
I think he probably is in debt to Jewish bankers.

Think about it, most wealth comes from debt.

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why doe she love kikes so much?
>inb4 hes just trying to not look like literally hitler


>Muh 4754890r323d chess
Im loling right now.


Probably because you suck cock

t. the_donald coming to ACTUALLY suck trumps cock


Is this New Zealand's 72D chess? Having only 52% of kids born in 2010 being white?

He has a tree of life menorah hung over his desk as an award for dedication to Zionism. Look into that.

Wow I guess you should just go vote for David Duck's 3P Party then huh faggot?

>butt hurt redditor mad I don't love isreal like his BASED LE_GOD EMPEROR


fuck off you fat neckbeard