Genetics thread
Genetics thread
You know all of these have been confirmed fake right? That they purposely give white people wrong information to fuck with them? Cause the people who run these scams are Jews?
So how does it feel being Jewish
Sounds like you took a test and got some nigger DNA in you. Don’t worry, as long as it’s not more than 2%
Dude look it up.
>white person got some black in him
>checks flag
... checks out. Where do I sign up?
Speak for yourself fella
You are too white!
Why would anyone give their DNA to the jews willingly?
Indonesian im guessing, or a poo
I never took the test, to expensive to be lied to.
>British and Irish
So nigger?
I assume fully British as I have no Irish ancestry and live in the South West.
Also I hate to pull the 56% card but come on dude.
no wonder i love bitcoins and being on the right side of interest rates
so they're telling me i'm 99.8% European? oh the horror i really wanted to be 0.1% nigger too
pls no bully
This looks exactly like what I would get if did an ancestry test
>Mums side comes from Cornwall
>Dads side comes from Yorkshire and Tyrone (Ireland)
am i white?
Jesus Christ how much of these threads have been shilled here lately?
These are clear slide threads (being posted this often). Many of you anons visit Sup Forums constantly throughout the day yet and falling for the same threads posted day after day hour after hour.
>lurk more