UK is a shithole.
UK is a shithole
We had people shooting police with both fireworks and guns and little girl being injured by gunshots.
Everywhere is a shithole now.
Thanks merkel
Except you Japan. Never change.
The german gent above me is right, everywhere is a shithole now. My country is a disgrace above most others for being played like a fool and then falling so low.
But having said that, I love my country and you should love your countries too because without the love of its subjects how can a country ever recover. A lack of love for the lands of our fathers is what got is in this mess.
Even now I still hold faith that we can fix this.
Shut up and kys britmutt
yeah didnt some afghan 15 year old adult kill a 15 year old girl?
Gee i wish i was a 15 year old adult getting away with murder i wonder if this also counts if you kill the green and cdu party lel
London is objectively not British anymore.
What's isnt a fucking shithole? Even in America they want to scrap immigration laws in California.
Fuck off with your divide and conqueor shit.
L1F3 4ND P4RC37
The things I mentioned where just since NYE. The stabbing by a """""15 year old""""" was a week ago.
>lands of our fathers
You a welshfag? In wales I feel we have a lot more pride in our land than the Anglo. Your point is correct nonetheless.
>80 people stabbed in London last year. Up by a third
>And a bunch of literal monkeys died in a fire in a London zoo.
-bbc news
I honestly feel worse for the monkeys
>80 people got stabbed in London Zoo last year
FTFY, London’s become a fucking zoo, the M25 is the perimeter fence
>Everywhere is a shithole now.
It's all so tiresome.
The Anglo has finally reached the final stage of his existance.
The Anglo needs to betray and backstab others in order to survive
However, The Anglo has unfortunately ran out of nationalities to feed off
Now it's time for The Anglo to feed on himself, for he is the last nation on earth that was not tainted by his own corruption
Yes, but the difference is you don't get laughed at by the media and political correctness types. English nationalism=bad other UK nationalism= good
Unironically this
At least they don't have guns (^:
>england, specifically london is a shithole
I hate this country shit weather shit food. No one embraces our own culture. Everyone is pale as fuck.
>see this news on Facebook trending
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