Men are the niggers of gender

>50% of the population
>98.9% of those arrested for forcible rape
>87.9% of those arrested for robbery
>85.0% of those arrested for burglary
>83.0% of those arrested for arson.
>81.7% of those arrested for vandalism.
>81.5% of those arrested for motor-vehicle theft.
>79.7% of those arrested for offenses against family and children.
>77.8% of those arrested for aggravated assault

Other urls found in this thread:

Men are Obsolete. Women no longer need men
They fought hard for their rights and now they have the right to vote and equal rights with men. They don't have to get married. They can go to college, start careers, and own their own money. They don't need a husband to give them money.

More women are living single now than ever before. They aren't even interested in men. They just go about their business. You see them walking down the street with earphones in, listening to their music, and ignoring YOUR catcalls. You see them in the bars and even the sports bars with groups of their friends chatting and laughing among themselves, but if you try to approach them, you'll get shot down because they aren't interested in men any more.

They even have a variety of sexual devices to please them at a moment's notice. Hitachi wands have basically made penises obsolete. And children? Well, they can just visit a sperm bank if they want one.

Women no longer need men. How does that make you feel?

There's only one gender, though. Women are property.

Articles to discuss:

>Women Earn More Degrees Than Men; Gap Keeps Increasing

>Breadwinning Mothers Are Increasingly the U.S. Norm

>Marriage may be obsolete: Fewer couples are getting hitched than ever before

>Men Are Obsolete

>Incel manbaby acting tough on the Internet


You're stats only prove that the political class targets men and protects women. Women are fucking useless, which makes them the niggers.

Also, kys please. No one will grieve.

You forgot 99% of the net tax payers and over 80% of all entrepreneurs.

>I am a white male pls help I am getting oppressed by those feminazis!!!!

How can anyone be so deluded?

How about you disingenuously twist those stats to turn it into a victim narrative like libs do with niggers? its easy, just list what percentage of the victims of the crimes are male and then completely avoid mentioning that they are also the perpetrators.

Anyway, the difference is, (white) men offset their negative sides with a shit ton of positive. Society would have virtually nothing if it wasnt for male productivity. Everything you see around you is a result of it. Almost all of humanitys greatest achievements and works are male.

what? they only thing feminist do is scream topless in from of churches, they do nothing, or the little they do they do it wrong
literally they worth nothing dude, poor women

Someone should introduce her to Queen Victoria.

Also the only one to actually build societies. Without men to praise them women wouldn't do shit.

Men, however, will do whatever it takes to be #1, no matter who is still around, as long as it's someone. They lose interest in anything that's not competition though, so feminized rule-following=good grades schools are not their strong suit.

The device that made the patriarchy obsolete

since when things started going to shit? early 19's
when was woman sufrage impulsed?
pure coincidence

you know the rules bitch...forgot cuz Hitachi vibes where so good?

you fuken skank

Ok, i will get my artificial wombs and my sexbots if is not a problem

>woman care only about sex
checks out

men may cause all that shit but if technological progress was ran by women then we'd still be living in caves

they'd be nicely decorated, though

Your post makes no sense. If men are the niggers of gender, why is it that men were almost all the geniuses that ever existed?

Congrats dishwasher, you played yourself. Not only is biology against you with neurosexist differences, even religion confirms you’re an inferior sex

Women cant even into building bridges or skyscrapers. When a woman dies no one ven cares, name 10 famous females in all of history of the human race, ill wait

this is b8

Nah they cant get attention or annoy a vibrator

Camille Paglia put it this way: The same masculine drive that created Jack the Ripper also created Mozart. Masculinity is a doubled-edged sword.

Where your analogy breaks down is Negros never had a Mozart and never will. They're mostly just Jack the Rippers. In other words, it's not just men - it's the type of men.

I'm a Syrian refugee. Women are property. Islamophobia is disgusting. You're a shitty ally.

lol subhumans are blind

>that men were almost all the geniuses that ever existed

Women were systematically discriminated against and excluded from higher education

I'm going to repost this screenshot of you pretending to be a Syrian refugee to totally beat those snowflakes at their own game to /r/the_donald. I'm going to get so many up votes! Praise kek!

Sure you are. ;)

thanks to God, what do they do know thinking they know something? pushing race mixing and liberalism

Even now that they aren’t they’re under represented in STEM and do worse on average in that field than male counter parts. Fields like science where intelligence is important women tend not to do well in. Even games of strategy and intellect women are far behind. Out of the top 50 ranked chess players in the world all of them are men, and out of the top 100 only 1 chess player is a woman. You’re just coping with your inferiority with your shitty bant thread

yeah , kind of but we are also necessary for a working society,

>Claims to be superior
>Gets enslaved

I don't think you understand the bravery it takes to admit you submission to Allah's will on this hate site.
inshallah I curse you for using such an Islamophobic forum. I'm only here to stop the hate spread by you alt-right retards.

Cool now show all the stats where men excel over women.

I agree, men are responsible for 90% of the shit in the world but you have to keep in mind they are responsible for 90% of the good things in the world to.

I understand that I would be sitting in a mud hut if it were not for men.

Gender should not be in competition, we are both beautifully different.

not true first female absolvent of higher education was in the 17th century, women are largely not interest in such things, you can see in sweden that they make different decision in career if given a choice.
women in former times either worked, because poor people can't afford single income or managed the internal affairs of the household which could be quite large, also managed soccial affairs in family/community,

yeah and look what is happening now, when they are able to enter higher education. i mean like goddamn you have been educated for 2 or 3 decades and you already are promoting for the extinction of the white male/race


men are the niggers, women are the jews, traps and faggots are the elders of zion

Women are only good for fucking. Full stop.

yes but it's not comparable to niggerocity because men are also the white people of gender
>all the science
>all the civilization
>everything of note ever

Implying women wouldn't do these things if they were physically capable.

Do you support gynaecocracy and female supremacy?

If women are the gatekeepers of sex, then why so many diseases?

>you had one job

Reminder to sage retarded threads

Men have ruled the world for thousands of year and woman are still around, woman have had the vote for less than 100 years and they are already calling for genderciding men. What peaceful creatures let's give them all the power, no worries if it all goes wrong they will still blame men.

>higher manipulation and social skills
>cries of pain while she hits you
>given privileges everywhere just because they're women
>enjoy controlling others
>are useless, need white men to actually be productive
women are the jews of gender

you forgot
>99.9% of human progress

Men are also
>99% of the geniuses
>99% of the scientific innovators
>100% of great composers of music
>100% of inventors
>80% of great writers
>95% of great artists
>98% of great architects
We're even better at cooking

I'm pretty sure that women would also do all those things if they weren't so physically weak desu.

>Men are Obsolete. Women no longer need men
White men are the only net contributors to the budget.

It has been too long since the last war, and women forget.

they forget that they are systemically useless when shit hits the fan













if it were not for laws women would be just sex slaves for men

>be women
>less testosterone
>less masculine
>physically weak

lol women subhumans

>literally muh dick "argument"

>men obsolete
What are robo waifus, artificial wombs, and AI.

But since

>>Women Earn More Degrees Than Men; Gap Keeps Increasing

There will be more woman geniuses, right?
Except it won't.

>literally hasn't listed a single female accomplishment ITT
>literally couldn't substantiate her claim that a matriarchy could ever work if her life depended on it

You're describing a very sad life

Implying artificial insemination, dildos, and manufacturing lines ran by robots hahahah

white men build the world tho
white men can't be niggers

Women have never created or invented anything significant ever.


imagine being a woman lmao. literally half the population of the world can automatically destroy you at any given moment, and even stronger and fitter women could beat you to a pulp. only societal norms and law and order prevent this. even being a full on HRT trap isn't that bad since you're still stronger than nearly all women and can fight men to a degree.

even boys that just hit puberty can BTFO girls bigger than them

I always think of all the males forced out of education and employment to make way for these "stronk womyn" that could have advanced humanity.

Propping up women and sacrificing capable men to do so will regress society and cultures without this mental disease will surpass ours.

Father issues: the thread.

There's no such thing as "gender" There's just two sexes. That is all

all those female chess champions too.. oh wait

Men are disgusting

Also let's look at which "men" are doing the crimes. Race matters.

And they've also built almost every technology out there as well as modern civilization. Even the Internet, which you are so addicted too.

Women are retarded, it drives these mentally weak and broken faggots to like loli because women their age are such baggy and nasty cunts that they can’t even stand being around them.

.9% of those arrested for forcible rape
.9% of those arrested for robbery
.0% of those arrested for burglary
.0% of those arrested for arson.
.7% of those arrested for vandalism.
.5% of those arrested for motor-vehicle theft.
.7% of those arrested for offenses against family and children.
.8% of those arrested for aggravated assault
In Australia almost all of this shit is committed by less than one percent of the male population, whereas more than half of niggers will go to jail at some point in their lives. Men aren't even on the same continuum as nogs.

>Men are Obsolete. Women no longer need men
Men creayed civilization, the device you're typing your BS on, and the very language you speak. Everything you take for granted, whether cultural or material comes from men.

How hypocrite

Now, let's divide these offenses up by race.


we need to get the female incarceration rates up.

>Intellectual and cultural rot
I just want to get these people to tell me about one female philosopher or creator of an ideology. Even feminism is a relatively male conception.

Good with the bad: Take everything good men have done throughout history and subtract everything bad. Then take everything good women have done throughout history (don't even bother subtracting the bad) and men still win.

You could take only medical advancements made by men and you'd find those have saved more lives then men have taken.

I'm not for this collectivist rubbish. But if they want to play this game where we (men) are responsible for everything bad men have done, then I'm going to take credit for everything good men have done too.

How do I get the fraction of that 1.1 percent that is cute to rape me?

To be fair though, men still dominate most of the useful degrees.

For most jobs that require a degree (and it's usually any old degree), one isn't really necessary. You could easily take a person straight out of school, place them in entry roles in most of these jobs and they'd be outperforming those who come into the job 3 years later with a sociology degree. But sadly employers mistake a degree for a sign of competence when it isn’t and make it a requirement.

i gifted my gf an original magic wand and she made it clear that it wasn't nearly as satisfying as me or even her dildo

If men are the niggers of gender, women are the jews of it.
>weak and sickly
>strong ingroup preference
>eternal victim complex
>adept at social manipulation
>very money-oriented, materialistic and hypergamous as a result
>weave their tentacles into institutions and work for group interest (feminism, education indoctrination, affirmative action.)


>niggers of gender
take that yoko

What happened to tolerance and co existance?

You saw the chance and decided to nullify us after all this years?

women are the chimps of gender
they have never invented anything or done anything of note besides create men

>buying your gf a vibrator

That only proves the system will hold a womans hand to make sure it succeeds, while holding down and blaming the toxic male child for everything wrong in the world. Labeling normal behavior as toxic masculinity and trying to turn every boy into a fairy with hormone blocker. Nobody care about young men, young women on the other hand...
All teachers are failures, all teachers are far left misandrists, all teachers are women. If you're not good enough to do, teach.

>niggers of the gender
>43 million babies murdered
Nice try though

Typical roastie post, cites figures without splitting by race where it's clear niggers are the problem.