>Donating to e-thot mongrel roasties
How will RM and her incel beta cuck fan boys ever recover?
>Donating to e-thot mongrel roasties
How will RM and her incel beta cuck fan boys ever recover?
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>Le based 250lb Youtube neckbeard spamming his videos on pol
You'd have better luck on Reddit
fuck i think its so stuck up and disgusting for people to pay to be in the presence of a famous person. i cant describe it properly, its just so infuriating
Kill yourself faggot
>SJW's suck babyyy
>pay me babbyyy
>Trump is my president babbyyy
>pol /rick&morty/ now
nah gtfo
She has a nice ass, though...
Just kidding, but can someone with the skills photoshop a bunch of RM porn and put it out there?
Someone needs to tell these girls that whoring themselves out like this is building a giant wall between them and the family they claim to want
This is just as sad if not more
How many months of support until your Skype call paypig?
I’m subverting Rick and turning him into a “hate symbol”. We need to Red Pill the soy boys.
>girl uses her body to gain attention and seek out money
>guy attempts to expose girl as a cheap whore, but people who pay already know that
>btw like comment and subscribe
What's sad is how you think my money is more important than my time. Your values are skewed. You made a 6:30 video over the MTG happened for 45 seconds of actual content that was interesting. I'd rather pay $50 to some roastie and get exactly what I want than listen to you try and drag out a video to gain pennies on the dollar while trying to seem like you are doing a public service.
Joke’s on you I do it for free and to entertain my friends.
High IQ post aron
what really matters is how is her foot game?
I don't know what she has to say, but at least she's genuinely hot contrary to our other alt-right whores.
She’s a 5/10 in real life
i don't question patreon, no matter how slimy people sets theirs up to be, because people should be allowed to spend their earnings how they like. if they didn't want it they wouldn't pay for it. it's enforced payments like taxation that's the real issue.
though if you're some retard who spends NEETbux to e-thots and JBP personality quizzes then i guess suicide should be your new year's resolution
It isn't, though. Modern women can do whatever the fuck they want and then just take a shower and pretend none of it happened the next day. Her husband doesn't have to know anything.
She uses tonnes of make up and instagram filters and lighting.
that's one of the weakest jaws i've seen on a woman, whilst still looking somewhat human
People like OP are the best argument against using Sup Forums
He says Roaming is not hot... so I stopped the video right there
either the guy is gay or has shit tastes
Pretty much all women do, even on the bottom picture you can tell she's hot, anyway discussing e-thots is not making them go away, on the contrary.
>24 subscribers
>being a channelet
Get angry at the losers who pay for this shit not the person selling it
If people are willing to pay why the fuck not if I was a 7/10 grill I would rinse the absolute fuck out of incels
>making these threads
I have donated once to an "eceleb" before because of these kind of threads. Keep it up.
>hurr durr why do people gibbs money to other people AND NOT TO ME ITS NOT FAIR REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
I’m a man, I make my own money. I don’t hate RM, I hate the beta Cucks who donate to her.
good post from australia yet again
Still not glenn tier
You're more than likely a sado if you donate to her, but still, I don't see why you care so much. If people want to throw their money away then why don't you just let them instead of needlessly hating them?
>jaclin glenn
She's still alive? I used to watch her vids years ago, expected her to have killed herself by now.
stay on reddit
>me ruva you poritics baby
>ooh ya
>tarka more about how hirrary crinton so corrupt
>rock her up baby
>rock her up rong time!!
she was on rubin report recently and all the comments were "MUH PLAGIARISM!!!!!!!!!!!!"
>her dick is too small for my liking, mate-O
BASED talk about the war on Christmas next
>What you want to get when you download face mods for Skyrim
>What you actually get in game when you accept the character
Is she supposed to be pretty or something?
>filfy kike-a wanna white genocide
>you rike-a dat, bebe?
>horocayst furr of inaculacies
>muh six gorirrion
That's actually better then e celebs.
I get a good nut off and she gets a dollar.
She is not ugly and panders to views that most vocal of Sup Forumstards currently espouse, that makes her the "fashy faifuu!!!" of Sup Forumsbergs. Up until her history/dirt eventually comes up, that is.
Why do all skeptic/altright youtubers have some kind of fucking avatar?
There's that bearing faggot, sargon, that teal deer fag, the guy in op, kraut and tea and many more
Yes, let's go watch Rick and Morty instead, instead of that pointy elbowed girl.
Because we don’t wanna get doxed by antifa
>popular bloggers get support and push messages and political opinions you agree with
>be so autistic it spergs you out and you make 900 threads on Sup Forums to be a faggot about it
What is the point of this? She is good for what you want, take the allies you can get quit self sabotaging you stupid asshole
RM is a self loathing beta cuck.
Some aggressive SJW tranny argued with her, and accused Asians of being problematic and having integration issues (even though they are considered model ciitizens by many), RM immediately caved in and agreed.
Avoid self hating Asian women like the plague.
Millennials who call themselves millennials are not typacly the brightest bunch.
every e-thot needs to get raped
Does she solicit donations? Because she also does ads. I suspect that NOBODY on here actually watches her because:
She dresses modestly
She doesnt have new or challenging ideas (I assume)
She's a millennial, so she doesn't know anthing we grown-folks don't
--except for how to use computers and shit, and she doesnt talk about that
Srsly though, she has like a 5 minute spoken endorsement at the beginning of her show! That's way too far. Cernobitch too, so I will never listen to either of these cunts.
Also sage and report this eceleb faggotry. Cmon guys
But she roams the streets for dick to suck
>proping up any e-celeb
These aren't e-celebs. They are the voices of your generation.
=$300 for a call
Pay up paypig otherwise she will have to get a job
wew race mixing, not even once
For realz
Doesn't RM have some 6month waiting list for a 10minute video?
way too big
She's average at best for not being too fat.
I'm sure you can negotiate off-menu options. How much do you guys think her rate will be for an hour which may include sexual intercourse?
E-celeb worship is like yelling into the night.
E-celeb hate is like yelling into the night.
Stop discussing e-celebs. Sage e-celeb threads. Ignore e-celeb posters.
You faggots should be preparing memes to redpill normies. You should be looking for political candidates to support. You should be subverting leftists and progressives.
This is a big fucking distraction on par with gossip magazines.
>using Sup Forums
boomer detected
orbiters are the worst
just watch her shit if you like it don't fucking pay her
But then she has to work. No waifu of mine is gonna work.
she's not your fucking waifu if you're not fucking her
you like her that much then go get her
I’ve had two Skype calls with her already. She told me about her day.
yeah meanwhile she was riding my dick
I came inside her while you were blubbering about how big a fan you are
Women are good optics for our movement. Fuck off shill.
Isnt she the the girl who never grew out of middle school athiesm
Women destroy everything see MagicGate
this is a good deal desu
Lies. My waifu is pure
i dont donate to e celebs but she is a premium qt
i did some e stalking so i could jerk one out, anyone got hot pictures of her?
There none cause she ugly gook
They are the gatekeepers. They entice young men and then the men in the movement teach them what they need to know. Face it, women get more views than men on youtube. We need them for the most exposure. Even if the female herself is degenerate, the message is all that matters currently. We can attack each other and be general retards when the world isn't on the cusp of eliminating whites from power.
Wrong PDP and JP get the most views. Cum dumpsters have destroyed the alt right.
so this youtube channel is basically one of those leftist types who try to hide their leftism by swearing a lot and trying to talk tuff to come across as a more right wing type in order to not come across like a SJW?
It’s post-irony shit posting
Great stuff. Her eyes are in fact way to far apart, and she does have a bulbous ass nose.
I wonder how many times she's been flashed kek
She's not hot you mongoloided slav
>i hate sjw babyyyy
>buy my murch babyyy
>implying rick and morty isn't redpilled
Rick & Morty isn't a soyboy's TV show. I mean, they watch it, but they don't understand the meaning behind it. Deep down, it's redpilled as fuck and is a critic of feminism, marxism, and multiculturalism. In fact, it's reverse anti nihilism too. It's literally 97D post unironic chess, and soyboys and unknowingly being redpilled while watching it.
I thought I was the only one to notice desu
>le 24% percent
rick and morty is literally written by jews
Every view counts. Despite current popularity of channel x, female channels bring in more subscriptions and viewership faster than male channels. The goal is the 14 words. If you aren't assisting in that, which you aren't, then you are part the of problem.
>rick and morty is redpilled