Love Live! Sunshine!!

Have you prayed to your coelacanth overlords today?

Other urls found in this thread:

Rest in fucking pieces Kanan

I actually think this could work as a short series.

Where can you buy one so you can pretend your favorite love live is giving you a blowjob

Post Puppet Rikos

Why is this child so violent?

Hey guys, what's going on in this thread?

Zura ~ ~

What the hell is going on?
Did I miss something?

Burn this please.

The future of anime.

Holy shit, I enjoyed that more than I should have.
Season 2 should be done in this format.

Kanan is fucking dead

Post canon.

Can I have season 2 instead of whatever the fuck this is, please?

pupper konan got REKT

This puppets are so funny and pretty to look at, I would love more stuff like this.

the success of taiwanese puppets is now influencing japanese creators

This is better than the actual show.

This is season 2

>See a CC button
>Oh they must have English subs ready for western fa--
>English (auto-generated)

>when your auto-translate is so bad it turns it into Spanglish

Found the real april fool here.

Why do nips work so quickly?


>dat Riko bullying


Riko is literally made for bullying


I'd rather have a full series of this than S2 of Sunshine.


how fucking kawaii

i cant believe they killed of kannon

>canadian anime

i love dia

This is now best love live


This was actually pretty good

Best part.

Fucking passion mate

I think it's clear which anime had the most subliminal influence that season. It was Thunderbolt Fantasy.

Those puppets are deceptively well-made, you can tell by looking at the hair. I hope they keep them around and use them for more shenanigans in the future.

We need a puppet show board now, /pu/


why isn't a puppet show board already a thing? please gookmoot make it happen

Chika owning Ruby after she transformed was fucking funny too


That kills the sakugafag

