You're about to go on a date with Revy, where do you take her?
You're about to go on a date with Revy, where do you take her?
North Korea
Gun Range
to my favourite local bar and get shitfaced on Islay whisky while playing ludo.
She might enjoy wrestling matches, but too bad that wrestling as of now is too goofy and less 'hardcore'
I dunno if she would like an mma fight though.
You could take her to a rock show instead
love hotel
.tfw Mo more Black Lagoon chapter because the author fall in the Isekai meme
to a stripclub
Police station so she can relive some good memories.
Submission fetish, huh?
Good man
>dude anime only scenes lmao
what? I thought it was supposed to resume in may
change of plans.
Citation needed
More info please, I can't find shit
would do the same, if there would be any in my country (altough, technically there is one in my city, but there are only airguns allowed)
You're wrong
She might gauge out your eyes if you remember her how much fun she had with cork guns
A net cafe. So we can watch time implode together.
A street corner.
You know, for nostalgia.
ok, maybe she will like that then
(but user, the gun range in my village don't use cork ammo)
Oh fuck you.
Lets say I beat the hell out of Rock, how long till Revy kills me?
Literally not even canon
Pretty quickly. Especially now that she's going dere for Rock and not even denying that he's her man.
Too bad she's getting cucked
The bowling alley.
Nah, even the chink now knows. Especially after her little talk with Revy.
Super quick, unless he deserved it
I'd much rather date the Russian with the sexy scars.
>dating a woman who has an entire squad of elite Russians constantly watching over her
>dating a woman who is so fearsome and powerful that you would be picked apart in the most gruesome fashion possible if you did anything to even remotely upset her
>He wouldn't like the challenge.
I'd rather not be in a relationship where one mistake means I'm tortured to death by the Russian Mafia.
>He wouldn't utilize his own military training to escape if needed.
If you're French fry's boy toy you just have to keep her satisfied in bed and be loyal, and if she thinks your cute you've got nothing to worry about. Fringe benefits include access to all the slavboo guns and militaria you can dream of, "Sofi-kun I've always wanted a VSS, my birthday is next month"
If you came inside would Revy be mad?
Not if she was ovulating, then it's all dere-dere.
The correct answer is a dive bar but I'd probably go somewhere safe to eat out of fear. I'd rather she get bored and leave then get caught up in a fight or whatever else.
>dive bar
beat me to it
>Not backing her up and fighting as well.
I bet you want gentle, vanilla sex too, loser.
to Edgeistan
Big talk but Revy, or whatever she would get caught up in, would make most of you run crying back home if you don't end up maimed
Probably a park or something. She might enjoy playing with some the kids.
I'm much more of a Sawyer man, OP.
Her chink friend is better
Taiwanese, Ne~~~~
I sometimes ask myself, why not both?
It's the same shit senpai
I like Taiwanese girls better than big chink city or Hong Kong girls, they're better cooks and their grandparents told Mao to fuck off. Also Chinese characters don't say Ne~. And on a more /ak/ note my upper for my T91 (Taiwan's main service rifle) will be here in a few days.
Maid cafe.
I'm sure she's got a bit of Roberta PTSD.
I want to be balalaika's house husband.
I think kept man sounds better, no?
That sounds lewd. I like it
I was 6 episodes into black lagoon before I took a break from it. Revy just toggles god mode every time she fights and her entire character is just a soulless bitch. The black guy was pretty alright but almost never did anything noteworthy. Jew geek is barely a character, and the new guy is worthless.
Was the action really cool for it's time or something? It just seems so generic.
My fellow gentleman of superior taste.
The first arc is the weakest, Roberta's blood trail arc and the final arc where Hotel Moscow kicks everyone's ass are great but my favorite is the Greenback Jane arc. Season two and the later half of season one are where it gets good, you can't stop watching halfway through s1 and be surprised the characters haven't grown or evolved any.
Jane is a shitty pooinloo and Robertas anime arc is full of non canon anime only additions. Just read the manga
Roberta's blood trail is fine I read the viz and scan manga versions and there's nothing wrong with it. Now not once did I say the "maid to kill" s1 arc, and he's too fucking lazy to just finish watching a few more episodes he's not going to "just read the manga".
Blood trail has major character altering "additions" that aren't present in the manga.
That's nothing new for adaptions, we can go over that old argument until we're on our death beds. In this case it's not as bad as you make it sound, YES I'd recommend for anyone who even half likes Black Lagoon to read the manga asap it's at least a little better in every single way. But to say it's an overall bad adaptation is just retarded.
i dont date tobacco whore, sorry
I think both me and Revy can mutually agree that I should be seeing Sawyer instead.
Who I could go on a home date with, we could cook something together, can be fun.
One of those Axe throwing ranges.
So how are the T91 uppers anyway? They'd throw right onto any typical lower, right?
I'd probably give her the option of running away from her dangerous life, setting up some plan to feign her death so she can safely cut ties with the Russian mob.
If she said no we would get hammered somewhere and shoot some guns. Too hammered to even fuck. We would do this until we got good enough at it to fuck.
>>I bet you want gentle, vanilla sex too, loser.
>implying she would be very docile in bed because she doesnt know how to be intimate
In a riot.
An authentic lucha libre match then some shitty bar
She´s absolutely bonkers, that means we`ll go to a fucking therapist, what do you think?
>go to a therapist
>therapist will dislodge some suppressed memory
>she will go crazy and kill him
>afterwards she will cry and not come out of her bed
>implying I don´t find fucked up über-tsunderes with deeply seated insecurities sexy as fuck
>implying I wouldn´t be literally Rock-hard watching her slaughter that therapist
>implying I wouldn´t cuddle with her and softly comfort her afterwards, when she is crying in her bed
Revy is literally my dream woman, if you didn´t notice by now.
>implying I wrote that to make revvy look bad
I would hug and headpat all her worries away
You are my nigger, my nigger.
>blushes and gets stiff when "shot"
Does she have a death fetish or what?
So how many chapters will Hiroe put out before the next 3 to 4 year hiatus? I give it 3 chapters.
You're optimistic; I like that.
she only gets emberassed when rock finds her playing with children, she has fun before
i hope he at least finishes the arc. He stopped just as it got really interesting
Two things that don´t go together.
imagine cuddling her. She will slowly stop with sobbing and roll to face you with her tearstained face. You kiss her and she says her heart hurts like its going to burst and she doesnt know what to do.
looks like she's having fun
I think he's just lost interest in the series. In the last artbook he put out he had all these concepts of new stories that he was eager to put out.
Honestly the best thing he could do now is just try to wrap it up despite all the potential plot points that could still be visited like Dutch's past for example. Despite all the memes about Berserk, even Miura has a better track recored than Hiroe when it comes to releasing chapters.
Please stop user, my heart can only get so erect.
Moar pls?
No that can't happen. Mix SSRIs and meth into his drinks if it has to be, he has to finish this properly.
I honestly don't understand how he can prefer drawing porn to continuing this. Well, except that it probably pays better.
I'll take her to the used whore store and leave her.
>> Moar pls?
maybe later. Itty bitty busy now
I just want a chapter where Revy puts on her BDSM outfit again. Hiroe already drew this illustration for that LN, but I want to see more of shit like this. It gets my dick absolutely diamonds.
>tfw ywn have innocent fun with Revy
Why is she so perfect lads?
To my bed
>revy will never sit on you with her bare ass cheeks rubbing against yours
It's not fair.
Because she is sexy, dangerous, edgy and secretely cries herself to sleep every night, knowing she´ll never have the chance to be an innocent young woman living a happy life.
Essentially Asuka+guns+adult body+more edginess. It´s literally perfection.
>Essentially Asuka
except Revy's actually cool and wouldn't just yell at you all day for no reason like Asuka
later maybe. In the first few chapters she almost shot rock for no particular reason like three times
Ah yes? Tell that to Rock in the first ep, when she tries to gun him down without reason.
She is a huge bitch, a sexy, sexy one, but still a bitch. Accept it.
The key here is that she didn't though, Asuka's just PMSing nonstop whereas Revy's just violent.
>The key here is that she didn't though, Asuka's just PMSing nonstop whereas Revy's just violent.
Your point is? I love Asuka and Revy just like everyone else, but you really can´t compare them. Different archetypes, you know.
Anyways, there´s no reason to argue, both are truly Best Girls of there respective shows.