What does Sup Forums think of Anders Breivik

What does Sup Forums think of Anders Breivik

Totally cool.

Total faggot

If we were all like him the world would be a better place

needs more fertilizers


He only killed animals.


Completely sincere and patriotic in his actions.

He's the foreshadowing of things to come.

pretty based.

He knew the future. We should have listened to him and kill social democ-rats as well

>Killing kids is a good thing
Fuck off mike

He dindu nuffin

Would any user send him a letter for some bants?

A retarded faggot with autism, obviously.

He tried to cut the head off the snake

Is he seig heilin' or is he showing you how tall he thinks he is?

Ahead of the curve.

If we don't do it through democracy we'll see many more like him in the next 40 years.

Many fags here cant understand some parts of "kill the traitor before the enemy" for some reason.

We need more guys like him

5/5 alfa

>muh kids
There weren't any kids there faggot

A mentally ill person but he did some good.

>implying communists are people


Turned the polls around. BTFO leftist politically and literally.

Classical norwegian faggot

Dont worry Fjotolf Hansen, when the great war starts I'll release you and make you one of my top generals! You can control the Scandinavian states for me, stay strong and wait..

Did utoya happen at all? I really don't trust anyone anymore.

>cheering for a zionist shill

When did this board get so retarded

He killed nearly an entire generation's worth of the next wave of leftist political scum. They weren't kids, they were the enemy.

>Classical norwegian faggot
a swede calling anyone a faggot..


As opposed to the philippines where the men are 1,6 m and ther dicks are smaller then that of the japense

This guy is pro israel. Look it up pol.


Special place in Valhalla and a 300 feet victory statue after the race war

>All posts from this IP address are irony/satire
The secret leaf police don't believe you.

>Sweden concerned about the size of another mans cock
Imagine my surprise.

how new are you, faggot?

As a fellow mason he proved that we were based by eliminating an entire generation of elite communists. He exemplified the Knight Templar oath to defend Christendom.

Based Generation X

>> Mason

So what? He killed an entire generation of commie leadership.

Israel like Brevik is based.

He should of wrote a shorter book so people might actually read it.

no such thing as kids, only soon to be adults

contolled opposition

His biopic was neat

The second greatest man that ever lived. After Hitler, of course.