Just look at how violent ANTIFA are:
>Pissing in front of the riots
>Taking their flags away
>Attacking them
Anyways, respect for our Polish and Czech based bros. Stand united and keep the rage boiling, brethren.
ANTIFA vs Polish and Czech Patriots
>The link
>slavs larping as white
They are literally whiter than you
>t. "german/irish" american
fuck off d&c kike
>literal mutt
holy shit at this level of shitposting
Only meme flags and Australian shitposters, seems like I hit a nerve there.
interesting to see how antifa looks like trash no matter the country
Why does everyone in antifa look like they have a Fecalphilia fetish?
Whiter than you Muhammad.
> flag
I thought you have Eastern Europeans.
>Trash protesting
>Other pieces of trash get upset
>The trash pile just grows.
I can't tell if this is a land fill or a protest, nothing but human trash on both sides. I feel sorry that the police had to get involved to confine this form harming actual people.
I'm an amerifat expat in Chile. Recently my mom and brother did the 23&me DNA shit and I can confirm that, apart from being a 6'2" blond/blue sex legend, my DNA is so mutted I am ashamed to even be alive. So yes, the mutt meme is real. All European though, unfortunately 20% kike. How did this happen
I like how people from v4 countries join forces and become IRL bros
the future is bright for the v4
do Chilean people look just like Mexicans?
Who is not trash then?
I wonder did a single EU polac moved to v4.
>feeling sorry for cops
classic bootlicker detected
The people who aren't in the streets, causing shit like children.
If they really wanted to be making a movement, they'd be appealing directly to the people that matter, or attempting to be people that matter.
Causing shit in the streets isn't going to resolve anything. All they're doing is consuming police resources.
I don't care what you stand for, if this is the way you stand for it, you're no more than filthy niggers, that need to be shot where you stand.
respekt to the protektors of yurip
Ah yes, 90% white female betrayers, like always. Commie women should be raped by whites before they're raped by Arabs. Clearly they want it
Fuck off, that's the same sort of passiveness that got your country in the state it is in, Nigel. As long as non-instigators aren't harmed, this can only reinforce if done right.
Why is every antifa either look gay, like crack head, or like homeless... Jesus Christ
>Causing shit in the streets isn't going to resolve anything. All they're doing is consuming police resources.
Wakey wakey John. Your beloved police is a slave to a government hell-bent on replacing you. Public rallies are an integral part of every political movement.
I live in that city.
Its infested with antifa cucks.
Do they ship them from Germany or are there actual Antifas?
I didn't even know antifa exists in your country
who the hell still LARPs as a skinhead in 2017.
>that fat ugly fuck with a pajeet at the begining
Slovaks and motly czechs
cancer is everywhere
Jewm*rican "culture" has done a lot of harm to Europe.
He has the audacity to hold a sign saying "I am Czech".
No one. The media brands anyone who doesn't support sodomite rights and colonial replacement a "skinhead nazi".
devide and conquer
>cancer is everywhere
jungle reporting
can confirm
Please, don't call this cunts patriots, 161=88.
Don't know the Polish guys, but Czechs there are unironic Hitler shills. not patriotic in Slavic case.
but in general fuck antifa right pavel?
I thought the V4 was extra based. Is the leftist rot there already but just in much earlier stages?
Or are the libtards just a small useless, but noisy, group?
Of course it exists as a proxy by Soros and NY Jews but they have no real power over the governments unlike what is the case west of the Berlin wall.
> Not protesting in the street
> Passive
It's unfortunate that "Protest" as in parade and "protest" as the concept share the same word. Getting to a point of power and influence, then censoring the flow of information and power to trash like anti-fa will suffocate the movement. You'll do a little bit more than if you were in the street suffocating a single member.
Unfortunately, someone will say something about freedom of speech. But you find they often shut up when their jobs are at risk or there's a big enough pay package coming to them.
You'll do more by earning a large sum of money and influence and changing things slowly, than a couple of pansies will do in the street with a banner and a loud speaker.
mutt thread?
Why didn't attack the pisser while he was vulnerable? They could have easily seized him by the penis and crushed his testicles, permanently emasculating him
Because they would face prison.
Sad to see all those people fanatically shouting as if they were satan himself. That woman saying "Nations will die" and the other saying "gypsies and arabs come here" must be paid or very stupid.
This. This picture here is of a Finnish lefty "vassari suvakki", as we call them here. His nickname is "hanavesigoblin", which translates to: tapwater gobling. It derives from all the xenoestrogens in water supplies. Look at him. He is pathetic as they come. He is the one on the lower left with red pants :D Pathetic.
literaly everyone is pro-immigrant, pro-eu, antifa cuck and only small percentage is ''sane'' who is right wing
and when people know you are right wing you are instantly branded as a NAZI...
I cant see how V4 is based. People who are my friends and I are based...but mostly its all leftists faggots. Czech and slovak goverment is in full commie mode since 1992 (or 1945...)
never touch antifa losers, they are infested with disseases.
Looks like a bunch of shit.
These ppl need to go back to USSR.
>a couple of pansies will do in the street with a banner and a loud speaker
If they didn't dress like human trash and avoided using that music they would appeal to the average person who wants a free, strong and independent European Nation. By screeching like retards, being ugly fucks and larping as nazis while dressing like yonkees and thugs they do more harm than good, I agree.
The USSR would have sent them to concentration camps. They are exactly at home in tolerant, progressive and liberal Europe.
those faggots would be shame to that fucking CCCP.
But the problem is those Nationalists also look like trash and at times shout stupid am*rican slogans such as "white power". They should focus on giving good speeches and making power displays like NF do instead of walking around like nazi larpers taken out of a hollywood film.
>sorry not sorry
For some reason I absolute agree with that androgynes shirt.
Looks like some special class with down syndrome retards.
they dont know better also i can guarantee they were 100% moist by the end of the rally after those guys btfo antifa
this, every fucking time
based old man
No, the ones I've seen look like spaniards.
Gotta keep a watch on the shabbos goyim protesting.
>Not calling Jew
These "you're not white" posts are literally the jewiest things on Sup Forums to date. Divide and Conquer niggers.
yes larping as worthless idiots probably has made them so moist and a lot less smug.
This is not the kind of activism that achieves anything. The only thing it´s good for is showing that you can be openly nazi without getting killed allready,
But aside from that it only gives the opposition exactly what it needs, the validation of their bogeyman which they are so desperate for.
I could bet my ass that this is controlled opposition because it won´t achieve shit.
>unironically wearing cunt hats
Oh look, human trash vs. human trash duking it out in my city.
Too bad the cops didn't beat them all up this time.
Aren't you the enlightened pampered centrist?
Almost everyone in my country despises these people.
Is that supposed to be an argument? Almost everyone in Germany was standing on the train stations waving "willkommen". It's a fact that these people are unwashed idiots but they still have spirit and feel a connection to the land and people. Something that can't be said for liberal/communist types.
You can be opposed to mass immigration and not be a nazi, you know.
>"let me tell you which countries are white"
>its another episode of polish moonfaces larping as white to "defend poland" even though not even migrants want to live among those literal white niggers
You can be an idiot believing in liberal mass media propaganda of the "nazi". Being right-wing is not only about being opposed to colonisation.
DSSS, Kotleba and their likes are not Sup Forums worshiped Front National, UKIP etc. right wing conservatives. We really dont have party like that here, but SPD would be close (although their platform is steaming pile of shit)
These are literal neonazi subhuman garbage mouthbreather retards. They genuinely believe that there are millions of refugees living in Czech Republic already and that jews, government and the lizard people are all conspiring to hide this fact from the people and that chemtrails are involved somehow.
> youtube.com
> youtube.com
> youtube.com
Are you saying that migrants have it better at home than in Poland? We both know that this is not true, so why are you attention whoring with this hyperbole, user?
See this pic? Even Slovaks can be good friends with Hungarians if only they want to. Just look at this Chad Orban consuming delicious vodka
The chairman of Social Justice.
Socialists, every time.
Absolute neocon trash that has said and done nothing against mass immigration immigration.
Totally, user
>Slovak-Hungarian relationship
Slota is the eternal GOAT in this regard
>Už v roku 1248 jeden franský biskup sa po návšteve Karpatskej kotliny čudoval, ako mohol pán Boh dať takú krásnu krajinu takým škaredým ľuďom. Myslel tým starých Maďarov, lebo to boli mongoloidné typy s krivými nohami a ešte hnusnejšími koňmi...
In the case of DSSS, it's about cheap populism to stir up the the rejects of the society. Being ruled by these retard would be no better than being ruled by the communists.
The absolute state of Antifa. Why do they always look like tramps?
>cheap populism
Populism implies saying popular things in order to receive popular support.
I dont think reintroducing medieval guilds is that popular idea.
Collective IQ of the entire DSSS member base is within single digits.
holy irony
Communism has at least put Eastern Europe under a permafrost. Trans-Atlantic liberalism is just welcoming moral decay, consumerism and degeneracy a la Antifa.
anybody else fantasize about turning a machine gun on the antifaggots? scum like that needs to be lined up against the wall.
Do you believe in democracy? Because if you do you have no right to use that word as a pejorative.
Well, you can count Svobodní to the likes of UKIP, but that's not enough with 1,7% in elections. Fuck SPD, Rozner is love though
,>Any chance of actually getting Svobodní past 5% is now gone forever due to them commiting sudoku by getting rid of Mach
rip the only halfway decent czech political party
>neo-nazis are attacking and provoking the nationalists
not yet. wait another 4 years
he could meme like no other
They sound metal as fuck screaming white power, I don't see the problem Jafar
This unironically
yeah shit like that would make me sooo comfy user
>based slavs buying Renault