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So then I says to the guy I says
I was referring to the affair as a whole
Good shit, don't pick it. Remember! Everything floats down here
>60% of christians are african
whut. did they mean 60 percent of africans are christian? that's pretty retarder otherwise
Let's go boys.
Look at my fucking flag. People from this shithole are religious as fuck and they love "Jesus, King of Jews" (yes some priests refer to jesus like that) and ever since I was young I was confused why would people worship him.
more like this
I finally got one of you fucking retards to say it after dozens of attempts.
i may have just ended a life
Woo, actual conversation
>when I become the trump of my country
>as a semi-fascist politician
You'll never be close to being a successful politician if you're on Sup Forums.
too bad if she wasn't a dumb bitch this wouldn't work
To the faggot writing a novel about black crime. Hurry up and make your point faster
this was eye opening
holy FUCK
That's the greatest redpilling I've ever witnessed in the half fucking decade I've been on Sup Forums
How's the trap?
if theyre a little smarter you just adjust your angle a bit. unfortunately that girl might have been too dumb to have retained anything from the conversation.
the japspeak says
>Who ride so late at night? This is the father with a child; he may have a boy in his arms, and he catches him and keeps him warm. My son, are you disturbing your face? - You do not see your father, are you Erlkönig? Erlenkönig crown and tail? - My son, this is a fog. - "Dear children, Come and go with me! I play beautiful games with you; some colorful flowers on the beach, my mum has a lot of gilded robes." My father, my dad, you did not hear Erlenkönig promised me what to do? - Quiet, calm, my child; the wind whispers on the leaves. - "Noble boy, would you like to go with me? My daughters should be waiting for you well.My daughters lead the Night of Wren and measure and dance and sing." My father, my father, you Can not see Erlkönig's daughter in the dark place? - My son, my son, I see exactly: The old ranch seems so gloomy. - "I love you, I am attracted to your beautiful form, I need violence if you do not want to." My father, my father, now he touches me! Erlkönig gave me a sad! - Father was shocked. He rode fast. He was in difficulty holding the groaning child and needed to reach the farm. In his arms, the child was already dead.
Christianity is literally the cancer of Sup Forums.
>(((I, as a white man)))
Pol trolls pol... Unironically...
what is it with all the people looking for sex chats in the question mode?
>when you get posted on Sup Forums
be gone, this is an omegle thread
High quality conversation
i bet he listened well and hard
I just had your question but the other stranger disconnected before I could answer
i can post a picture of literally any nonwhite and there is a 60% chance they're down with christ
I have a gold mine good on
I've called so many people fags already. Mostly other Sup Forumsacks that I've met though.
not too many long conversations anymore on my end
Goodnight friends
For a website of 14000 I seem to be coming across a lot of people from Sup Forums
so far he's pretty nice actually
Want to see a magic trick? Come back in 10 minutes
This is just straight up retarded
getting more people into papercraft I see
>Abraham Shekelburgstein
origami is important to you, i get it.
>The whole world is not White
Oh wow who knew
>i can post a picture of literally any nonwhite and there is a 60% chance they're down with christ
I can do the same and there would be a 60% chance they would be down with Allah,
Hell is for ever!
I got a present for you!
Same here
That's because despite what you think, Christianity and Islam are very similar.
:( please stop reminding me
oooh what is it user?
>That's because despite what you think, Christianity and Islam are very similar.
>Both are monotheistic
who'd a thunk it
It's something funny hold on
>monotheistic abrahamic religions with largely the same figures and basic beliefs, the only difference being Islam has one more prophet.
I'm an insomniac
I made an atheist faggot ask this question but forget to save the conversation on accident
i'm not a poet
>my grandmother died in the holocaust when she was six years old
holy fuck kek
>holocaust is too big to fake
she showed me the goods boyz B)
oh were you epic redpilling little indian children in the text section? that's cool too I guess.
do something more believable next time
it's an interesting question but i don't have a r*ddit
It's locked now. I'm not sure if it's still up. Now leave "it" forever. I did this for your soul
Pol answers a japs question.
Here's the imgur link
lmao nice
Very rude Sup Forums
>I love new information :3
This was me.
nice danebro
Which one of you lads was this?
I was stranger 1
stranger 2 seemed legit
Welcome to /po/
healthy advice for healthy anons
post the tits then faggot
The normies are waking up
Maybe because without him your Indio ancestors would be pretty much Africa tier
Must be a rapefugee.