Netanyahu: "Be a good goy and support the (((Iranian))) protesters"

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Are you suggesting that we should support an islamist regime just to spite the kikes?
C'mon now.

If Iranians are Jews doesn't it mean that we're the master race? Iranians are Aryans 5d chess in progress

Sup Forums just want to be as contrarian as possible, like other boards on Sup Forums. If experts say that the protests are organic, then Sup Forums know for sure that they are by CIA and Mossad.

I'm saying we shouldn't fund uprisings or any other bullshit in other countries. I get zero benefit from pleasing Israel.

Not really. There are a lot of Iranian shills here now.

>Wanting jews to jew up another country.

Cut yourself.

Be a good IRGC cybershill and go and book your plane ticket out of the country. A reckoning's coming.

>being against Israel screwing with countries is pro-iran

>Meanwhile Europe watches in silence

Yeah go suck a foreskin off, if you want to see Iran go then be my guest..

lol just as i thought pol is not anti-islam they just want white sharia

You need to update the pilpul.exe jewanon. I don't think it's working correctly. That sentence made no sense

Fuck mudslimes. GO JEWS!

Take your own side.
>take your own side.
Take your own side.
>take your own side.

Jews like to set up false dichotomies

>See goyim, it's either us or the islamists

We shall support neither

>"We don't want an Islamic Republic"
>Netanyahu, not a Muslim, and a PM in a democratic nation says everyone should support it (like a lot of other nations, not even including the US)
>FuCKing KiKeS und der gMez

Your not democratic you lying Jew.

When are you going to give Palestinians the vote?

Yes? always do the opposite of what the jew says

Fuck the Juden scum and fuck the sand nigger filth. Let them destroy each other.

I unironically want Iranian dictatorship with nukes

Sup Forums is a Jew board now. Goyim must leave

Palestine is a made up word, & palestinians are a made up people.
Just a bunch of vile arab muzzies trying to get free shit.
Take your shit somewhere else HomoHamHead

It's simple -

OP implies that Iranians are Jewed(?), according to the Arryan theory the Iranians are Arryans.

Jews = Iranians = Arryans

Jews = Arryans = True master race


I'll give them and you my dick to suck on

Jew slave. Go suck some circumcised cock.

hmm I'm seeing the pilpul but I'm not getting the intended manipulation. Maybe it's my goyim genes malfunctioning?

>Iranians and Israelis will be friends again

But like.. we're they ever?
Also, Netanyahu just sounds so evil. His voice, his manners, it all adds up to one evil fucking jew.

Gotta agree with the Frenchmen. FPBP

It is pretty obvious that some secret service is instigating this. They are even using the same underhanded tricks they used in the Ukraine, e.g. have snipers shoot at Iran's security forces to escalate the conflict, which might lead to a similar civil war as in Syria.

I'm torn between having one less disgusting muslim regime on this planet vs. the prospect of another immigration wave and one of Israel's enemies gone.

>His voice, his manners, it all adds up to one evil fucking jew.

You just aren't used to seeing a strong nationalist leader.

Get redpilled, you filthy goy.

Iranians are better immigrants than Syrians, that's probably not comforting but it's something.

I want neither. I also don't want to contribute to Israel's interests.

that isn't pilpul that's just shitposting you stupid redditor

There needs to be another panel.

>jews push mass immigration and radical Islam so they an justify attacking their neighbors.

Friendly reminder that the the Iranian people are not Islamists or democratic, but rather imperialist Persians.

Come Home Persian Man

>I also don't want to contribute to Israel's interests.

unfortunately I don't think any of us will have a choice.

>be a good Twelver and help us oppose people because it's what our (((god))) wants
The day of reckoning is fast approaching for Shiiteniggers

>unironically defending a jew
>not knowing how to detect banter
>projecting leddit usage
Have another (You) newfriend

Why would you give rats the vote, Auzzie? Didn't you learn after giving the Abos suffrage?

As much as it benefits Israel, the protests are a good thing.

Jewish masters tell American slaves that Israel is democratic and good goy slaves worship Jews and go kill their enemies.

>Are you suggesting that we should support an islamist regime just to spite the kikes?
Why in the fuck not? That Islamist regime to this day fully resists Western (aka degenerate) influence. I don't care what the fuck they are - they keep to themselves and don't give a shit about what you or anyone else thinks. Most of these retards '''protesting''' are either poor, retarded or idealistic youth anyway. No one who has genuine responsibility would think about attending such events because it;s fucking useless. Do you think these people have a plan for what comes after removing the current regime? The answer is a definitive know. So yes, you should be supporting an Islamic regime just to spite the kik- whoa, wait, I just realized your flag. This is the exact same attitude the French had with Libya and Gaddafi. Kill yourself you anal sex having degenerate frog. Your language unironically sounds like arabic.

Came here to post this. Only they don't even bother to read what experts or locals even say, they'll just assume its da jewz

Actually I read that most of the protesters are regular people who usually don't bother voting cause they know that doesn't matter either

They fit under the category of retards. Only a retard who knows quite literally nothing about their own country and the region they live in would want the current regime to fall. Just like the retards who protested for Saddam to fall. Just like the retards who protested for Gaddafi to fall. Just like the people who literally, unironically still want Assad to fall (as if that would make Syria any better). Mouthbreathing retards who have no grasp on reality. We live in the fucking information age and the masses couldn't be anymore oblivious. It makes no sense.


original for anyone interested

>Palestine is a made up word
Yeah, made up by the Romans from the Hebrew-originated word Philistine

>Actually I read




The Iranian Leadership are screaming from the fucking rooftops that the Globalist Jewish Bankster Mafia are balls deep in the Destruction of Iran. They are basically saying Mossad's ISIS/Antifa Agent Provocateurs are murdering their citizens, and Trump now has his shriveled old Scotty balls in the ol' Bolshevik vice. Trump is a Zion-puppet like all selected POTUS's since JFK.



And why wouldn't the head of the state that, since its creation, has been threatened with destruction by mudshits be in favour of something that destabilizes one of said mudshits countries?
Must be a jewish conspiracy!!!!!11!

It's fucking amazing that some dumb cunts here actually believe that becos the Soros Jew says it's anti-Israel, that they believe it. This is Jewry 101...basic Jewry for the Goyim. Einstein was said to have an anti-Zio stance but died sucking fellow Jew cock. .

All the Alt Lite fell for it. Stupid fucks.

Racist pig, Jews must be expelled from all other countries until Israel has democracy...

"The enemy of my enemy is mu friend" in action. This doesn't mean that the protesters are plants.
Same for Ukraine and Maidan, but you will only see the polar opposites because you want to.

They don't even try to hide it now.

Death to the Islamic Republic and all it's supporters

Pay no attention to these animals using scare tactics and lies to get you to support the regime the Iranian people want them dead so support them. They cannot afford food that is how bad it is but unlike Venezuela the Iranian people want better for themselves they see themselves as better than this.

They want a secular government like in the time of the shah the average Iranian by his nature is a decent person they don't want Islamic barbarians ruling them give your support to them. A prosperous
Iran is the best thing for the middle east

Eat shit stormfags. you will never have a leader like this. keep bringing those camel fuckers to your country.

That post was not pilpul, stop throwing ithe term arould left and right like that, you're taking it's meaning away.

This, checked.

Anyone else noticed the huge Islamic Psy-Op that's happening on Sup Forums right now?

Ya...the alt right.. Look at the Alt-'Right' spokes-folk here heiled as the movements leaders, from Ben Shapiro, to Milo, and on and on. All the internet celebs fawned over here on 4Scam....all fucking sneaky Kikes.

its Shia regime, not Sunni

learn the difference you uncultured swine

Only thing I'm noticing are newfags like you.

Not to spite the kikes but to destroy them, Judaism and Wahhabism.

Fuck off you non-country I'm an oldie

>implying there's a difference

Listen you disgusting Jew Boy....

>Plans for Middle East - U.S. Army Gen. Wesley Clark

Fucking try and listen for once...Just listen and then climb back into your mother's jew cunt where it's warm and safe for now

Yes goy we are on the same side

I'm not a Jew I'm an Iranian. It has been 40 years of Islamic barbarism in Iran. 40 years of stagnation and decay. 40 years of fighting the battles of feckless filthy arabs and now my people are calling for it to end of course will support them. Let the Arab world burn let Islam burn anyone who embraces Islam and the regime doesn't deserve to live god gave you one life and you choose to spend it worshiping a camel fucking paedophile and his imaginary friend? So I say it proudly knowing Iran has a future death to the regime death to the IRGC death to the basij and death to all their supporters. We are calling for a holocaust to purify Iran of these vermin we want civil war.

get out of my country.

The neocon infestation in this place has gotten really bad.

>I'm Iranian goy. Listen to my fake bullshit and attack Iran goy! Do it!




It's all the same Muhammad. The mudslamists destroyed Iran.

Prove your English or I'm just going to assume your a Muslim

Suck some more Muslim cock you swine

Suck more Jew cock you little Soyboy.

I'm as English as a foggy evening in Wiltshire mate.
I prefer Iranians to muslims and/or kikes.
But you need to go back to where you came from, regardless of my preference for you lot over mudshites.

Yeah and Jerusalem belongs to the jews, it's written in the old testament, which we all know is real and not a self-empowering jewish book written by jews so that they can thinks of themselves as gods and genocide other people.

Good goy, topple another regime and let it tumble into chaos.

Hi fellow /ptg/ goys I want to be the goodest goy so which side am I on?

You're in favor of pissing your money away on bullshit, goy

Islamic brotherhood and weak beta whites. Ie White Sharia.