Yellow fever hate thread

Get a white woman you faggots.

Yellow fever fag arguments;

Other urls found in this thread:

White whomen are low IQ

White (((western))) women are trash.

So are hapas.

Benis in asia bagina gud, bud dond us foa kids :DDD:DD

White women are demented deeply indebted delusional scum that can simultaneously see themselves as the grand dames of Downton Abbey, their favorite fantasy jack off and nigger fucking coke sluts dressed like yeast infected street whores.

They all hate their fathers with a passion.

Asian women are made for White cock

This thread has already been rushed by jews.

Are you 12 or a Jew?

support this thread

race homogeneous is the best.

Just shitposting

racemixing is degenerate and only white women can make white babies.

white women are high IQ retard

Hwite women are disgusting hpv dumpsters.


nice memeflags btw

>brown eyes


So why you post a brown woman

take a good look in the mirror subhuman

Only beta males go for asian women
Asian women
>Boring and uncreative
>Can't joke
>Look like their male counterparts
>Look alien
>Smell weird
Why would anyone prefer asian women over fair and heavenly white women is beyond me

Brown eyes are perfectly fine. It's black ones you have to watch out for.

What a thrill...

White women are

>Fucked already10 nigger before meeting you
>Do drugs
>Drink Alcool
>Low IQ
>Stink like shit

This. So are any women accustomed to the west. Equally the guys fault for being thot enablers, whiteknight faggots and cucks.

another memeflag

this is really causing me to think

These threads are hilarious. You'll take whatever the fuck you can get. What pleasure do you get LARPing and posting pics of perfect girls that Chad is fucking atm

Don't try to understand the mind of cucks.

Asian women are easy mode. And you get the scraps anyhow.

>You'll take whatever the fuck you can get.

>girls that Chad is fucking atm
what are you an ugly fucking retard or something?

>Overweight roastie.

nice meme


i don't know they look pretty huwhite to me

OP is a One Post Wonder of a faggot.


what is makeup

>What is a dynamic IP
Low IQ low T yellow feverfag confirmed.

they are a white alternative who shared similar evolutionary trials as europeans. their society is similar with feudalism, honor and monogamy

got more english teacher stories?

I think I've only seen one really attractive slant eye in my entire life, mostly I don't see any slant eyes at all.

Stupid white goy can't get fuck from superior Japanese girl
Nobody want fuck white girl any more because they are fat and bitches
Your wife's kids will be black or Mexican hahahaha

All women have an unhealthy obsession with their ass and getting fucked, when no one is lusting for the hot sweaty ass they turn into feminists. Especially when it's cold clammy flabby ass with puffy piggy pussy

You are among the dregs of Japanese society. You think everybody likes you when in reality you are universally hated because you don't speak a work of Japanese.