Should western men rescue muslim women?
Should western men rescue muslim women?
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on one condition, we are not allowed to accept ANY muslim males that appear on our borders. We can take in the women though for bleaching purposes but there needs to be a quota in place that takes into account IQ, political fanaticism and of course the attractiveness of the sand nigger qt's.
gib sand nigger gf NOW
Why does this disgusting, pop-looking dog get posted so much? There are so many Arab/Muslim women that are legitimately hot and you choose this heap of shit?
>rescue muslim women
In what sense exactly?
by mass bleaching and then culling the men.
no fucking virgins
Only black women I'd do is Eritrean women..
wtf is this lol
i want quad muslims wifies to lock up and boss around
Horn Africans all look the same anyway. Only way I can tell an Eritrean from a Somali is if he's wearing a crucifix.
Good luck with that. Unlike western women, muslim women tend to be very loyal to their race.
It's almost as if we need a strong patriarchy...
the future
nah all women are roasties naturally my dude, it's islam that makes them "loyal" we just need to convert them to hardcore christianity or make laws about cheating on your man.
women are only loyal to the man they desire.
no excuses
They literally support pedos
looks like an attractive version tara mccarthy
either way they'll want our bwc's
>allow emotionally unstable woman in your country strapped with explosives
You can keep them Sven
Could be worse tbqh
Imagine fingering her stinky brown minge
>not wanting oldschool values family oriented women in your country
>preferring culturally void roastoids that ride the cock carousel their whole lives while doing hardcore drugs
you can have that degenerate second option jiminez
Yeah, like i said. Strong patriarchy.
MGTOW spotted
need link to the tweet
Sorry user got off a ylyl thread on Sup Forums
I know "liberated" young muslim women. They date Sikhs, they date Polish catholics. But when marriage is discussed and it is discussed because they're hot the subject of rearing of children comes up and then they get tough; their children will be raised Muslim.
YOu try to explain to them that their role in the muslim faith is demeaning, servile, abject. They're of iron resolve; they'll have none of it. Their children will be muslim.
They themselves know nothing of Islam, its history or doctrines.
They think that Islam predated the Roman Empire.
They're idiots.
They're muslim women. Muslim women create muslim men
This is a thought worthy of deep cogitation.
Do it right, date white
Tamil girls are hot. If there's one chosen religion for brown people it's Tamil.
Strangely it's hard to find good pics of Tamil women on the internet. Meet Tamil girls in person and they're so fucking fine.
I'm fine with you marrying one of those stinky terrorist spice monkeys on the strict condition that you move there and live with them and your new family for the rest of your life, taking on their citizenship and renouncing your own Canadian citizenship. Bye.
If yes - only by making them chemically infertile, easy-peasy.
Tamils are just south indians
Western men need to save themselves and western women.
you do realize they're boys right, it's a thing they get thick boys to do when praying because they'd hang any woman that does it
>checks flag
why are you so hellbent in joining america on 56%
god fucking damnit
w-what's wrong user? why do you want allah to damn me?
Lmao not even muslims are safe from black culture.
Cut their heads off, or burn them at the stake like the witches they are.
You first.
>muslim women tend to be very loyal to their race.
You people wouldnt save this?
>South Africa
top kek the guy on the left wondering if she'll explode and how much lifetime he's got left
I searched this. Papua New Guinea wants it most.
Rescue them from what? A homogenous society without degeneracy, capitalism and jews?
They are the ultimate trad waifu far better than any white bitch.
Until they relax and understand that you won't physically abuse them like at home. Then they're just like any other white bitch with a daddy issue. There is no saving them or us.
because it's a boy
I think what's really happening, is he got his first boner in 20 years without the help of Viagra, and he's trying to figure out what's going on.
I'd dump a hot load into that any day.
>tfw when no dima waifu
Post one yourself then you faggot
actual refugees are the women, the men are just economic migrants. only women should be allowed to immigrate. sink the mens boats in the ocean.
No. They are not able to be saved or fixed. These women are broken souls, just like the men, all due to their religion.
Seriously, Muslim men AND women are certifiably nuts. Islam pulled a huge number on their collective heads.
Muslims are inbred so their genes are poisonous, even if diluted.
0:04 she reached for her waistband
Fuck to far you Russian fuck puppet.
This. Always this. Only this.
Muslim men and women can born again through faith in Jesus death, burial and resurrection, and marry eachother and make (Middle Eastern or South eastAsian) Christian babies.
Because a few people on here have a fetish for beastility.
No. What the fuck No. Why wold they. No. Just No. Get this away from me. What the fuck why would you polute the western genpool to make white children smaller and dumber. Hell No. Just, just No. No way in Hell.
You should stop fucking animals.
Wtf no
Give me
This. Who the fuck thinks this ugly poo is hot?
If you're going to propagate your women at least pick some hot ones so I don't have to puke in my mouth when I look at them.
Never. Allowing any muslims is the problem, regardless of the package they come in. Only way you allow any of them is force them to drop islam.
No, they don't want to be rescued.
There is in fact a higher number than 56 when it comes to percentage though.
Youre not worthy of having a Dima gf,raul.
only asians
file too large
can you repost the image but with a lower resolution ? thanks
all i got
Baby-Tigerr Benson
>it's a thing they get thick boys to do
>they get thick boys
>thick boys
I hate Sup Forums Why is everybody here so fucking retarded?
Fuck you I want one
>tfw no syrian gf
you shoudn't. Look where "white man's burden" brought you. You have no obligation to help anybody. Leave everybody alone and fix yourown countries.
>Arabs are fucking retards.
What happens in the passenger seat?
>tfw you will never hold hands with your Dima gf and shoot rockets in to Israel
life is cruel bros
hmm. UK is destroyed by mudslimes but I'm hoping that they at least fight the Jews and gays.
Closing borders to men is much better though.
from what?
Muslim women should rescue Western men.
As long as they pray towards Mecca...
I hope this is the future of progressive Mosques.
nice body
Hey Goys. I legitimately married a Saudi Muzzy. I took one of those dna test and I'm 95% Northern euro nigger and 5% south european. I didn't realize how non mixed i actually was. Anyways I married a Saudi woman. Been with her for 5 years. She's a hell of a wife. Honestly more of a wife any man can ask for. When the topic of religion comes up I laugh about it because she knows Im not religious. Or haven't found faith in anything yet. But when we talk about kids she says she will raise them muslim. I told her having a strong moral background is good but they're NOT going to be muslim. But shes really serious about it. I think I fucked up goys.
Nah that's just bunk. They carry the legacy of inbreeding and you don't want that in your gene pool.
America has no fault divorce for a reason. Leave before you have kids to pay for.
>B-but I love her guys!
Enjoy the rest of your life with a muslim harpy then.
Probably just let her take them to the mosque, come with her but make it clear to her that your children will be able to choose their faith and you know of course they won't stay muslim past age 10 that way.
>REEE infidel corrupting our womenz
Fooking dis
Why are her tits so fucking far apart?
I hate far apart tits.
Leave us alone subversive Jew plots