can anyone confirm???
Can anyone confirm???
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Is Real
Can confirm fake and gay
>can anyone confirm???
yes. you're retarded.
True if big
yuge if factual
bigly if truest
Ever wonder why he's got that slightly orange tan? It's because he is white but he spent most of his childhood in the blistering desert. That left his skin slightly damaged/tanned.
Not even a good troll. They might have wanted to use a picture that wasn’t colorized as well, being Trump was born in the late 40s
Trump was born in 1946 from Frederick Christ Trump and Mary Anne MacLeod tho
He's actually younger and more physically capable than people realize. It's a charade.
Might as well bring time machine theory into it.
still, he's not that young
he's orange cause he uses spray-on fake tan
What? No. I mean that he "looks" old but that's more because of his psychic powers which are taking a toll on him.
Remember that e-mail scandal that lead people here to believe that Hillary and the likes were collecting blood of children? Well let's just say they were doing it to "ward off" negative effects like this.
Also... Did you know that "Kek" is actually Trump's personal egregore he made himself and used his psyops people to spread it here?
The egregore is the extension of his will, not our own. Ours merely feeds his power and his lust for revenge against Pisslam.
There weren't even whites in Afghanistan until after Russia invaded, and made lots of rape babies.
Only out of convenience. The three abrahamic religions are actually now around 80% or more under (((their))) control. Most of the people who adhere to the Islam branch actually work to further the goals of jews for world domination but Trump wants nothing more than weeding out Islam, including the puppets of the jews(which would no doubt make the jews angry because their pets would die prematurely). He'll work for and betray whoever and whenever he wishes, no matter the cost if it means he'll get rid of that religion.
>weeding out Islam
something does not ad up here.
>he's orange cause he uses spray-on fake tan
Oh to be naive again.... at least I have my youth for what it's worth.
He's not pure Afghani. His father was westerner with very powerful connections and allies. His Mother on the other hand was some sandcoon but probably a fair one if he's not some brown shitskin ala Obama.
Look at that man, can you honestly say he's "white"/Nordic? His got some ME/slav genes in there.
what is alexander the great for 3000 shekels
>He's not pure Afghani.
that's true and maybe he is not 100% white or Nordic. Nobody is. no really, nobody is.
But yeah, Obama wasn't really an American either so why the fuck do ((they)) or you care.
oh because he is white...wait he isn't...or is he...i can even.
accept defeat, regroup and exceed. that is how you get back on top. not by making something up that totally wont backfire
Its been confirmed user
By the way I merely piece the puzzle with what I am offered and see scattered because it affects all of us, both here on Sup Forums and everywhere on Earth. The vibrations I'm picking up describes a very intricate and big outcome/force of change in this SAGA and people whom fate have involved in it intimately that I can't even comprehend it properly because I probably have no higher purpose in it but observation or direction.
I don't even give a damn about hokey religious bullshit or prophecies.
Cats are my interests, not humanity.
This conspiracy is radical.
My sides have folded space
The memes must flow...
people in scandinavia are orange as fuck and they dont live in a desert
no bump