rejoin a British empire who would flatten it first, you or China?
I would fight and die for the crown to restore our imperial glory
Rule Britannia
My great grandpa fought. Yer faggots didnt even invited him for Celebrations in 46
Of course you'd need help from the commies again.
hell if the queen had a few sherries and came on tv and said "gentlemen, we're going to war..." i'd fight for daddy without a second thought.
The only two times the fucking idiots were called it was to defeat Germany because the UK was too weak to do it by themselves and they all died so that they could decolonise following the instructions of the USA and turn into a 3rd world tier caliphate in less than 10 years and also to force South Africa to become the shithole they are now. I can understand the leafs wanted to change that disgusting flag, international symbol of imperial autistic screechings and stupidity.
Hate to repost but this was perfect.
I'd fight for the Queen.
I wish the British empire stayed
>the british empire
>the largest, most powerful empire the world has ever seen
>too weak
>still angry about the armada getting rekt
don't you have a bull to stab, fernando? fuck off.
They also fought in jerusalem.
All of those things are true which makes Irish independence even more glorious. It's like in starwars how the rebels blew up the death star.
we gave you guys a referendum on independence.... it wasn't exactly a struggle
I never heard of that. Are you sure you arnt thinking of the north?
My bad, you voted like in pic related and then after a brief period of civil disobedience we signed a treaty with you guys for independence
largest =/= most powerful, WW1 was literally about keeping dominance over the seas and they ended up losing it to the USA with whom they signed a non-naval ploriferation treaty because they couldn't compete in naval growth. In land regards they never had 1st world land power status, Russia would have the title until Germany unified, then it went to the USA and then to Germany again. Overall their greatest achievements are claiming depopulated wastelands in Canada and Australia making them the largest and having the stongest navy during the XIX century, nothing else. Britain is the most overrated Empire in human history.
When I say to Germany again I mean WW2 btw, before you start calling me retard to avoid the other points.
At least Britain was taken over by Nazis and was forced to live under a dictatorship like your country
home rule shoulda won, you fucking potato niggers abandoned your crown
Yes, But with the way things are going i probably wpuldnt fight for it in todays age but in its glory i would
No we bloody don't, traitor.
Oh the irish war of independance. Yeah. I have heard of that.still butthurt?
Only war i'd fight is one against the Jews.
You asked for it and we gave it to you? We were even going to give you home rule even though many of you didn't want it, but that was delayed by WWI, which you didn't have to fight in.
The ugly truth is that Ireland just wasn't really worth trying to keep. South Africa, Australia, Canada were all worth far more.
>At least Britain was taken over by Nazis
Good motivational song for you guys
not what I meant to say anyways your a faggot
Stop projecting and go fuck one of your country"men" in the arse already. You know he'll like it and you'll be liberated.
don't you have a job? oh, wait nobody in your country has jobs
Are you mad at the yanks for demanding you give them up as part of your surrender condition's?
>20% of the country is everybody
Are you sure you are not paki or a chink? Anglos aren't so stupid usually.
Fuck no. There is no empire.
Get real people, come back to earth.
>of Poos, Pakis, Caribeans and Somalis
lol you are probably in that 26%
your country unemployment is worse than third world countries
As would I friend. Tired of seeing Englishmen themselves run old England down.
Bring about imperial federation and make the Anglo-celts the power of the world once more!
>tfw the Queen's not allowed to speak her mind
She's older than my grandmother and an aristocrat, how can anyone seriously believe she's isn't an extremely conservative far-right monarchist? She just knows that the year she says anything is the year a referendum for Republicanism is pushed.
Spaniard btfo
Depends entirely on the cause and for whom it is for.
I won't fight for Jews.
I would fight or country if I can rape
You have still not refuted my points about the British Empire and being able to live without a job is precisely the opposite of stupid.
Watching those nations who still hold a loyalty to the crown crumble under the mass immigration of Muslims has depleted my respect for them. I would much rather see my part of the nation gain it's independance and reject the crown.
Depends who they are fighting and what for. If WW2 started all over again I would.
no. I wouldnt even fight for my own country let alone that inbred shithole
As long as I could escape the leftist shithole of Scotland then yes,
Britain brought people and colonize the new world turning them into first world countries compare to Spain which just pillaged the land of gold went bankrupt and left leaving the countries to be run by shitskins and turn into shitholes Britain also made India pretty economically powerful and built infrastructure so the British empire has done more for the world than any other country or at least better than Pax Americana which just steals oil from shitskins
To liberate and cleanse the UK of filth? sure.
But only if they turn around afterwards and return the favour for us.
Canada, UK and Australia are migrant infected shitholes fully of white-guilt bearing "allies", so no.
If it is this and not this fucking corrupted cancer we have for decades now, yes
Purge the fucking abos and mesa monkeys and tree niggers from Commonwealth soil. I would sign up in a heartbeat if it meant i could help right the wrongs of the past decades. And can we please get the fucking french out of quebec?
Nice boys, count me in.