White people are superior

>white people are superior
explain this Sup Forums,pic related is gdp per capita

slavs aren't white

neither are anglos btw

you posted irrelevant rankings (100+) and not a single white country in it, don't know what you want to explain

>only white country is Ukraine
>had a massive civil war
>coloured countries essentially the same as a white country after civil war

>does not know anything about history
>does not know anything about geo-politics

Both of you should go fuck yourselves. Slavs and Anglos are both white. Genetically they’re very similar. The Slavs were only an isolated population for like 12,000 years anthropologists think. That’s not nearly enough time for them to be a separate race

eastern europeans carry mongol blood.

>choosing to argue about race instead of the glaring mistake
Kikes are afoot


I prefer PPP but Ukraine and Moldova are still Nigeria, Congo tier

>East Slavs


Civil war in Ukraine since 3/4 years

Plus, massive corruption, what did you expect ?

>a country

Кaкиe жe хoхлы дeгeнepaты, пиздeц пpocтo.

>>had a massive civil war
Massive civil war was 100 years ago. Donbass is literally fucking nothing, only 10 thousand death toll. This is yearly mexican death toll from drug wars. And Ukraine was shit even before 2014.

>third of Africa is still better even by PPP standard

Yeah and you hairy sand niggers are

The world is 6,000 years old kike shill

>civil war since 3/4 years
What the fuck does this even mean?

ukraine was always shit and this will be only worse thanks to oligarchs, commies and retards who "vote" for them

The Ukraine isn't even a country, if your name starts with "the" how can you be a country?

well its Polish frontier
U Kraina from U Krańca
desu i dont care about them

Poland isn't even a real country, if it weren't for the Russian revolution you wouldn't exist

I think its knee time.

>Outliers like Ukraine and Moldova
Every time.

slavs are poor but they contributed a lot to math and science. africans contributed almost nothing at all.

its russias homeland

It's pretty ignorant to expect a nigger to have invented anything, oh wow my cat doesn't help pay the bills, what do you people want?

Ukraine isn't a real country

This was before communism. Murdering all your intelligence, upright and succesful people- pays a toll.

ffs - another One Post Faggot

Have you ever heard of this thing called communism?

Ukraine is at War with RUSSIA right now

fucking retard

I see you, Kuril...

Maybe not a separate "race" but the reason western Europeans do better than eastern Europeans is genetic, not cultural.

There's war in Ukraine right now.

Its because dutch people are descendants of Jesus, and therefore part divine

It's actually because bipartite manorialism happened the longest in England and the Benelux. Bipartite manorialism selected for openness and other traits in western Europe. It's these traits that explain western Europe's scientific achievements (it's why East Asians have a higher IQ but haven't accomplished as much).

It's mostly cultural but culture is derivative of genetic tendencies so you're partially right. They've only themselves to blame for shitty culture.

I'm mostly right because culture is mostly derivative of genetic tendencies, but yea.

>modern machine guns
this triggers my autism so fucking much
the avtomat kalashnikov is an assault rifle or machine carbine and no it's neither modern nor a slav invention Germans did that like 3 years earlier
get your facts straight

t. Eskimo rape baby

Oy vey, times are tough

>+ The poorest country in Europe is only slightly poorer than one of the richest sub-saharan nations


Space travel and rocket science before communism?

ukranian has more balls that you will ever have

>isolated population for like 12,000 years

Around the same time period that makes amerindians an independent race.

Also slavs conquered space and the atom, they aren't dumber at all.

>Also slavs conquered space and the atom, they aren't dumber at all.


I see plenty of inventions in Poland and Russia user.
Considering that Poland wasn't even a country of it's own then and Germans wanted to keep them as illiterate peasants, they didn't do bad.

Many fewer per capita than in the west. They're not cavemen, but the point is that nobody compares to western Europeans.

>Poland wasn't even a country of it's own then and Germans wanted to keep them as illiterate peasants
Today they're accomplishing about as much per capita scientifically as all eastern Europeans. The hajnal line + bipartite manorialism explains that.

>Implying that Ethno-Nationalists are all Racial Supremacists.

I don't care if there are cultures more "superior" to mine. I don't want mine or my people to die out, and I don't want us to be forced to live with people who will work against our interests. I don't want to be forced into a kind of "womb race" with people who shouldn't be brought into the country.