What do you guys think of Bosnians

Curious what you guys thought of my people

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stay in jewmerica, izmet

There's like 500 Jews in Bosnia if even that

Few in my uncle's company. Lazy, greedy, rat on each other, boot lickers.

Never heard of it

My best friend is bosnian, they are alright. I know he is a muzzie deep down inside even though he denys it, says he is serbian and Croatian also, like most people really are.. he says.

How so?

not even a real nation. mostly croats and serbians. other are muslims so not real people

You can't really blame the guy, his family most likely died in order for him to keep his religion. Can't blame the guy for not wanting to disavow

>other are muslims so not real people

We may be Muslim but we aren't the typical middle eastern Muslim. Bosnia is more western than it is eastern

the muslim ones are horrible

How so?

Bosnia has a bit different genetic makeup and culture, regardless of religion.

shitty place to live in imo, but it isn't all bad, could be much much worse

this I realize, he dislikes islam and we often talk about how religions are just tools to control a population. I met him cause once did a huge research paper on the civil war in bosnia and latter found out he was bosnian and his family refugees, my interest in his people sparked our friendship.

Yea man the Bosnian war resulted in a lot of refugees which is actually how I got to the states. As far as refugees go man you can do a whole lot worse than Bosnians. We assimilate pretty well

Nobody likes you Mujo, as you can see from this thread. Your tragedy consists in the fact that you accepted foreign religion and customs that are completely at odds with european ways of living. You accepting conquerors religion and customs and gradually identifying yourself as them makes you a literal Stockholm syndrom victim. Even though you’re racially european you don’t have that kinship that europeans sense with one another even though they fought against each other for centuries. You don’t feel the common pride in fighting the non-european invaders that is deeply entranched in many european nations and used as mythos to their struggle and inspiration for current generations and generations to come. You don’t really have friends in other countries or at least someone that is symphatetic to you. Because of you losing your old traditions “making friends” with other countries is unlikely since you don’t have common things to share. This situation puts you in self perceived enemy surrounding countries who want to take “your territories”. And with no one too help you turn to your “mother” Turkey, which only reaffirms your neigbours opinion on you as “non-european” europeans or interlopers because of you siding with culturally backward, at odds with euroepan customs and hated “enemy”. Bosnia shouldn’t exist and I pity your tragic existence.

We love all white people regardless of their nationality.

including aussies, leaf, burger and greeks

Bosnian = regional identity for Croats (Catholics) and Serbs (Orthodox)

Bosniak = meme nation first tried by Habsburgs from 1878-1914 for all people of all religions, then from 1993 Muslim Poturice again

Learn the difference.

i like Bosnia :)

Well, religion is there to keep people in check. Its just that Europeans took Semitic religion and, more or less, depending on a timeframe and culture, modified it in their peoples spirit (even though texts may not be).

I was a bit too much stereotypical I'm sorry, you are absolutely better than middleeastern muslims. Although not perfect

Serbian clay.

You should just unite into yugoslavia again, for old times sake

I concur. Half-sister dated one for years. Stout, dark hair and nasty skin color like a tan mixed with a sickly gray. Cooked some disgusting dishes. They worked though. Social enough, fit in with the rednecks around here.

don't know, don't care

>Even though you’re racially european you don’t have that kinship that europeans sense with one another

That's just not true man. My family has roots going pretty deep into European history. My Great Grandpa fought for Austria Hungary and both my Grandpas fought for the SS. This is just recent history as well I can go back further

Don't kid yourself, you worship a different desert cult then we do. Does not make you any more European than us

yugoslavia in a post

Muslim Bosniaks are white/Germanic look and are tall. Unlike Serbs who look middle eastern

>Although not perfect

Hey man it's the Balkans, we are all far from perfect. Like the fact even though we are all the same Genetic Stock we are all at each others throats

Yugoslavia Reunion tour when?

Turkish rape babies with a thirst for goat semen.

My friends dad fought in the war, he only told me so much but having met the man you can tell he's seen some shit. Having learned so much about it, its interesting to have been close to someone who was in the thick of it. Do you know anyone who was in the military then or local units?

stop taking opinions of literal 14 year old assburgers on Sup Forums seriously

>Unlike Serbs who look middle eastern

Based on most genetic tests Bosniaks seem to be the most racially pure out of the Balkans:

As for their ethnic background and SS requirements, it appears that Himmler accepted the theories advanced by both Croatian and German nationalists that the Croatian people, including the Muslims, were not ethnic Slavs but pure Aryans of either Gothic or Iranian descent

>Curious what you guys thought of my people

Slobodan Milošević did nothing wrong.
remove all kebabs

1. Your ancestors betrayed their kin and converted to religion of invaders and rapers, looters and slavers

2. Your more recent ancestors betrayed Ottomans and islam and served a thoroughly anti-islamic Habsburg country which occupied and annexed Bosnia and Herzegovina

3. Your trash grandpas were supposed to be the poster boys for muslims and arabs to rally around Nazis. The problem was that Waffen SS Handtschar and SS Kama were inbred incompetent imbeciles totally uncapable of actual warfare and military service, and were reduced to terror troops for terrorising Serbs/Partisan areas, just like your Akinji and Bashibazuk forefathers

>Do you know anyone who was in the military then or local units?

Yea dude my dad was in a concentration camp for 13 months. Most my uncles died and a good number of close friends

>Your ancestors betrayed their kin and converted to religion of invaders and rapers, looters and slavers

The literal exact same thing could be said about Christianity. Your people converted to the invaders religion from paganism. What happened?


With the serbs again? I'd rather live in the middle of some amazon tribe.

Balkans are not Slav. They don't look like real slavs (Poles, Belaruassians and Russians). Dinarics are tall like in Scandanavia and have more of a Germanic look

>Your ancestors betrayed their kin and converted to religion of invaders and rapers, looters and slavers
bosnia was always a lightly christian area full of bogomils and half-christians regardless
and catholics were not offered the same protections under the ottoman state as orthodox were which is why large numbers converted

>Your more recent ancestors betrayed Ottomans and islam and served a thoroughly anti-islamic Habsburg country which occupied and annexed Bosnia and Herzegovina
yeah, average peasant in bosnia sure had a say in that

>Your trash grandpas were supposed to be the poster boys for muslims and arabs to rally around Nazis. The problem was that Waffen SS Handtschar and SS Kama were inbred incompetent imbeciles totally uncapable of actual warfare and military service, and were reduced to terror troops for terrorising Serbs/Partisan areas, just like your Akinji and Bashibazuk forefathers
lmao coming from the guy whose nation literally slaughtered 700k serb civilians in ww2

>>Your ancestors betrayed their kin and converted to religion of invaders and rapers, looters and slavers
>The literal exact same thing could be said about Christianity. Your people converted to the invaders religion from paganism. What happened?

wrong guy my dude

>Dinarics are tall like in Scandanavia and have more of a Germanic look

Yea I've noticed the same. I always thought that Bosnians were genetically more slavic than anything else but I might be wrong

Muslim bosniaks actually have more turk genes but are lighter because the turks chose blonde slav population to convert out of the serbs/croats and this closer contact caused them to gain turk genes. Phenotype =/= genetic influence.

Sorry about that fucked up the reply

We won't become yugoslavia again. We will hate eachother until a common enemy appears. then we'll stand together, destroy the threat and be at eachother throats right again.

I'm against becoming yugoslavia again. We are brothers but even brothers need borders

Probably whiter than you, Tyrone.

that makes no sense. Turk can be anyone like Russian, or American today.

>Muslim bosniaks actually have more turk genes

Factually incorrect. If that were true why do Bosnians and Croatians have much higher rates of blonde hair and blue eyes?

There were never any Bogomils in Bosnia. Or Patarens. Or Cathars.

That is 19th century pseudohistorical bullshit.

Crkva Bosanska and pre-Nemanjić Serbia had Old believer, paganism infused Christianity that drew ire of Rome and Latin Catholics like Hungary, who repeatedly called for a crusade.
Bogomils were an Orthodox Bulgarian heresy in completely different timeline.

The last head of Crkva Bosanska entered formally and officialy Serb Orthodox Church in late 15th century, this was organised by Herzog of Saint Sava, Vukčić Kosača.

Turkish rape babies. No, even worse than that. Serbs at least had to get raped, Bosnians willingly bent over, spread the cheeks and took the Turkish cock

Slovenians are a nation unlike bosnians, albanians and people from Kosovo which is not a real conutry

Absolute filth. Only Albanians are worse.

We converted in order to avoid that you mong which is why Bosniaks are genetically much more white than Sebrs refer to

You already live with serbs united in one country

>Absolute filth

How do you figure that?

is there anyone left in Zlovenci who is not a cefur?

>Crkva Bosanska and pre-Nemanjić Serbia had Old believer, paganism infused Christianity that drew ire of Rome and Latin Catholics like Hungary, who repeatedly called for a crusade.
so half-christians as i said?

Did you read my whole post or just the first 6 words?
They chose blonde slavs because they were racist and worshipped fair skin just like all the muslim states did with their imported white slaves becoming rulers because they were white. Muslims were one of the most racist people except they were racist against themselves.

another meme historian from /pol

Ottomans back then, in 14th and 15th century, were actually rather progressive and inclusive, and offered immediate benefits to converts and conquered people.

Ottoman Empire at the height of its power had Croats, Serbs, Albanians, Greeks, Bulgarians, Georgians, Armenians enlisted in army and administration, either as Christians or as converts to islam.

Their decline began with islamic fundamentalism and Turkish protonationalism taking a stronger hold of Empire.

Are you goign to make this fucking thread every fucking days ?

No one gives a shit about your this shit tier country.

Those who willingly accepted Islam got only privileges, but you're right that Serbs got the cock that's why they're so dark.

>Did you read my whole post or just the first 6 words?

Yes and it doesn't change the fact that your statement:

>Muslim bosniaks actually have more turk genes

is factually incorrect

They're muslims

>Muslim bosniaks actually have more turk genes
what a retard lmao
balkan people mixing with invaders is such a fucking meme pedaled by absolute morons
and turks are balkan-anatolian people themselvess

First of all, everything west and southwest of Vrbas was historical Croatia. Even after Ottoman conquest, it was called Turkish Croatia.

Bosnia was a small region around river Bosna originally. It was settled exclusively by Serbs.

Fair point. but there's still some of us that are pure Mountain Jew blood

A question.
Is the majority of the country muslim, or is there a minority which isn't?

Europeans didn’t accept christianity out of conquering. It was mostly kings who invited missionaries to christianize their people. Stop equating christianity with islam, because even though both religions originated from the “desert” you know they are not the same. Christianity has heavy pagan influence and was “remodeled” to early european customs. You clearly have hard time accepting that you are only european people that accepted islam and that makes you an “interloper” in eyes of other europeans and in your eyes too. As I said in my post, I pity your tragic existence, you will probably never be accepted from other europeans.

That does not mean they are by default sub human. There's shitty adherents to every religion

I've only made this thread once before you sperg, and people are replying so there is obviously some interest. Go eat a croissant frog boy

So what are we then? I am atheist/ no muslim and the only other term for us is bosniak. Should I identify as croat, serb, yugoslav ?

Geographically Bosnia is farther away from Ottomans. Also converting to islam saved them from raids and they were mostly left alone

bogomils were heretics but also religious zealots who took it very seriously

ok, but how does this disprove what i said? you stated your premise as if bosniaks are some awful traitors when their region was always half-christian at best thus prime for conversion

it was the same case in albania, the region was not only already catholic-orthodox split but church influence was weak there, furthermore as i said earlier catholicism was not protected under ottoman administration, which is why many catholics across the empire were likely converts

Investigate your ancestral lines.
For example, even though I am from Dalmatia from both sides, literally 90+% of present day inhabitants of mainland Dalmatia are originally from Bosnia, Herzegovina and Montenegro.

Nationally conscious Muslims existed as well, both Croats and Serbs.

not true, Bosnia was well known as a hotbed of heretics.

Look up wikipedia ffs, how hard is that.

>Christianity has heavy pagan influence and was “remodeled” to early european customs

Islam was remolded much in the same way in Bosnia. It was modernized to a large extent which is why our institutions are secular. We have no issues with extremism or sharia. I don't care how you view Bosniaks but to say they aren't European is pants on head retarded

>Catholicism not protected in Ottoman Empire
>Franciscan order received exclusive right to proselytize and operate in Bosnia

Bosniaks didn't exist back then.

>a hotbed of heretics
>Crkva Bosanska, krstjani
>cite Crusades organised against them, Nemanjić persecution of Old believers during times of Nemanjić sucking up to pope

Do you have reading comprehensions, diasporafag?

Someone being heretic in Bosnia according to Pope most certainly doesn't mean there were "bogomils", "patarens" or "cathars" in Bosnia. Them arriving there through Ragusa Republic in 14th century to escape persecution in rest of Europe doesn't make Bosnia theirs, they were a ridiculously small minority. If you want proof, Google names of heads of Crkva Bosanska. Litteral Serb popular names used to this day.

herzegovina is just using you

Thankfully they're only present in cities. Slovenes don't move to cities en masse like in other countries so most of Slovenia is untouched. Still way too many of those subhumans.
Unwilling to even try to adapt to the culture.

the orthodox church was literally protected by ottoman administration, the patriarchate was allowed to exist even when constantinople was conquered, and the orthodox millet was HUGE compared to the catholic inhabitants of the empire

furthermore, ottomans were known to harshly punish regions that highly resisted their invasion even after conquest was completed

>Unwilling to even try to adapt to the culture.

How? In my experience Bosnians assimilate pretty well

There is no way anyone can point 500 years ago at the first ancestor who converted to islam, it's just too many generations back.

>Bogomils were an Orthodox Bulgarian heresy in completely different timeline.

also not true, they were basically Paullicians, or highly inspired by them. Clearly dualists, and not orthodox but closer to a manichean theology.

Which is unsurprising (and well documented) since Paulicians from Armenia lived next to the Dragovitsian (aka Slavo-Macedonian) area where pop bogomil started preaching.

They don't assimilate at all.

Because there were more Orthodox people, far more, than Catholics?

Because they conquered most of Orthodox nations and Russia was still mangled by Mongols, Tatars and Lithuanians, and their primary opposing forces were Catholics of Venice, Papacy, Spain, Naples, Austria and Hungary?

Which region did they harshly punish in 14th, 15th and 16th century?

also, to people butthurt that bosniaks or others are european muslims, how do you reconcile with the fact that many of them have been muslim longer than some europeans (ex: Lithuanians) have even been christian?

And you judge this based off what metric?

I'm not a fucking bosnian I studied medieval dualism heresies well and you are full of shit.

whole family from dads side is from Bosnia nothing but love to the catholic bosnian people

Yup. they do actually assimilate pretty well

who the fuck cares, being a european muslim is being a traitor

If Bosnians could be proud of anything we at least gave the world Dzeko and Ibrahimovic

No, you haven't. You "studied" them through works written by people sponsored by geopolitical players with clear interest in Balkans.

You haven't read a single national source or primary historic evidence regarding krstjani/crkva bosanska, yet you lecture me on their theology, traditions, ethnicity and customs.

How about you fuck off, you meme artificial country that was Spanish/Habsburg Netherlands?

I wouldn't care Slovenians if they know the language. Its probably because of close proximity between countries.

>being a european muslim is being a traitor

waaaaaahhhhhhh your desert cult is different from my desert cult. Cry more faggot

makes literally no sense, christianity is just as semitic as Islam

I think how well Islam goes with white people!
You guys are drinking straight after friday`s prayer which is incredibly funny too see everytime, I still love doing community volunteer work in Bosnia, It has a incredible eerie vibe at some points seeing blonde women in hijabs, While in villages you can still see pagan marks on houses and they celebrate christmas ( while muslim)

Why? Since when is Europe christian only? Why not think up your own religion then and not brag with something from the Middle East.