Caste war happening in Mumbai as we speak
Dalits v/s Hindus
Background: Dalits were celebrating 200th victory anniversary of the battle in which they fought for eternal anglo and defeated local Hindu shogun. Hindus got angry and planted saffron flags over their vehicles. Thus started the race war
Happening in Mumbai, india
just a bunch of shitflinging, move along
Its not a race war when both sides are niggers
Link, and dalits are Hindus too you are just retarded
t. Euronigger
Turn on the tv
I don't have a television
Wtf is happening
There really isn't much difference between Dalits and Brahmins. Both are shitskin desu.
India is perfect example of what will happen if we become civil nationalists. Pajeet thinks he was aryan and shieet.
Their version of "we waz kangs and shieet"
>One person dead and 3 injured
Officially it isn't happening
Kek, the west will face it's downfall while we rise the pendulum swings lad you are too uneducated too understand it
good good, carry on, wot ho
Cumskin things he was aryan.kek
No one fucking cares you dirty poo in the loo. The more shitskins who off each other the better. Just do it quietly.
Man, there is a 1,4bn horde of poos in India, unless there is at least 500 of them dead from a single event, don't call it a happening, please.
Implying you are an aryan. Stolen word from sanskrit and baseless theory on origins of aryans.
>carry on
Didn't you mean "curry on"?
Build one out of poo. If a nog can build a computer you can make a simple tv.
The only issue with your theory is that you are all subhumans who will never achieve anything without copying others, you are basically chimpanzees that imitate Europeans
Yeah right that's why the Europeans were looking for us and and have stories about us, go be a vampire somewhere else
Muzzies will take over india, effectively ruining Hinduism.
Don't be delusional, noone was looking for you, Europeans were looking for the source of the spice trade. Your people were never relevant, I hope one day we can bomb your shitty (literally) peninsula with pig fat.
We all know who were the real Aryans. You can shitout(poo version of chimpout) all day you'll never be Aryans.
india was never meant to be united as one, war on mybros
I fucking hate poos so much. I actually prefer the most nigger side of your "race war" wins because then you won't be smart enough to emigrate or use the internet, not subjecting the rest of the world to your filth.
See, if you knew European ethnography and banter, you'd have called him a mongol.
>less than 100 people dead
Nigger even the 'bus falls off cliff, 40 dead' stories are barely mentioned in the news. This one is not even in the running ticker.
t. steppe nigger
Kek, right spice trade was going on for centuries before eupropean discovered 'us, why is that we had to teach you number and language, how many real European languages exists?
Dravidians are best Indians.
Don't know bout it
But I live in delhi so can't attend anyway
I believe you mean the decendents of Greeks who invaded with Alexander the Great, decided to stay and become the top caste, continued to refine western arts and philosophy, and then shared their new ideas with other Greek traders who visited the region.
You and your untouchable ancestors did nothing but invent new and exciting ways of spreading dysentery
Okay cumskin
>why is that we had to teach you number and language, how many real European languages exists?
indians teaching europeans language? are you smoking pure indian feces over there?
Who will unplug their Victorian era sewers then?
the brahmins will win
Can't wait for mumbai to burn down, fuck that place infested with bimarus.
Enjoy your poo wars pajeet. Don't get hit by frozen chunk of poo.
Name European languages
>Muzzies take over india, ruining hinduism
Already Happened centuries
>Name European languages
the language family is called "indo-european" because they are from a common source (proto-indo-european). the name doesnt imply that the languages all came from india. only ahistorical, anti-science hindu nationalist believe garbage like that. the indo-europeans lived in the pontic steppe region and spread out form there.
>race war breaks out
>"I live far away, I cannot attend it DAMN IT"
Never change Sup Forums
While Hwhite nationalist believe that a migration before the iron age was responsible for all indian achievements
>While Hwhite nationalist believe that a migration before the iron age was responsible for all indian achievements
thats not true at all. europeans are aware of ancient civilisations on the subcontinent. people around the world (excluding hindu nationalist) believe the migration of steppe people later brought a lot of the languages as well as religious and cultural influences to india.
The Vedas are older than the migration, I do understand a shared heritage but if we don't consider it a Hwhite miracle it's quite a big leap to assume that vagabonds with no civilisation of their own founded the religious and cultural beliefs of a much advanced civilisation, but from the current historical model that seems to be the case
Indian population: 1.3billion
Indian nobel laurates: 4
Hungarian population: 10million
Hungarian nobel laurates: 13
And one of your 4 is a peace prize.
Stay salty nigger
Awww you won in the circle jerk known as Nobel prizes, an Indian demonstrated radio communication before marconi and the only role Einstein had in the bose Einstein condensate was too publish it under his name as Indian weren't published in those days, these are recorded historic events, we've contributed more to humankind than your shit hole ever will, your circle jerk prizes hold no value in the real world
Obama won that award too. you being racist now?
I'm in North Mumbai and see nothing happening here. What about other anons ?
>an indian racist against niggers.
just like their hero gandhi was.
>We wuz advanced an shieeet
>gets their ENTIRE SUBCONTINENT taken over by men with bad teeth and funny wigs.
any links sachin?
This shit happens every year lol.
What's currently happening to Europe Jamal, advanced people become complacent but you are a nigger so it doesn't make any difference for you
All non whites are disgusting
>Gets chucked by brits for 100 years
>finally earns its freedom
"Were a shining beacon of civilization and education!"
>poverty ridden, publicly defacating, street shitting, gang raping nation that is still going to be China's bitch for,another century reguardless of what happens to the west.
>not white
>proceeds to take over entire subcontinent.
are you saying you dont want computers and cars and electricity and other western inventions in india?
What makes you think those western invention would happen without the prior knowledge and wealth stolen from the east?
Reality is that the swastika is an Aryan symbol of the Indus river civilization. Hitler himself wanted to recruit Sikhs into the ss. In fact, Germans did recruit some Sikhs to fight against the British forces.
Shit storm
Seen some shit
Deep shit
Annnnnnnnnd nothing of value was lost
K cummy
>stolen from the east?
"stolen" is a ridiculous word to use in that context. did indian "steal" automobiles from the west?
We know
Elaborate? Indian history seems muddled and confused, what makes them stand out?
The ancient symbol of the Swastika arrived from India to the Americas and other parts of the world. Scholars have concluded that the symbol of the swastika is older than the Aryans and even the Indus Valley Civilization.
post link amigo
The industrial revolution was a result of colonization and resource draining.
The way you speak about "the tech of the west" implies the tech wasn't scheduled for existance anyway.
Wait, so England leaving was bad?
>trusting the communist news sources who sew seeds of tensions between hindus to subdue nationalism
>goes shitposts on pol
neck yourself, abdul
they're better because relative to the north they were less under the rule of muslims
>civic nationalism has nothing to do with this failure
thanks eternal anglo