>Be German
>Ask why a German police Twitter account is tweeting in Arabic
>Go to jail
Be German
Von Storch is a 89 IQ stormfag that nobody needs. Nerds just flock to her because she appears vaguely female on first look. That's also her only talent.
yeah dude, lock that antisemite up!
Kraut cucks are beyond redemption at this point.
>Incitement of Hatred
No, she was charged with Volksherhetzung
>Agitation of/against people
Daily reminder that far right and alt right are just code for not thoroughly leftist. During the Great Cultural Revolution the Communists eventually turned on each other and slaughtered and ate each other in the millions in a never ending purity spiral.
Nothing will happen to her.
Her tweet was pretty retarded to be honest (“Why does an official authority tweet in Arabic? Is the police trying to appease the barbaric, Muslim, group raping hordes of men?”)
Von Storch, die wie Weidel dem AfD-Bundesvorstand angehört, hatte nach einem Tweet der Kölner Polizei auf Arabisch nach der Silvesternacht getwittert: „Was zur Hölle ist in diesem Land los? Wieso twittert eine offizielle Polizeiseite aus NRW auf Arabisch. Meinen Sie, die barbarischen, muslimischen, gruppenvergewaltigenden Männerhorden so zu besänftigen?“
The public attorney said “private third parties have given notice to authorities that von Storch has engaged in Volksverhetzung (public peoples defamation). We are required to investigate as with all notices.”
Der Kölner Oberstaatsanwalt Ulf Willuhnsagte „[Auch] das sehen verschiedene private Dritte als Volksverhetzung an.” Der Staatsanwaltschaft Köln sei dies in einem zweiten Vorgang vorgelegt worden, um zu prüfen, was weiter zu tun sei.
I wish senpai
If she was really a stormfag she would call for RaHoWa and insist that 6 million wasn't enough, like I do. Nice class status signalling btw "Ugh I'm not like those low status working class neo-Nazi skinheads" Yea we get it ur a big brain nibba
Seems like a pretty mild tweet, this is considered "hate speech" in germany lmao
>Her tweet was pretty retarded to be honest (“Why does an official authority tweet in Arabic? Is the police trying to appease the barbaric, Muslim, group raping hordes of men?”)
i agree
if you're going to express your opinion on these matters you have to be somewhat clever and subtle, let the reader figure things out for themselves and reach their own conclusions
this was just clumsy. if you're writing like you're on Sup Forums you're not fit for public office
Checked...Unfortunately. Sorry Germany, Kek wants you to burn.
Justice for Trixi!!!
Europeans fought some very bloody ugly wars for the right to speak out against the church. Your ancestors would be ashamed of you.
From a right wing dictatorship to a left wing one.
Krauts never fucking change.
I miss the days were germans considered themselves friends of the middle east.
Fake news.
She didn't just "ask". FFS verify stuff before pposting stupid brainwashed burger tard
Germany is not a police state, they don't just persecute you for no reason
Serious question @ German Bros: Do I have to be careful now about what I post on Sup Forums?
> It is actually really sad and I never thought I had to ask this question.
Merkel just killed facebook, twitter, youtube and every other website where people can chat.
everytime a comment and or video that is reported for hate speech within 24 hours, the responsible website MUST pay a 50m euro fine.
reported for warning people
I would, especially at work.
are you
against my people right now?
Hans? Help?
it's up to 5milion euro fine and the company needs to be registered in Germany
>Seems like a pretty mild tweet, this is considered "hate speech" in germany lmao
It is not considered hate speech. As the public attorney said, authorities need to investigate every single filed notice about an alleged crime. Yes, 100 percent of all private third party notices of crimes have to be investigated.
This works like this: the public attorney assistant (Staatsanwalt im ersten Jahr) opens a case docket, looks into the law and comparable cases. In most situation, the “investigation” is closed within 10min as non sensical (although it probably takes 2 months to get to the case in the first place).
“Volksverhetzung” is the classical cass of lots of notices to authorities with very seldom actual cases resulting in a sentence in court or proceedings. Notices have gone up from 2000 in 2014 to 6000 in 2016 in all of Germany, most of them relating to Twitter or Facebook comments. the number of court cases is a few hundred with any punishments being money fines.
Or in other words, this is pretty much dead law in practice, and is mostly used within political inflighting, to “get back” to ex-boyfriends, colleges, rivals etc. who post on Facebook.
This, but Sup Forums nowadays only cites Foxnews / buzzfeed headlines without even reading 2 or 3 paragraphs (let alone check actually legit sources) and just repeat themselved ad infinum until they confirm their own fake news
>they don't just persecute you for no reason
Confirmed for knowing jack shit about Germany.
Its not like it was just an "innocent" question.
That lady goes on tirades all day, it was just a matter of time.
But I gotta say, it was really fucked up to read that arabic shit.
>Official German police account post message in arabic
>German police account
I have high hopes that Germany is finally starting to come around, but man are those hopes squashed when I see stupid shit like this cuck.
You really need to clear out that retarded lawbook the yanks wrote for you Klaus, it's doing more harm than good for your country.
>Her tweet was pretty retarded to be honest
There is nothing retarded about calling out these sorts of behavior. Perhaps that communication officer with her shitty communications degree thought this was okay, but guess what? it isn't. It's a German police account and going out of your way to inject arab bullshit on there just serves to highlight the cause that there are appeasers in position of power that will to anything eradicate the German identity and people.
>they don't just persecute you for no reason
>Do I have to be careful now about what I post on Sup Forums?
There has never been a Sup Forums case in Germany. First, someone would have to actually send a notice of a post to Germam authorities and the relevant authorities would have to then determine that they are the relevant guys to investigate. The German flag on Sup Forums may br reasonable grounds to investigate, but they would need more to actually bother enough to have “local” authorities. So, if you write your place of residence (e.g. Berlin) in a post and then violate Volksverhetzung laws or anti semitism laws bluntly and I notify the Berlin Oberstaatsanwaltschaft with a link, they will be required to investigate.
The problem they will have is that they need your ip address. In order to get it, they will have to look into who operates Sup Forums and in which jurisdiction it operates. According to Sup Forums “legal” it operates from LA. So the authorities would have to make a Rechtshilfeansuchen (legal assistance request) to US authorities via the US embassy in Berlin to subpoena your ip address from Sup Forums. This takes a few months and may be blocked by US courts (I don’t believe Germany ever tried for free speech laws to get ip addresses from US companies operating only from the US for obvious reasons). Sup Forums only archives ip addresses for 7 days, meaning the answer from the assistance request may very well be “Sup Forums does not hold the ip address in its database for the requested post”.
Anyway, if you are concerned about posting on Sup Forums, use a proxy, or don’t post your details/place of residence, don’t use your German flag or simply don’t engage in antisemitism, Volksverhetzung or Hitlerist Nazism.
Hope this helps. This explanation is provided to you under the common caveats of incompletion and general advise only which may diviate based on individual circumstances.
>it was just a matter of time.
Meanwhile we have literal memes about Salvini bulldozing gipsies.
He goes around with bulldozer t-shirts and takes pictures on bulldozers.
> tfw 89 IQ is unironically superior to most shitskins that (((they))) are forcing upon us.
Also, Belpietro was absolved by the Supreme Court from his racism accusations after writing "ISLAMIC BASTARDS" in giant fucking letters as a newspaper title, because "il fatto non sussiste".
That's something that can't be properly translate in English. It doesn't just mean he's not responsible literally means "the fact never happened". Kek.
The Cassazione are /ourcourt/.
Thanks user.
Happy to be able to continue shitposting!
> It's a German police account and going out of your way to inject arab bullshit on there just serves to highlight the cause that there are appeasers in position of power that will to anything eradicate the German identity and people.
You do understand that nobody cares about the first part of the tweet, but the issue is over the second part? Calling the police out for tweeting in Arabic can be done by anyone. Nobody cares.
The notice for Volksverletzung was handed to authorities because she called all Muslims barbaric gang rapers. This can be construed as making a general, all Muslim attacking and objectively wrong statement. You can dislike Muslims as much as you like, but even objectively, not all of fhem are gang raping barbarians. Some are even doctors and engineers as promised by Merkel.
we fast. we were cox and kings !
AKA defending Europeans.
>far right
every fucking time
The guardian is so far left the middle of the spectrum seems far right to them
And the other interpretation is that the muslim gang-raping barbarians was actually not aimed at all muslims, but at the muslim gang-raping barbarians as seen at Sylvester 2015. That is why the courts will dismiss this.
>lol enjoy your oppreshun cuz amereka
>Oppresses Europe
You go, girl.
I honestly cant understand why Sweden is considered nr1 cuck. Nr1 is Germany, nr2 UK and nr3 Sweden.
nr1 is US
Good, this will only give them more sympathy
US, Sweden, then UK
That is the typical ranking on all matters “diversityl - look here if you do not lump in Canada with the US or UK, it is US, Canada, Sweden, then UK
Germany doesn’t even register on the same cuckery scale, despite our cuckedness
are you kidding...
It started in your country. the rest followed suite brother .
not to mention that germany sperging out time and time again is the reason we're in this mess of an overcorrection in the first place
the chart is about people
there are two types of cuckery, first being the one portrayed in the chart and second being ultra-cucked government and apathetic people (which is happening in UK/Sweden/Germany)