is 2018 the year trump makes america CHRISTIAN again
Is 2018 the year trump makes america CHRISTIAN again
Israel is our greatest ally. Trump has spoken. Jerusalem belongs to the Jews.
Any other position is leftist treason.
He sure will pajeet
I bet you think Jewish monopolised capitalism is your friend
Well communism sure ain't.
This is why America is fucked.
thomas jefferson is going to rise from his grave and smack you upside your head
>le ebin separation of church and state maymay
Thats must be why he has a KGB wive.
Only the fale Christians support trump. In fact, they are blasphemous by how much they worship him. They even rationalize his Christmas eve tweet demanding praise for himself instead of Jesus on the day before the birth of our lord
Trump is my god
This is why Russia is fucked. You're next!
also knauss? So she's German blood? Hmm
God gave Trump unto America to restore it to its Christian roots. Saying Merry Christmas again felt fucking good.
I really hope not as a left wing trans woman. I voted for Hillary. Trump scares me.
>still wanting to be religious
>still picking the meme tier Christianity
lol come on guys
Lets hope so.
Praise Christ !
Finally they're admitting that the Confederacy was a mess of godless traitors.
>anti-god is anti-american
another delusional redneck fuck
Well meme'd friend! but you've activated my trap card, I'm not an atheist or fat.