Transgenderism is just proto-transhumanism and therefore good. Why don't you accept and support people who want to transition?
Transgenderism is just proto-transhumanism and therefore good...
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Doesn't transhumanism imply improving yourself with technology as where transgenderism is mutilation, sterilization, and just completely mentally ill?
((( Transhumanism ))) is an abomination. I don't believe in ((( progress ))).
Both are modifying your body to become what you want. If transgenderism is accepted then is transhumanism and vice versa. It is therefore great news that the nubmer of transgenders increases each year and will reach 1 % of the population soon.
Transhumanism is a force for developing the human body to become more superior. Transition just mutilates the body and makes it weak and is absolutely degenerate therefore. Now go home spurdo.
Because it's fake.
Says you, you stupid faggot
To elaborate... there is only one kind of ((( progress ))) and that is the progress of turning human freedom into profit.
But once you are free to modify your body you are liberated from its constraints.
How so?
wasn't there like a comic book series about humans changing themselves to look like freaks, and a supposed power-hungry politician that was trying to just keep the country afloat all along?
is aggressively homicidal journalism the future of Sup Forums media?
It doesn't need to be modified, it's orders of magnitude more well designed and refined than anything our retarded asses could come up with. To think that everything can be "improved" by completely changing what something is, is a mental illness.
Ah yes, Transmetropolitan. One of the most redpilled comics ever made. I strongly reccommend reading all 9 volumes
Go be transhumanists then, if you can. Can you sell that, or are there limits to your charisma? Are you really going to improve the body while also fearing mutilation at every turn? Have a little trust.
Why the fuck would transhumanism be considered good ?
It's the ultimate servitude to the state in machine form.
Because I don't want to stick my dick inside a flipped inside out penis instead of a real vagina on a XX woman
I do lol
What are you, a fucking bigot? It's 2018!
Because there is nothing to transition to, other than depression and suicide.
Nice get.
include me in the screencap
Well done.
And there's the truth
nigga plz
Bump. You obviously don't want this content, so it must be good for something.
kys dirty krautnigger
All you have to do to make threads go away is remind people that it's possible to enjoy topics. This place is allergic to enjoyment. It's supposed to be all rage forever, only rage. I can't even act the part, but I can still enjoy watching it.
Slippery slope fallacy. Transgenderism convertion carries within itself more risks than benefits. Better to find a way to cure it from within the brain than mutilating a body.
bio mods are trash
meat bags can go to hell
>proto-transhumanism is good.
But that's wrong.
check you out
why does Sup Forums think that all transwomen want to cut off their dicks?
I know it's a bait but I'll bite nontheless. What God does not approve of is satanig niggotry. It's against natural order, against Creation itself.
And worse, it is deception of normal people on the most vile level, the sexual.
And mind, transhumanism is science fiction faggotry and will never work. Why ? Because the human mind is so much more than communicating neurons you fucktard.
May God smite all those satanists thinking they can shit on His order and get away with it.
I'm reporting you for hate speech
hiro has to pay merkel 5m euros now or the site gets banned in the EU so congrats
You don’t understand, the same technology that’s used for gender reassignment will be usefull for bionics. Furthermore this will make body modification in general accepted.
Transhumanism is about becoming something more than human limits allow.
Being a transgender is blaming your genitals as the source of all your life's problem. Borderline autism fixiation.
>not killing sick fucks
fucking mongol humanism
No, it's being a huge faggot with a small dick and a very shit personality and weak mind.
fucking checked
Dude they're not even in the same ethical spectrum. If a guy feels he's a girl and want to cut his dick and bear children you could make the argument that society has nothing to loose in making that guy fulfill his desire.
But if I want to implant myself a chip in my brain to be 10 times more smarter than the average human, want to add a gun laser to my index finger, or want a titanium skeleton for protection then society could very well view me as a threat to their safety, furthermore if the average citizen can't have access to that technology.
It's a totally different debate.
>Transgenderism is just proto-transhumanism and therefore good
go juggle in a circus
Using bio-tech to give humans wings or gills or powerful limbs are all fantastic future ideas for improving ourselves. Some deviant using it to grow himself a vagina or put nipples on his forehead is just a fucking waste of time.
Incorrect, our bodies are heavily flawed. Even the fact we can die shows this, we die to help facilitate evolution but we've been on a evolutionary downward slope for awhile now, so it's time to override nature
>play god
>expect good results
why are transhumanists so obnoxious?
A healthy human being could more or less eat a very healthy diet and be able to live it's entire life in a forest without serious medical issues. Except your teeth would rot out of your head despite attempting to keep them clean. I'd call that a flaw.
Let them transition. It's basically removing mental disorders from the gene pool through sterilization.
just like all amazing technological achievements, it will be squandered on bizarre human curiosities facilitated by completely insane people with too much money
your own time, your own money, i don't give a fuck what people do.... force me to foot the bill for your trans-furry-attack helicopter conversion and somebody is going to get their face kicked in
Well, that settles it.
MtF here reporting in from the anti-trans state of Texas.
Plastic surgeon should be in prison
Why wouldn’t you want to fund scientisific research with your tax money?
Because modern psychology, psychiatry, social science and other 'nature-of-man' related fields are not science. You transhumanists are the most autistic bunch of Rrationalists™ out there man.
But the only way to save the white race is transhumanism
That's like claiming that jumping off a cliff in 1800 holding a fan in each hand and flapping comically as you fall to your death is "proto-aviation and therefore good".
Transhumanism is really just an extension of medical science. So very little humanism.
The early developement of airplanes actually did start with gliders...
In order to get to the former you need the latter.
Medical science is also woefully and almost tragically unequipped to be dealing with the soul. There is a great big magnificant godly logos-inspired barrier between empirical medicine and the (psychological) nature of a person. Transhumanists act like there's nothing there and it can all be reduced to numbers, computation and mechanics.
Well it is reducable to just mechanics. You’re looking at an awfully large job if you want to prove that god exists, and then prove that he cares about us or that the soul exists.
You're looking at an awfully large job if you want to prove that your mathematics and algorithms can accurately describe a person. Look man I'm not arguing that there is a God or that we can know him, but you guys are the ones making the positive claim that humanity can be uplifted through policy and theory. That's why so many of you are waiting for an AI to take over.
Medical science has shown innumerable times that the physical laws are perfectly valid at governing the human body. There has also been tremendous progress at the creation of artifical limbs and human biochemistry. Infact recently they’ve even managed to show how a head transplamt would work. It is an awfully large job, but it’s progressing steadily.
You need to preserve the white race and prevent bugmen from gaining power of you want to create a transhumanist utopia. Shitskins will lower the average IQ, making it harder to develop transhumanist technology, religious fundamentalists will make laws against it, and bugmen would make it a disaster if it happened.
All those things are based on biological understanding of how our bodies operate (i.e. not die or malfunction), and can be verified empirically by measuring things. Have you ever heard of the term "clinical diagnosis"? Despite all the progress in medical science with regards to keeping us alive, none of the brainchemists and neurosurgeons have a theory that works for personality. Most honest ones wouldn't even suggest that they do I'd say.
Neo-Luddites are controlled opposition meant to weaken the White Race. Any hypothetical primitivist society that managed to form would quickly be reconquered and reintegrated into the industrial system. If primitivism did happen, the most likely way it would happen would be by destroying the White Race. See .
>inb4 muh power process
>inb4 muh chad overman
Of course all races are equal and I don’t advocate for policies based on race, but did you know that transsexualism affects blacks and hispanics far more than whites.
Just because science is not advanced enough to explain certain phenomena doesn’t mean that a supernatural force is required. We already know however what each part of the brain does, and have developed medical techniques based on it. Look up deep brain stimulation.
>transitioning for sex
You are doing it wrong.
30 years from now people will have elephant penises with boobs as testicles and you will be a wrinkled sexually useless druged up tranny.
I'm not saying a supernatural force is required, I'm saying that none of the theories have gotten close to anything like describing the experience of consciousness or its properties. We know 'what each part of the brain does' about as well as distant planets can be observed from 100 million light-years away.
i can see you
And why would that be necessary for the developement of artifical organs like new hands?
It's not, but transhumanists are also interested in how our social order (governments) should be arranged. This is exceeding their jurisdiction so much it's painful to watch. How are artificial organs politically relevant exactly? This is a thread about transgenderism that purports to claim that merely being somewhat related to transhumanism makes it not just politically sensible but actually related to science. None of the surgery or hormones involved understand what it's doing to the person, or even care about it. That's the GOOD PART of empirical medicine, yet here we are contaminating medicine by claiming it understands human nature.
There is a textbased slavemaster game called free cities. You own slaves, train them and pimp them.
One of my latina shemales hated me, so I got her ballsack surgically removed. Now he hates me even more. I guess I'll sell her.
klingt nach spass, gibts das auf steam?
>Transsexuality is politics because of socialised srs, bathroom laws, etc
>srs requires new surgical techniques
>these techniques will be usefull for the developement of bionics
>bionics are an inportant part of transhumanism
>therefore pro transsexual politics will advance transhumanism
The biological, mechanical and chemical aspects of body-modification are still removed from human nature by my perceived Great Wall of Consciousness. There is nothing in a hospital or surgery room that says what to do about transgender bathrooms, and to suggest that they are extensions of knowledge is silly.
You were posting this shit a couple days ago. Trans-humanism is fucking terrifying. Why do you want to live forever?
>Transgenderism is just proto-transhumanism
The more transsexuals there are, the more surgeries will be done and more resources will be used to develop these techniques.
I understand why you are in favor of anything that advances our knowledge of biology and medicine. What I have a problem with is the implicit suggestion that this will somehow, someday lead to solving the problems of the mind/spirit as well. If we are not to be reduced to materialism, then we can also not be reduced to empiricism.
Its not living forever, its having the ability to die when you choose. Be it 100 years or 10000 years.
Transgenders are spoiled rich kids who need affirmation from everyone else that its ok to be a whore faggot. They use daddies money to make themselves attractive enough for black cock. They are worse than faggots.
Why couldn’t we be reduced to materialism? If we make the assumption that conciousnes arises from the brain, then understanding the scientisific processes that govern the brain will lead the solving all the problems of the spirit.
How is voluntarily taking the money of rich people to fund medical research bad?
That's true but tautological. My problem with transhumanism is exactly the claim that science has this kind of potential. That it is something otherwordly and divine that allows mere mortal humans to understand their own nature. This is a massive positive claim but you don't realize it as such, because you do not give the complexity of human nature proper credit. This mistake is very common for all sorts of thinkers, libertarian, marxist or otherwise.
You can't just break down reality by asking "what is human anyway" and expect people to take you seriously.
Transhumanism is retarded and so are you.
But that is just incorrect, they are disfiguring themselves in non-advantageous ways, transhumanism would be changing humanity to produce advantages. Transgenderism is actually proven detrimental to higher brain functions.
>Shilling for bionics and cyborgs which realistically will never exist
Keep on dreaming.
Look up knee replacements, artifical feet, artifical hearts, machines directly controlled by mouse brain, head transplants, etc. Transhumanism is one of the emerging technologies that is already reality.
What about women who become men user?
I don’t actually completely reject the concept of divine. However as of now there is no proof for its existence, and if we assume that there is a spiritual world, then I find it hard to believe that it’s really concerned of us.
>That it is something otherwordly and divine that allows mere mortal humans to understand their own nature.
This is also a large claim. I would like you to clarify it for me so that I can understand what you do. I understand that science provides ways of understanding things, and that there are others. However, those others all involve learning through experience, so I don't see how you get outside of empiricism.
Transhumanism is not transgenderism and where it overlaps (morphological freedom), it's just accidental. Transhumanism promotes mental health and cognitive/emotional enhancement, transgenderism is usually a sign of mental and emotional disorder--the suicide rates show clearly that it didn't help but that other causes were driving the transgender that remained unresolved.
t. conservative Transhumanist (since 20 years)
But it’s not accidental. Eventually transsexuality will lead to transhumanism.
More the other way around. Transhumanist techniques enable people to modify their sexual constitution, but sex modifications aren't the driver of change.
I see similar arguments coming from the body modification community, i.e. they see themselves as drivers of change, but they're usually unhealthy freaks and have nothing in common with Transhumanist thought and practice.
The matter of fact is that there really is no push for transhumanism, but transsexuals will soon make up 1 % of the population. They’ll be a huge demand for biotech applied to humans. And this is not just transsexuals. Most sexual minorities have demands for biotech.
Reproductive and regenerative/rejuvenative medicine will drive much of the progress. Perhaps even specialized applications like spaceflight medicine (see the renewed space race) that push extreme solutions towards (semi-)postbiological embodiments.