Reminder that colonisation, expansionism and lebensraum were bad nationalisms.
Good nationalisms dont ask for war or domination to appropriate more land and provoke the deaths of innocents.
Reminder that colonisation, expansionism and lebensraum were bad nationalisms.
Good nationalisms dont ask for war or domination to appropriate more land and provoke the deaths of innocents.
>inb4 "fbpb"
my post is best post
Only one korea is best korea
china is #1
Is your first name ezekiel?
Revolution is #9
Faggot shareblue, what a shitty existence. Your life consists of destroying the world. Fuck you OP, go kys.
lol you "good nationalists" claiming you have a form of nationalism that won't lead towar are the same as fucking commies claiming that your commie utopia won't lead to gulags.
All the fucking same. Commie trash and nationalist trash doesn't work. Leads to gulags, or war. Only social democracy works.
surrender isnt a revolution you faguette
Only social democracy.
I dont even bother anymore when they put leaf tier post with that flag.
The best decades of progress and growth were the decades following the failure of nationalism in the 1940s, when the vast majority of the population understood your insane system of nationalist nonsense does nothing but fail because it leads to war and aggression. Hopefully the 2030s and 2040s will be the same, now we are deep in the Trump bullshit.
Was talking about 1789, lets ignore 1940 shall we
>the best decades of growth were when the US and USSR funded former National Socialist scientists
hahahahah frog
Pute nègre
Nationalism for the sake of colonisation, expansionism and lebensraum is bad, as it's unstable immediately if that goal is fulfilled
In the "good nationalism", something i call "state-creating politics", expansion is a natural result of one country developing to it's optimal state
Most German scientists had nothing to do with Nazism. Germany was a great world power before Hitler rose to power. Many great German scientists that helped the U.S. defeat Germany actually left in the 1930s, because they were Jewish and not welcome in dumbass Hitler's moron regime. And unsurprisingly without the Jewish talent they lost, the Nazis got kek'd.
Going to war against a group of people whose average IQ is 15 points higher than yours is a recipe for disaster. A lot of contemporary nationalists are going to learn that the hard way. Meanwhile, we will keep working for our globalist Star Trek future.
This. There is absolutely no reason for alt rightists to support colonialism. It was the start of globalism and is everything we hate about mass migration.
Best decades of progress and growth were the Roman Empire if you ask OP
To defeat Nazi Germany the Soviet Union was transformed by Stalin and the USA by Roosevelt to be the most fascistic nations in their own history. Due to the war they pursued unity, just like Germany.
And through this war they helped the most well documented ethno-isolationist society in the world, the Jews, who have been surviving all throughout the ages through the ideology of tribalism with an ethnocentric religion that has scriptures about conquest for living space and numerous ethnic cleansings.
Because in the end, humanitarianism and universalism is a lie. It's being the "good guy" others want you to be, to exploit you. If everyone is working for the sake of humanity, but you are working for your own sake, you win. Any kind of morality is loved by selfish people, because they can exploit it.
So I pray for a Star Trek future of weakness, and liberal dogmatism, because if there are many wolves, it's a bloodbath of constant strife and great wars, but in the case of many sheep and few wolves, the wolves can eat themselves fat without a care. Sadly the manipulation is only working on the arrogant and lazy westerner whites, while the world is looking towards nationalistic clashes between the other races.
>Good nationalisms dont ask for war or domination to appropriate more land and provoke the deaths of innocents.
So when are we getting Elsass back?
When is Italy getting back Corsica?
You're confused.
Jews are probably the most heterogeneous people in the world. The funny thing about Nazis is that they have all kinds of ideas about who Jews are and what Jews do, but their opinions never reflect the real reality of being around Jews.
Jews fight among one another. There is no Jewish position. In fact, among Jews you will find some of the most vociferous nationalists (e.g. ultra-Zionists) as well as hardcore globalists like myself and Soros.
Personally, I think the nationalist Jews are suffering from many of the same delusions as Nazis. Generally high IQ Jews like me tend toward globalism, whereas low IQ Jews migrate to Israel.
This schism between Jews happened because although Jews have been tribal for most of our history, we found something that works better than tribalism: globalism.
Why? Liberalism and universalism are not a weakness. They provide a unifying, bonding identity glue. We are humans, together in a hostile universe. We should work together to survive. But liberalism and universal also are the best background for innovation and creativity, because a culture of permissiveness is by definition a culture of experimentation, and experimentation is how innovation happens. But beyond that they can motivate people to do great things. Very few of us humans want to believe ourselves wolves. We overwhelmingly want to believe ourselves good, and on the right side of history. Nazism is a struggle because you are fighting against gravity. Wolves are the bad guys who rip societies apart, and deep down most people know it.
Aka soft-globalism
When will we get Abrene back? Never. Same applies to you. Get over it, wewuzer.
You would merge the world and rob it of its beauty all for the illusion of peace.
>Jews are probably the most heterogeneous people in the world.
Not even factually, but semantically wrong, meaningless drivel. Jews are a group based around natural, blood relations, rare conversions, the religion isn't based around missionary work like Christianity, Islam, not even open like Buddhism or Hellenistic polytheism.
>Why? Liberalism and universalism are not a weakness. They provide a unifying, bonding identity glue. We are humans, together in a hostile universe.
Semantically wrong again. Universalism is a behavioral pattern and should be compared to other strategies so they can be weighed whether it serves the individual better than the alternatives.
Nazism wasn't contrasted purely to universalism, it's a retarded oversimplification. Nazis wanted to upset the status quo, they fought the nationalism of other nations. If Nazis would've found themselves in a world without privileges, without empires, they might have had acted differently.
It's simple as this: if you are a universalist, it is in my interest to play as a nationalist. My nation, my tribe can be then one collaborating entity, while you are on your own under the aegis pf universalism. People work together and compete all the time at the same time. If complete universalism is an effort towards complete harmony and connection between human beings, being only universalist means you are isolated as an individual, while being a nationalist, tribalist being means you get to participate in the great federation as part of a group granting you privileges against the lone wolves. The only way to combat this would be to form federations against such federation that tautologically would be federations and work as federations.
Globalism isn't anti-nationalistic, it's supernationalistic. As I don't want my neighbor to be a selfless saint, but a good, reasonable neighbor, even more a loyal friend, any nation or group without strong coherence is just prey for others, it's not a stable state.
>Very few of us humans want to believe ourselves wolves. We overwhelmingly want to believe ourselves good
Wolves aren't bad. People want to be happy, have successful lives, happy families and friends. If you aren't respected, if you aren't proven you're worthy, you won't be happy. Be it academic, business or other success, it defines your social worth and can factor into your happiness, just like your connections, your ties to your friends, family members, people you care about.
Humans are social, but no eusocial, we don't belong to hives, but have fluctuating allegiances to other people, and social standings. So people assemble to form families, clans, tribes, groups that in turn form larger societies. We love our friends and hate our enemies.
Any good political system would understand humans and give them tools to be successful in pursuing their goals. This is why many philosophical streams from the past, like communism are no more than mere lies, deception for your enemies.
Sauce for gif/study?
What do you know French fag, capitulated a bit too early
Whites ruin everything. East Asia was trying to build a stable ethnostate by shutting down trade and illegalising the eternal w*ite and arabs from entering. But no, you had to smuggle opium in, weakening Chinese soldiers and allowing ships to stroll into ports.
You're right. France is belongs to the Gauls,go back to Germany you Frank fuck.