
What exactly is it that we want?

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>what do we want?
them to go back


It's just nigger gibberish.

May as well take stock of what an orangutans chitters while your at the zoo.

It makes no matter.

They wuz kangs n shit after all.

pigs feet n chitlins

everything since blacks invented everything

The West kisses their ass. Their only “struggle” stems from their low IQs.

Same things all groups want, global recognition an ethnostate and billions of dollars in aid.

>black culture
Lol thats cute

They want European society but not its rule of law.


But what if the only thing I want is no blacks?

Go back to Africa then.

>they want our cilture bot not our struggle
someone should write a book about that struggle... i wonder what the title should be

Some bullshit about art and music, cause of the popularity of rap/hiphop/EDM

I don't consider it to be music, so whatever. I get what that user is implying but it's not true. Got my prog and math indimo to keep me happy.

It's true tho

>That authoritarian as fuck picture

Socialism is cancer

but the leaders of Asia, Africa and Middle East did try to conquer Europe

He even mongolic invasions? Crusades??

Niggers want to tell us what we can say and how we can dress.

Blacks didn't have the capability to invade Europe

They believe people actually want to touch their nasty nappy hair.
I also agree with this

We want them to caper and dance for our amusement, like trained animals.

Why would anyone want to be a nigger.

This nigress once got mad at me because I scored better her on a test. She claimed it wasn't fair because I have
>intelligence privilege

I'd never heard something so stupid.

Isn't that what professional sports are?

yes i really wish my culture was about rap music, eating kfc and gang banging

> intelligence privilege


that is coming when all the intelligence genes are discovered tho

Pretty much, sports are low tier user.


Negroes have no culture.

it's not their culture. It wasn't just blacks. trying to claim everything as usual.

Only thing I want is for them to go back to Africa.

>They want our culture
But.. that's specifically what we don't want?


>Waiting for evidence to administer privilege.

Who the fuck fights someone twice their mass without a gun. Fucking stupid.

I was thinking more along the lines of rap/hiphop culture. You know, like what the pic probably means.

>they want our culture

Why would I want to get rid of my father?

Weaves WIC a section eight.
Oh wait.

Get that corn off that nigger, Corn is from this Continent, niggers only have zika burgers.

Struggle? As in fighting and dying in the most brutal wars ever? Getting enslaved? Dying to diseases in the million? Being the 99% of fucker getting mentally and bodily destroyed because of the industrialization? Everything I said applies to whites but hey we sinned the moment we tried to bring modernity to this apes.

Nigger intelligence.

if you're a nigger and you just do what you're told you can have a comfy life in a government job at the dmv pissing off white people all day. the achievement bar for niggers is so low it's laughable. there's some bullshit saying that '90% of life is just showing up' and it's literally only true if you're a nigger. if you show up to shit and you're a nigger everyone is amazed. for the rest of us it is expected.

Yeah but your ancestors stole her ancestors' intelligence so it's your fault she's dumb and you should pay reparations by giving back the intelligence you stole.

Black people.
Also being a fat ass doesn't mean you can beat up a 180 pound boxer.

>Our culture

Why are American blacks always meming on this so hard? They don't seem to refer to their African-American culture, but rather something that predates that.. But by very definition, African Americans don't actually know what their culture was before being brought to America. So what gives?

>Japan had to convinced to invade and colonize countries in general

stop listening to the radio, stop using spotify, pandora, bandcamp, soundcloud. Start using your head again. Actually the most important thing here is that you IGNORE ELECTRONIC MUSIC. All of it is bad and influenced by those aspects of culture I detest.

Aquafresh friend, even Africans hate african-americans (niggers).

>Wearing a diaper on your head sponge culture.
That's OK. You keep it.

The funny thing is that North Africans did most of the shit he’s saying, but euros got fed up with it and threw their swarthy asses into the sea after putting up with it for so long. You’d think someone so obsessed with thinking their ancestors were North African would know about the Barbary Slave trade, and about the other side of the fucking crusades.

>Some bullshit about art and music, cause of the popularity of rap/hiphop/EDM
EDM is mostly white guys fucking off on their computers. rappers are lucky that EDM fags sample their shit. i feel like the rap shit is going to die out soon though.

its sort of a struggle to have a low IQ but more of a struggle to have to live around everyone with low IQs as well. imagine living in an area where everyone is retarded. I wouldnt want to do that.

Nobody except crazy SJWs and coalburners want their "culture".

Their "culture" will be long forgotten once this lovey dovey race fad is done.

As for their "struggle", until they give up their privilege and their gibs, they can STFU about "struggle".

Moot point, even if the nigger was a white I'd have the same response. If a person is bigger then you. Use a gun. Physical confrontation is stupid.

I know. You say even, but I'd say 'especially'.. I just wonder what it is they're meming on, and especially what exactly it is that 'the white man' allegedly wants to 'take' from them?

don't use any of that. listen to the radio some times. every once in a while there is an ok song. you have to really search to find music now but i just use the internet.

If you use a MPD, Synth, whatever. It's nigger shit. It's bad.


we want their culture ? uuhhhh..no

One could argue that unintented irony is humor and therefore culture as well.


>African leaders
Nbebe Ubunti of tribe click click probably did not have the Navy necessary for that though


>being magnetically attracted to your "oppressors"

just fucking leave already if the charity of whites is so horrible you ungrateful murderous apes

Welfare, probably.


You have to search, user. you'd be better off not using the Internet at all. Interact with your local community. If you really want to be pure, only listen traditionalist instrumentalists and singers. Anything outside of that can be included as part of 'black culture'.

Without their "struggle" they would have no culture. They should thank us.

>just fucking leave already
They'll never do this. For all their fucking whining they know how shitty it is in the "motherland" and deep down they're grateful that their ancestors were shipped over here. None of them would ever admit that, though.

Next time they bark abou muh struggle, remind them of ethimology of the word "slave"

I was reading the thing thinking it will be a gotcha thing about Muslim slavers raid on the Mediterranean shores and their various occupations of European lands across history and then I realized that guy was unironic.

Nah, that's a thing. Africans always find it surprising when American blacks visit. In a general sense they assume Americans hate them. (which is seemingly true)

damn, that fucking chimp

gas the chimpanzeees when?

I dont get it. Arent they proud of their heritage? Why do they shit on themselves so hard? Do they just have this constant inferiority complex thing on that they don't realize?


>Run low on cash
>Ask friend for help
>"Hey man, can I borro-"
>He pulls out a gun
>Right before I'm about to die his twin brother appear
>Guns down my executioner
>Drives off before I can thank him
>Only heard a mumble about nigga being a fool wearing a blue shirt on his turf
>Go home
>Post story on Sup Forums

Their culture is not my culture, culture is something they don't understand because if they did they would be ashamed of what their lands and people cultivated,
They are not even ashamed of the way they hold life in contempt here and in their won homelands...
Eventually we are going to have to into Africa and straighten this all out...
Its not so much a clash of civilisations more or less its civilised people stopping the uncivilisable..

Yeah, white people want to trade our culture (pizza, houses built out of materials other than mud, art, music, clothes not made out of bones, civilisation)

for their culture (chasing animals and living in a mud hut wearing skins and eating other people)

i know some niggers with moderate income and they LOVE travelling abroad. one nigger was telling me how him an his nigger buddies were going to japan because everyone will think he's rich. no plans for sightseeing. no plans for eating good food. the entire point of the trip appeared to be wrapped up in making japanese people wonder how a pack of niggers got enough money to travel to japan.

People like that do because the constantly watch white people.

This would actually be quite irritating if there were even a tiniest bit of believeability, much less truth, involved here but, no.

An "A" for effort would be awarded but reality doesn't hand out "he waz kangs and tried real hard" awards so try again.

>U luv are cultre
>I bet you just want to touch my nappy hair
I want nothing more than for every ooga booga nigger song to be wiped from existence
I actually enjoy going out dancing but niggers, as per usual, ruin everything even when they aren't present.

What culture? Twerking and stealing?

This and when that contradiction destroys itself and they go back to pre civilization they won't mind either
The only people that lose out are us

Not nigger music

>white colonialism created the african slave trade.fakenews
except african kings created the african slave trade, not whites. white culture ended slavery, the opposite of what this uneducated nigger is proposing. it has existed for over 4000 years, before white people even got their shit together. white colonization did not create the african slave trade, african kings created it thousands of years ago as the cornerstone of economic power (african slave trade was the lowest common denominator of economic power in africa). jews primarily bought and traded the slaves, putting them on jewish boats and reselling them all over the world. black people are going to need to accept responsibility for their actions, the more they blame white folk for what the jews did the worse off race relations will be.


Is this an admission that blacks really hate their own color?

Must know some autistic dudes user. I know some financially well off negroids as well user, they only leave the country to make money (gospel/CCM scene). I definitely believe you though. Rich kids, especially minorities are extremely disconnected from reality, selfish, narcissistic. It's fucking disgusting.

is this the year of leafs not posting like shit?!

sounds like nigger music to me, even uses the same production methods.

I've never heard of anyone wanting to go live in a mudhut in africa and live off handmedowns from the west. Not even niggers want that.

Wait. So these niggers are just wasting money traveling to Japan to show off their "swag?"
That is probably one of the most retarded things I have ever heard about someone doing.

Agreed, alternative sports professionals do stuff like this frequently. Travelling outside of your 'own' for any reason other then financial gain is yard grease type shit.

>>intelligence privilege
me either.....

What struggle?
Getting their fat asses down to the mailbox to collect their state funding?
Then spending it all on kfc and ugly basketball shoes?

Black people want the easy way out, which is understandable, but in exchange they are not willing to accept their own problems that exist in the black community. they want you to know about their "struggle" or story, yet they don't want you to look at the entire picture. the crime, the murders, etc

das write, green is yo colo brothe

For niggers to go back to Africa