>whiter than the USA, France and Sweden
>killing Muslims on a daily basis
>the closest thing to a democracy in the Middle-East
Why aren't we supporting Israel, Sup Forums?
>whiter than the USA, France and Sweden
>killing Muslims on a daily basis
>the closest thing to a democracy in the Middle-East
Why aren't we supporting Israel, Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
Wew Lad. She looks to be 0% Jewish. Winder how she got to Israel. Probably kidnapped by kikes as a baby in Sweden and rapes into obedience.
Kikes are not White or even human
3rd post like this in under 10 minutes its in violation of board and global rules find a new vpn shlomo.
Hmm.. let's see what else this girl is up to shall we?
All I see in that pic is white people
Yeah.... I think not schlomo
Btw this is the mentally ll kike starting all those threads
What we have in the case of the Zionist movement and Israel is a pattern of a serial perpetrator of murder, mass murder and terror. This is a well established fact. That pattern started well before the creation of Israel, see eg the murder of Jacob Israël de Haan on 30/6/1924 or the King David Hotel bombing on 22/7/1946. That murderous pattern continued after the creation of Israel, see for the early days for example the murder of Folke Bernadotte on 17/9/1948 and then read “Israel’s sacred terrorism” based on Moshe Sharett’s Personal Diary:
Since the early days of Zionism there are so many proven Zionist and Israeli state sponsored murders that it is hard to keep tracking them all. The murderous pattern of Israeli behaviour continues to the very recent time, think for example of the attampted assassination of Khaled Mashal on 25/9/1997, the car bomb killing Imad Mughniyah on 12/2/2008, the murder of Brig Gen Mohammed Suleiman on 1/8/2008 (which was just recently proven by US documents to be an Israeli job), the assassination of Mahmoud Al-Mabhouh on 19/1/2010 or the recent serial murder of Iranian scientists.
The murder of Jacob Israël de Haan proves that the Zionist movement targeted also jews. It was not a single case
Because Sup Forums are all crypto-goys who wants globalism over national culture.
the absolute state of these worthless cunts.
FROGURT!!! nah frogurt has been back in the uk for nearly a year now i think. he's in brit/pol/ posting with a uk flag shilling for blaire.
Jews shouldn't have a culture but multiculturalism for Israel.
1 - Jews are not white. There is also nothing wrong with not being white, but each race should be independent and live with their own kind
2) Israel is a huge financial supporter of Islamic terrorism and has financed a lot of the extreme jihadi movements to destabilise the Middle East. Hence why ISIS apologise to them when they accidentally blow up Israeli supplies, etc. In fact, Israel does not kill Muslims, but rather, Palestinians
3) Democracy is merely a country run by Jews.
I sincerely hope you did not get .01 shekels for this, because this bait is weak
Pol has always been pro Israel new fag
>a based leaf
What the Hell is happening?
Plenty of white-looking jews tho
Israel shilling in full force boys
>implying israel is jewish
The pretty girls in Israel all mostly scandinavians being fooled into moving there.
>scandinavian whos been to Israel several times
>moving to palestine
If they are white they have no right to the promised land, don't you think?
We are supporting Israel. Don’t listen to the butthurt muzzies and clueless niggers and shitlibs trying to spam the board with their leftypol raids.
We hate the jews in their zionist ideals but we support nationalism and ethbostates because they protect the diversity of cultures and the uniqueness of the different races. Without nations that define cultures we would all become a retarded and useless brown mass.
Nope, mostly russians, many jews in israel are of russian descent
anyone that wouldn't bang these broads are faggots, straight up.
First lad, those look more like Khozars. Secondly, they don't look white once you get to know more about the Jew. The sloping forehead, the nose.
I don't hate a Kike for being a Kike. I am in fact, part Khozar-Kike. What I vociferously hate is Zionism and all who sail in her.
Flag checks out.
Probably bullied for their big noses and ugly face
>using sodomite language while being the actual sodomite
Hell is for ever!
I want to vomit.. Im serious
Damn, JIDF surely became pathetic when they have to resort to whoring their women out to attract support. What's the matter Nosestein, did the government decrease the amount of shekels they pay you to shill?
That's enough makeup to block a bullet.