So Sup Forums what are your thoughts on MagicGate?
Do you think WOTC knew about the pedos and covered it up?
So Sup Forums what are your thoughts on MagicGate?
Do you think WOTC knew about the pedos and covered it up?
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I think at least people at channel fireball who provide judges for the events knew something
>5-4 in a tournament
For a retard maybe.
If you're not going atleast 6-3/7-2 then you might as well just stay at your fucking local hobby shop.
give me a rundown
How is Hasbro still alive wasnt Andy "Touch the child I'll go fucking wild" Warski supposed to do something?
To be fair 5-4 is pretty good for a 7 year old.
Run down is in the video I posted
Nah that was just a meme Jim made up
MaRo is secretly a Bill Clinton clone.
I mean look at her dad's face
>To be fair 5-4 is pretty good for a 7 year old.
Ya, to bad shes playing a children's game populated by grown fucking adults.
Oh, so it's Magic the Gathering fags that are the ones that are attacking the women youtubers of the right wing. Now I'm starting to understand.
Oh, I just got to the end of the video.
Didn't know that stuff was going on in your club
Don't forget that there are about 6 verified pedophile MTG sanctioned judges, and even more with a lot of allegations against them but are still not 100% proven.
Yeah. Pretty much magic is a game of skill and SJWs are upset that women aren't handed 1st place for simply having cunts.
The game says 13+ right on the packs. Its never been a "children's" game.
Neckbeard champion MTG youtuber calls a roastie at a convention a roastie, she says she feels unsafe, no room for women, blah blah standard SJW bullshit. MTG corporate office gives a lifetime ban to the neckbeard champion and bans his online card account worth a couple thousand. Neckbeard champion turns his autism up to 11 and devises a 17-week plan to get back at MTG corporate, mostly just screen capping twitter beef and reporting them to MTG corporate in an attempt to get them banned for harassment like he was. He's on like week 3 of his 17-week plan and either knew about said pedo judges prior or recently got tipped off, either way convenient timing for him to make a stink now. I'm not in the community but youtube keeps putting MTG in my recommended feed and sometimes I can't resist a good clickbait.
This is definitely not at "-gate" level yet and that saying is losing more and more meaning by the day from overuse.
Its a meme.
Ok so it's a game aimed at children old enough to not shit their pants. Played mostly by adults that do so regularly.
>To be fair 5-4 is pretty good for a 7 year old.
>Can't shuffle cards
>Somehow it's believable that she builds her own deck
5-4 basically means she got lucky and had a decent deck built by her daddy.
Well she was playing Sultai Energy. That deck has a lot of lines of play. You average scrub would go 0-9 with it.
Also MTG is a game of skill with a dominance hierarchy. SJWs have been trying to subvert and destroy it since 2012. Pic related is a mainstream sentiment among "MTG Content Creators" aka people that don't actually play the game.
So people who owned Magic decided that women who cosplay are more important customers than their autistic fanbase who spend 1000s
verified like you can look up their names on the sex offender registry and see their pics and crimes they committed?
then that is definitely -gate level if those judges aren't supposed to be around children
>Well she was playing Sultai Energy
That's not what the article says
I don't know a thing about the Magic card game. Is there actually skill? Isn't it just whoever has the best cards? Can I go an buy the best cards in the world and become world champion?
I'm sorry Temur. Its basically the same deck give or take 5-10 cards.
Well at high level events everyone is playing optimized decks. Decks have favorable and unfavorable matchups like Pokemon types or Rock Paper Scissors. Sure a $400 standard deck will beat a starter deck but you can't throw more money into your deck to make it better after a certain point in most competitive formats.
At high level events higher skill will give you an edge. People like LSV can make top 8 at three Pro Tours in a row. Variance is part of the game that's why three game matches are played. Good players know how to build their decks right and how to mulligan their hands. Its similar to poker.
>please watch my youtube vid, i wanna be a youtuber
Hate more bitch
-gate to me implies grandiose high-level conspiracy that has massive consequences in found out
what were looking at here is incompetence, cheapness and laziness, I don't think there was any secret plan to sneak pedos in as judges. Background checks aren't expensive but they aren't free either, many states don't require them, and the ones that do never enforce it prior to some crime taking place. Just game store Jews penny pinching
you filthy nigger
That what your mom calls me when I jizz in your dad's ass
Dude she’s 7.
Based Youtuber
His picture of Morty which shows he's intelligent, nihilistic and has a wicked sense of humor
I love when he trashes beta males
Why are MTG players so based!
Here are some of the pedos that TheQuartering mentions in his video:
**Ross Prajzner**, level 3 Judge? (I'm not entirely sure about his ranking)
Google his name with MTG and you'll find all sorts of tournament results. TheQuartering said that he was removed from the Wizards of the Coast judge list on their website after he started talking about it.
Profile from a tournament verifying its the same guy
**Sam Straus** Level 3 Judge
interview as mtg
**David Park** Level 3 Judge
List of MTG judges with David Park
Tier 3 judges are responsible for vetting new judges into the program. You can't become a Judge without being interviewed and tested and being taught by Tier 3 judges. Make no mistake, Goys, this is definitely a full-fledges pedo-ring.
He will destroy all pedos
That's why, in the current sjw environment, the best games for geek guys to play are those that have no "judges" or anything like that (Dota)
That way no stupid bitch and her coterie of white knights can come into the game and fuck everything up with their whining about how "unfair" it all is.
This guy:
retweeting pictures of dude with homosexual relationship with slenderman.
Slenderman is a mythical child-fucker.
Actually it’s some YT dude
Stopped watching when he said it’s where “men can be men”
I’m sorry you don’t have friends you can enjoy hobbies with
Basically the same thing just not Scarab God
Not surprising really. Tournaments for all games tend to give kids in adult leagues/brackets 'bumps'. I'm a national judge for yugioh and it happens all the time. It helps them not feel like total failures with their mishmash decks of the "cool" cards that blatantly violate bans.
i have no idea what the fuck this thread is even about
i think that's a good thing
I bet you have a ton of nigger stories
>drunk cartoon science man stares at me for 6 minutes
great now I have cancer
>trawling Sup Forums for youtube shekels
That's how bad magic is at the moment, cookie-cutter decks that run themselves.
I do it for free and to entertain friends
Not really. I only did local judging for a few months, and at the national level there's surprisingly not many blacks. It's a lot of asians. Everyone is super competitive and it gets tense, so I think it's an environment not many people want to be part of.
I used to play and so did a lot of my friends that now play MTG. Lots of stealing and fights at regionals and YCS events almost always due to blacks.
Most shops don’t even carry YGO in my city because of the blacks.
Almost every competitive game has very few women at the top. From CS GO to Chess, to MTG, men and women don't view competition the same way or place the same importance on it.
That’s sexist
Pic related lost his entire family in the holocaust. He has zero motive to push post-modernism in the MTG community.
is it?
Oh sweety. You're so cute I just want to pinch your little underage face.
Even the rope is red lmao
Netdecking confirmed for so easy even a child can "win"
magic is a fucking kids game anyways, why the fuck does anyone care that a 7 year old is "good" at a game that's essentially luck/deck building.
it's like saying you're good at some shitty gacha mobage
>magic is a game of skill
Not really only draft takes skill and even that is only when new sets come out
Modern is solved
Legacy is solved
Vintage is actually pretty open but nobody plays it for good reason ($30,000 deck)
I heard some guys kept shit hands cause “no way can I lose to a gurl”
>Oy vey adjunct professors get the short end of the stick
>Feed my patreon goy!
On top of the fact his edh deck techs are straight up garbage
I think you fucking retards need to stop calling every fucking thing -gate
Theres a reason why you don't do that
I bet most of the people who lost walked away like
>I was pretty bummed until I thought about how much happier she was to win than I was to lose
shut him down
I agree
We need to spread this message
....gategate will commence
(((Rosewater))) confirmed pedo
Goddamn! Drunkle Dick is KILLING it! Fuck the haters. Thanks for digesting this shit so I'm not spending more time than I should on threads to get me up to snuff.
>Modern is solved
sure that's why there's new 5-0 decks popping up every week or 2
Can' t her parents afford real clothes?
Adding black to a burn deck isn't a "new" deck
Last real new deck was bloom Titan and that promptly got banned out of existing
Everything else is just the same archetypes with different cards
>Everything else is just the same archetypes with different cards
well every deck archetype is "win vs your opponent" so there's only 1 archetype and every deck is just that deck with different cards
Why is she dressed like this? Is unironic Big Daddy larping a common thing today?
Hey man Sygg tier 1
she was cosplaying a Magic character
why else do you think anyone would play this shitty card game?
No problem man. I’ll be doing updates as more info comes out.
They spent it all on cardboard crack
>be poor your whole life
>finally find a card game that you like
>you played it since you figured out what it was but only could afford shitty starter decks
>finally get real job
>finally get real friends who like what you like
>not allowed to play childs card game that maybe costs like 50 bucks or less of an investment.
videogames don't activate the same neural pathways for women as men
that is, they don't get that delicious, sweet dopamine hit for doing well in videogames
almost like the genders are different or something
OTOH, I'd be interested in seeing if games like candy crush give them the same rush considering it seems to be overwhelmingly female players.
Your daily reminder that Magic has pedophile judges that are judging at events with 7 year olds.
No we've been seeing tron since the beginning
Some variation of pod, Currently Coco, and goodstuff decks
Don’t worry Post-Modern aka frontier will save us
I love atarka red as much as the next guy but I'm not going to be excited for that format until it starts mattering
but they're all the same deck, just with different cards
>when puberty hits you and you realize you have been surrounded by beta cucks the entire time
>"Hey! There are no chads here!"
[[Tactical nihilism intensifies]]
Wrong! He also raps.
Roastie Cosplayer who became some kind of a superstar to all of the beta males who let their buttcracks hang out while playing cards noticed she wasn't getting as much attention as she used to. So she made a big announcement that she was "quitting MTG" and cited "harassment." She later claimed she had been harassed "for years" by Jeremy Hambly, some dude who merely called her out for being a roastie begging for change via her Patreon. Jeremy was a pretty prominent figure in the Magic community, had a lot of subscribers to his Youtube account, etc. Made money through his videos and all of that. So because a roastie claimed in a post on social media that Jeremy had "harassed" her, he is issued a PERMA BAN and is locked out of his online account with hundreds of dollars worth of virtual cards in it. After being told that no, he cannot come back, even though his ban was literally over something that took place outside of the tournament environment, he embarks on a mission to burn shit down. He's been drawing attention to the relentless harassment from SJW Magic players against him (which Wizards of the Coast ignored, of course) exposing their double-standard SJW nonsense. He's drawn attention to tranny judges threatening players that read out the text of a card, literally read word for word, because they read the printed words "his" "her," etc. And now he's exposing Wizards of the Coast for being pedo-friendly.
pleas Sup Forums no jenna-posting, its too damm depressing
Damn that blows. Women really do ruin everything. Even this lame as card game for men who don't want to deal with women. I would have been devastated if my RuneScape account was banned back when I played 12 hours a day.
>either knew about said pedo judges prior or recently got tipped off
the kid is a homosexual
you know he participated and is the exact type of silly queen who gets everyone sent to jail because his feelings got hurt
>he's exposing Wizards of the Coast for being pedo-friendly.
not very well though, if he was smart he would collect evidence and present it to authorities before blowing the whistle
It DOES blow. I do have to say, though, that not ALL women ruin everything - Just the attention-seeking roasties ruin everything. I used to go to comic conventions all the time. You'd meet nice nerdy girls. Quiet, usually overweight, sloppy t-shirts, could talk all day about the fandom of their choice. People would dress up, and the slimmer, prettier girls would get more attention, and that was about it... until the media began pushing the trend that being a nerd was "cool." Then practically overnight Cosplay became a thing, and you had all these roastie THOTs wearing costumes with their boobs popping out of their tops and their asses hanging out of their pants, FLOODING the convention scene. Most of them are underage. And they all start squealing "Cosplay is not consent, eye rape, reeeeeeeeeeeee" when they feel they aren't getting enough attention. I stopped going to conventions because they became overrun with childish, loud, attention-seeking WHORES and their orbiting beta-male faggots who forever hoped that if they white knighted enough they might get to touch a boob.
Should I sell my $10,000 collection? I only buy cards from LGS's and only play EDH
they literally looked in sex offender registries and them, there was 12-16 judges. the controversy come from the inaction of; the authority ruling over the judges, WotC, and hasbro upon learning this information/not having some sort of background checking system in place.
Best pairing right there outside of Aydin.
sell your collection, buy Chinese cards for all those money and sell it again. Crush that market with no survivors